


Enabling permanent CO2 storage – for a bright future of all generations on our planet.


Limiting global warming to safe levels will only be possible by globally deploying carbon removal (CDR) solutions at the scale of billions of tons of CO2. Neustark is a leading provider in this rapidly growing field, having developed a solution to permanently store CO2 from the air in recycled mineral waste such as demolished concrete. Our first solutions have been deployed in Switzerland and Europe and are already leading to a significant removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. We are currently substantially scaling up our operations and impact. By 2030, we aim to remove and store permanently one million tons of CO2 every year. Founded in 2019, neustark AG is based in Berne, Switzerland, and is a team of around 30 people (as per beg 2023). Together, we enable permanent CO2 storage for a bright future of all generations on our planet.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Carbon Removal, Biomass with Carbon Removal and Storage, BiCRS, CCS, Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage , BECCS, Concrete, Mineralization, Recycled concreate und CDR


Beschäftigte von neustark


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    The challenge of #carbonremoval and reduction 🌍 Robert Höglund’s latest blog paints a stark picture: we must remove billions of tons of #CO2 annually to keep global warming within 1.5°C - if at all. 🌳 The numbers are daunting, but they highlight an 🚨 urgent 🚨 truth: removing #emissions alone won't solve the problem. That's why it's important to have separate targets for CDR and emissions reductions, to ensure that we actually start building CDR capacity 📈 in parallel to reducing emissions. 📉 That said, we cannot use future #CDR as an excuse to take it easy on emission reductions today! ♻️ There's one sentence in particular that stuck with us, and that fits well with the neustark vision: "Future generations will decide if they want to use their resources to reduce temperatures, but we should do all we can to make their problem as small as possible." 👩👩👧👧💚 #ourtodayisyourtomorrow Dive into the full analysis and learn more here: 📖

    How much carbon will we need to remove?

    How much carbon will we need to remove?

  • Unternehmensseite von neustark anzeigen, Grafik

    21.522 Follower:innen

    #Nachhaltigkeit 🌳 + Innovation 💡 = Papieri-Areal in Biberist ♻️ Mit über 260'000 m² Fläche ist das Areal ein Vorzeigebeispiel für nachhaltige #Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen. 🏗️ Warum? Der Grossteil des Areals wird rückgebaut, der #Abbruchbeton vor Ort recycelt, mit der Technologie von neustark mit #CO2 angereichert, und direkt anschliessend für den Neubau, oder Projekte in der Umgebung wiederverwendet. Einen exklusiven Blick hinter die Kulissen gibt es im Video unten. 📽️👇🏼

    Unternehmensseite von BETONSUISSE anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔄 Nachhaltigkeit trifft auf Innovation: Das Papieri-Areal in Biberist 🔄 Das Papieri-Areal in Biberist (SO), eines der grössten Entwicklungsgebiete des Kantons mit über 260'000 m² Fläche, steht für moderne Arealentwicklung und Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen. Wo fast 150 Jahre das berühmte Biber-Wasserzeichen auf Papier gedruckt wurde, entstehen heute neue Chancen für Industrie, Gewerbe und Kultur. Ein spannender Aspekt: Beton im Kreislauf. Teile der alten Tragstrukturen bleiben erhalten, während andere vor Ort rückgebaut, zerkleinert und mit CO2 angereichert werden. Das recycelte Material wird direkt vor Ort für den Neubau oder Projekte in der Nähe wiederverwertet. Ein Video von Vigier und Alluvia zeigt den Rückbau und die CO2-Speicherung in Aktion in Biberist. Das Papieri-Areal verbindet innovative Technologien mit einer historischen Kulisse. Neben neuen Gebäuden für Industrie und Gewerbe werden auch öffentliche Räume, Kulturveranstaltungen und nachhaltige Energiequellen wie die Wasserkraft integriert. Die Anbindung an den ÖV sowie die Nähe zur Emme und Grünflächen machen das Areal ausserdem attraktiv für Naherholung. Wir freuen uns auf die spannende Weiterentwicklung dieses einzigartigen Projekts! #PapieriBiberist #Kreislaufwirtschaft #Beton #Nachhaltigkeit #CO2Speicherung #Arealentwicklung #Industrie4.0 #Vigier #Bauwirtschaft #CircularEconomy #CO2 #Beton #Bauen #Vigier #Alluvia Vigier Beton Vigier Holding AG alluvia Gruppe

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    What if we could permanently remove #CO2 from the atmosphere by storing it in the waste materials that are produced every day? 🔒 At neustark, we are doing just that: turning recycled materials into a sustainable #carbon sink. One of the solutions we use to do this, is our row dosing units. We currently have 5 of these systems in operation in Switzerland and Germany, with many more planned across Europe. 🌱 Interested in how these units help to achieve large-scale #carbonremoval? Scroll down 👇🏼 for a closer look at the system in action. Partners like HEIM-Gruppe, alluvia Gruppe, Vigier Beton, and Holcim Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera are already part of the solution. 🚀 Whether you're looking for something stationary or semi-mobile, large or small, we have the solutions to meet your needs. Are you ready to join us in removing tons and tons of CO2 for a #sustainable future? 🌍 Learn more about our solutions:

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    Letzte Woche hatten wir die Ehre, Danilo Obradovic, Leiter Qualitätswesen & Betonlabor in der alluvia Gruppe, bei einem unserer inspirierenden Learning Lunches zu begrüssen. 🥗 Danilo gewährte uns spannende Einblicke in die Welt des Opus caementicium*, der modernen #Betonherstellung, sowie in die innovativen Recycling- und Karbonatisierungsprozesse im täglichen Betrieb. 🪨 Besonders beeindruckend war zu erfahren, was mit karbonatisiertem Betongranulat alles möglich ist und wo es bereits eingesetzt wird! 👷🏽♂️ Hier einige spannende Projekte, bei denen karbonatisierter #Beton von unseren #CO2-Speicheranlagen in Rubigen und Biberist zum Einsatz kommt: 🏗️ Bern, Burgernziel: 🏗️ Bern, Wankdorf: 🏗️ Bern, Bethlehem: Es war grossartig zu sehen, wie unser Betongranulat vom Abbruch bis zur Wiederverwendung eine echte #Kreislaufwirtschaft durchläuft. ♻️ Welche Herausforderungen und Potenziale karbonatisierter #RC-Beton noch bietet? 🚧 Folgt uns auf LinkedIn und bleibt gespannt – schon bald teilen wir weitere spannende Insights! *Na, wer weiss, was das ist? 🤓

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  • Unternehmensseite von neustark anzeigen, Grafik

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    How can we permanently remove #CO2 while simultaneously enhance construction materials? 🪄 At neustark, we've developed a solution which captures biogenic CO2 and stores it in recycled concrete, turning mineral waste streams into a valuable carbon sink. This time, we’re looking at our silo systems, which are a key part of this process. With 8 silo units already in operation and more on the way, we're growing fast! 🏗️ Curious? Take a closer look below 👇🏼 to see how they work. 🚧 If you are a #recycler looking to turn your mineral waste into a CO2 sink, we have just the #technology that can be integrated into your operations. From small to large setups, with or without foundations, we've got a solution to suit your site. Partners such as Marti AG, Bauunternehmung, JURA Materials, and Meyer-Spinnler AG are already on board. Join us on our journey to remove 1 million tons of CO2 in 2030. 🌍 Learn more about our solutions:

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    21.522 Follower:innen

    We're constantly exploring how to optimize our technology and impact, as well as investigating other related paths of permanently storing #CO2. 🔬 But what are the ingredients for these pioneering research projects, you ask?   🧑🍳 Start by mixing innovation with a solid funding base – the EU funding scheme is perfect for this! Bring in the expertise of ETH Zürich and neustark for permanent #carbonremoval. Don't forget to sprinkle in some Luca Tschurtschenthaler and Johannes Tiefenthaler – their scientific brilliance will make sure everything rises to the occasion. 😉 Let it simmer into Project ACCSESS – a true masterpiece of innovation and cutting-edge technology! 🚀   See below one of our current projects demonstrating alkaline industrial waste recarbonation, aka indirect carbonation. ♻️🌱

    Unternehmensseite von Project ACCSESS anzeigen, Grafik

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    ACCSESS is currently working on an innovation that uses mineral residues and CO2 emitted from industrial processes to produce high purity calcium carbonate. This technology has the potential to reduce industrial CO2 emissions while creating value for industrial actors through the production of calcium carbonate, and contributing to managing their waste. We spoke to Antonio Gasós, PhD candidate at ETH Zürich's Separation Processes Laboratory under Prof. Dr. Marco Mazzotti to find out more 👉 This innovation is a collaboration between neustark and ETH Zürich, led by Marco Mazzotti. You can find out more on the ACCSESS website 👉 Johannes Tiefenthaler, Luca Tschurtschenthaler

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  • Unternehmensseite von neustark anzeigen, Grafik

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    Climate Group's New York Climate Week is just around the corner... And this year, neustark will be there too! And we're looking forward to meeting new and old faces, having meaningful discussions and tackling climate change together. Lisa Braune and Christoph Kisker will be in New York from 23rd - 27th of September. Want to meet for a coffee and discuss how we can join forces to scale up #carbonremoval and drive #decarbonization? ♻️🚀 Reach out to them directly or drop us a DM to arrange a meeting. 📬We're looking forward to seeing you soon! Together, let's speed up progress towards concrete #climateaction. For a bright future for all generations on our planet. 🌍 #newyorkclimateweek

  • Unternehmensseite von neustark anzeigen, Grafik

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    Let's take a minute to highlight the incredible #womenpower in the CDR industry, driving decarbonization around the world. 🌍 It's been a busy week, with many of our neustark ambassadors out and about, trying to raise awareness of carbon removal to ensure progress towards #netzero by 2050. ♻️🚀 Here are some of our highlights from the past week... 👉🏼 Lisa Braune advising existing and new buyers at Carbon Unbound in London, focusing on how to finance scaling up #carbon removal 📈 👉🏼 Joana Vieira Duarte sharing the science behind our process at the Carbfix Mineralization Summit in Reykjavik - and visiting our partner's geological storage sites 🪨 👉🏼 Sophie Dres at the Handelsblatt event in Düsseldorf, talking about how we can drive the decarbonization of the industry and create the necessary framework 🌿 It's great to see so much momentum in the industry. Event better is getting out of the office to connect with our peers and explore how we can join forces and scale #carbonremoval across all industries - already today! 📢 Neustark is on the road, so if you'd like to catch up, drop us a DM and we'll coordinate a meeting at one of the upcoming events in New York, Paris, London, or Berlin.

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  • Unternehmensseite von neustark anzeigen, Grafik

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    Moin Köln! 👋🏼 And a very warm welcome to our ever-growing team in Germany! 🇩🇪 Shortly after opening our first international office in #Cologne back in January, we were lucky enough to welcome some talented new team members to the neustark family. There were a few weeks where each of our newjoiners enjoyed having their own office… 👩🏼💻 Now the desks are filling up fast! Today we're already counting 13 people who are part of our fantastic #team. 🌎 Do you want to join this fun, diverse, and impact-driven bunch of people on our exciting journey to remove 1 million tons of #CO2 - and maybe their next boat trip on the Rhein? ⛵ Check out our current job openings, we're always looking to expand our team and strengthen our footprint in Germany. 🚀 Why? Because the potential is immense! There are hundreds of thousands of tons of mineral waste material to store CO2, and huge goodwill to drive #decarbonization, today. 🌱 How about applying for… 🖇️ Senior Account Executive for Carbon Storage Solutions DACH (80-100%): 🖇️ Head of Policy (80-100%): 🖇️ Business Development Representative (Deutsch Muttersprachler/in) (80-100%): Stay tuned... And feel free to drop by for a ☕ and enjoy one of the best office views in Cologne! 🌇

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  • Unternehmensseite von neustark anzeigen, Grafik

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    What do you see? A mount of waste, a pile of greyish rocks? 🪨 That's what we asked you when we first teased our Tedx talk. Anna Haas says: a heap of opportunity! 🏗️ We say: a powerhouse of a woman, driving the #decarbonization of the construction industry with full force!💃🏻 To limit global warming, we must drastically reduce emissions. 🌿 Even with deep cuts, some emissions will remain. It is these residual emissions that we need to address with carbon dioxide removal. 📽️ Watch the video below and find out how we can approach durable #CDR in neustarks compelling #TEDxZurich talk. Thanks again for hosting us TEDxZurich and giving #climatetech a prime platform to show how we can reach #netzero. Psst, spoiler alert: by turning the world's largest waste stream, demolition concrete, into a carbon sink - now! 🌏🚀 Last but not least, hats off to Anna for your amazing performance. You truly have made us very #neuproud 👏🏼🥳 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

    Turning the world’s largest waste stream into a CO2 sink | Anna Haas | TEDxZurich

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