


Stadtkreis 8 Riesbach, Zurich 2.589 Follower:innen

Bürgschaften für Schweizer Firmen, deren Produkte eine nachhaltige Verminderung von Treibhausgasemissionen ermöglichen.


Mit dem Technologiefonds fördert der Bund Innovationen, die Treibhausgase oder den Ressourcenverbrauch reduzieren, den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien begünstigen und die Energieeffizienz erhöhen. Bürgschaften erleichtern es innovativen Unternehmen, Darlehen aufzunehmen. Der Bund kann Darlehen an Unternehmen verbürgen, die neuartige Produkte und Verfahren zur Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen, zum Einsatz von erneuerbaren Energien und zur Schonung der natürlichen Ressourcen entwickeln und vermarkten. Diese Unternehmen erhalten bei positiver Beurteilung eine Zusicherung. Die Bürgschaft wird Banken oder anderen geeigneten Darlehensgebern gewährt. Zur Deckung der Bürgschaftsausfälle fliessen maximal CHF 25 Millionen pro Jahr aus den Erträgen der CO2-Abgabe in einen Technologiefonds.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Stadtkreis 8 Riesbach, Zurich
Mitigation of climate change, Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Promotion of renewable energies, Conservation of natural resources, Innovative Swiss SME, Commercialization of technologies und Debt guarantees


  • Primär

    Bellerivestrasse 241

    Stadtkreis 8 Riesbach, Zurich 8008, CH


Beschäftigte von Technologiefonds


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    🙏 Swisspreneur … again great networking event with lots of inspiring scalup cruisers.

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    Another Scaleup Cruise under wraps 🎉 It was supposed to rain cats and dogs, but thankfully the weather decided to just be freezing cold instead 😅 The inside of the cruise was warm and toasty, though — and we had an amazing time listening to Wildfire co-founder Victoria Ransom talk about building company culture, with lots of actionable takeaways to take home. If you came, thanks for coming, and if you didn't, we hope to see you there next year 😉 🤝 Thanks to our event sponsors for making it all possible: propertiSIX, GoogleUBS and MLL Legal ❤️ Pictures: Lars - #swisspreneur #startup #entrepreneur #podcast #scaleupcruise #wildfire #cruise #network #networking #event #startupevent Alain Chuard Andreas Bächtold Ansuya A. Besfort Biljali Björn Fröhlich Cecília Sobral Christian Hirsig Dominique K. Helena Hlasova Merle Zur Nicola Flückiger Pascal Sollberger Robert Matthew Burke Samuel Marchant Silvan Krähenbühl Stefan Velikov Lars Stegmann Hyeyoung Eléonore S.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 Congratulations to all the winners and founders of the TOP100 Swiss Startup Awards #TOP100SSU!! And good to see that 5 of the 2024 TOP10 startups are in climate-tech! DePoly (winner 🏆), Corintis, Planted, Voltiris, Bloom Biorenewables and Flybotix. 🚀 But how to boost your business as change maker? The Technology Fund provides loan guarantees in an amount of up to CHF 3 million to innovative small and medium-sized entities (SME) whose products contribute to the mitigation of climate change. Environmental benefits can be achieved by: ✅ Reducing carbon emissions ✅ Improving energy efficiency ✅ Promoting renewable energies ✅ Conserving resources One example in the portfolio is Planted Foods SA “The Technology fund has helped us get access to non dilutive funding via senior debt at a very early stage. This was crucial and is a huge advantage versus much higher priced venture debt.” Christoph Jenny, cofounder Planted   Planted produces plant-based meat with only natural ingredients focusing on meaty texture and bite. The Zurich foodtech ETH spin-off was founded in 2019. The award- winning company’s pioneering work takes an innovative approach by combining proprietary extrusion as well as fermentation technology, thereby making a sustainable contribution to the environment. With this, Planted significantly helps conserving resources. Is the Technologiefonds also right for your project? To find out use the online pre-check on our website or put your name on the guestlist for our next info webinar on October 3, 2024, 13.00 We look forward to hearing from you. #co2reduction #KMU #Swissstartups #climatetech

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌿 Wie können aus innovativen Ideen konkrete Klima-Lösungen werden?🌿 Bekanntlich zählen Verkehr, der Gebäudesektor, die Industrie und die Landwirtschaft zu den Hauptquellen der CO2-Emissionen der Schweiz. Erfreulich👏. Bereits über 130 innovative KMU im Portfolio des Technologiefonds ermöglichen mit ihren neuartigen Produkten und technologischen Lösungen einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Verminderung von Treibhausgasemissionen. So konnte das Portfolio z.B. seit 2015 rund 8.7 Millionen Tonnen Co2 einsparen. Lesen Sie mehr dazu auch im aktuellen Beitrag im Magazin CEO Fokus "Grüne Innovation" - sie finden den Link unter Presse auf unserer Webseite. 💡 Passt der Technologiefonds auch zu Ihrem Projekt? Der Technologiefonds gewährt Bürgschaften bis zu CHF 3 Mio. an Schweizer Unternehmen, die mit ihrer Technologie einen positven Umweltnutzen erreichen. Nutzen Sie den online-Check auf der Website. Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen auch im nächsten kostenlosen Info- Webinar am 3. Oktober 2024, 13.00 Uhr. Anmeldung unter Events. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme. Susanne Seitz #co2reduction #kmu #startups #cleantech

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

    2.589 Follower:innen

    Did you know, that already over 130 Swiss companies in our portfolio help reduce carbon emissions and save resources in a wide variety of ways? Cumulatively since 2015, this results in an estimated saving of 8.7 million metric tonnes of Co2. To put this in perspective, one single tonne of CO2 is equivalent to approx. 3'300 kilometers with a petrol car. 🌱 With your innovative product, will you be one of our next change makers in the portfolio? The companies supported by the Technologiefonds are significantly benefiting the environment i.e. by ✅ Reducing carbon emissions ✅ Improving energy efficiency ✅ Promoting renewable energies ✅ Conserving resources One example is Libattion AG, a company focused on producing more sustainable lithium batteries to enhance the circular economy of used lithium batteries from electric vehicles. Their modular e-Racks can be utilized for storing excess energy from renewables, as well as providing peak shaving and ancillary services for industries. Additionally, Libattion AG offers software that optimizes energy use in buildings and industries. Through the Cloud Battery Platform, customers gain access to precise, real-time data, enabling more efficient energy management. This innovation plays a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions. 💡 As Stefan Bahamonde, CEO at Libattion AG, stated, “The Technology Fund has been instrumental in helping us bring this innovative solution to market, significantly contributing to our goal of creating a more sustainable future.” Is the Technology Fund also right for your project? To easily find out just - use the online pre-check on our website or - register for our next info webinar on October 3, 2024. 13.00. We look forward to hearing from you. #co2reduction #KMU #Swissstartups #climatetech PS: The Technology Fund provides loan guarantees in an amount of up to CHF 3 million to innovative small and medium-sized entities (SME) whose products contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌱 Wie können Unternehmen auch in schwierigen Zeiten ihre innovativen Lösungen zur Verminderung von Treihausgasemissionen gezielter weiterentwickeln und kommerzialisieren?   🚀 Mit verbürgten Darlehen bis zu CHF 3 Mio. unterstützt der Technologiefonds (Förderinstrument des Bundes) Schweizer Unternehmen in der Wachstumsphase, d.h. es geht hier nicht mehr um vage Ideen und Konzepte.   💡 Hier ein Beispiel: Portfoliounternehmen OceanSafe   Das Technologieunternehmen OceanSafe entwickelt synthetische Alternativen zu herkömmlichen Textilmaterialen wie Polyester. Diese Materialen sind biologisch abbaubar, kreislauffähig, recycelbar, emittieren kein persistentes Mikroplastik und beinhalten keine toxischen Substanzen. Die Emission von C02 und der Verbrauch von Wasser werden dadurch gegenüber herkömmlicher Produktion massiv reduziert.   Was braucht es, um vom Technologiefonds unterstützt zu werden? Nutzen Sie z.B. den online Vorab-Check auf unserer Website oder besuchen Sie unser nächstes Info-Webinar am 3. Oktober 2024, 13.00 Uhr (Anmeldung unter Events auf der Website).   Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme. #co2reduction #cleantech #innovation

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

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    Did you know, that the companies supported by the Technologiefonds are significantly benefiting the environment? Last year, each portfolio company saved around 14’000 metric tonnes of CO2 equivalents on average. One example in our portfolio is SmartHelio — Predictive Solar Software 💡 SmartHelio is a fast-growing solar software company based in Lausanne. They have developed an intelligent software to keep solar plants healthy and generate more clean energy using predictive analytics. Known as the Doctors of the Solar Plants, they got recognised in 2022 as “Best for the world” by B-Corporation institute for its high contribution to the environment and impact on CO2 reduction. With this, SmartHelio significantly helps promoting solar energy and accelerating its adoption worldwide. How can the Technology Fund support? 🔉 “The Technology Fund provided the crucial financial support and stability we needed to scale our operations.” Govinda Upadhyay, CEO and Founder of SmartHelio. 🌳 The Technology Fund provides loan guarantees in an amount of up to CHF 3 million to innovative small and medium-sized entities (SME) whose products contribute to the mitigation of climate change. Where can environmental benefits be achieved: ✅ Reducing carbon emissions ✅ Improving energy efficiency ✅ Promoting renewable energies ✅ Conserving resources Is the Technology Fund also right for your project? 👉 Use the online pre-check on our website to find out 👉 register now for our next info webinar on October 3, 2024, 1pm or 👉 contact our team We look forward to hearing from you. #co2reduction #KMU #Swissstartups #climatetech

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌱 Wir gratulieren unseren über 130 Schweizer Change Makern in unserem Portfolio. Mit Ihren innovativen Technologien leisten sie einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Umweltnutzen. Passt der Technologiefonds auch zu Ihrem nachhaltigen Projekt? Der Technologiefonds gewährt Bürgschaften bis zu CHF 3 Mio. an Schweizer Unternehmen, deren neuartige Produkte eine nachhaltige Verminderung von Treibhausgasemissionen ermöglichen. Informieren Sie sich hier über den Ablauf und die Kriterien z.B. - auf der Website (auch in EN/FR/IT) - mit dem online Vorab-Check (Fragen zur Erfüllung der Kriterien) - im nächsten Info-Webinar mit Q&A am 3. Oktober 2024, 13.00 Uhr Anmeldungslink separat im Kommentar oder kontaktieren Sie unser Team direkt bei Fragen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie. #co2recuction #cleantech #kmu #startups

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

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    👉 Did you know that the Technologiefonds finances companies that reduce carbon emissions and save resources in a wide variety of ways? Environmental benefits can be achieved by: ✅ Reducing carbon emissions ✅ Improving energy efficiency ✅ Promoting renewable energies ✅ Conserving resources 🌱 The companies supported by the Technology Fund are significantly benefiting the environment: last year, each portfolio company saved around 14’000 metric tonnes of CO2 equivalents on average. 🌍One example is Meteomatics AG  “The Technology fund helped us to expand our weather forecasting technology with new high-resolution weather models, which are extremely important to make renewable energies manageable and plannable. With our weather forecasting data, energy companies optimize the production and consumption of renewable energies, thus making RE more cost-effective. This helps to boost renewable energies across the globe and saves CO2”. Dr. Martin Fengler, CEO Meteomatics. 💡 About Meteomatics Meteomatics specializes in the very specific IT requirements of the weather, energy and trading sectors. Meteodrone, the in-house, patented weather drone, is a crucial tool in enabling accurate 24-hour forecasts. The Meteodrone collects data from ground level up to about 6 km above ground. This means that for the first time it is possible to directly record precise information on the temperature, humidity and wind in the lower atmosphere. With this, Meteomatics AG significantly helps reducing carbon emissions. 🌍 Is the Technology Fund also right for your project? To find out use the online pre-check on our website or put your name on the guestlist for our next info webinar on October 3, 2024. #co2reduction #KMU #Swissstartups #climatetech PS: The Technology Fund provides loan guarantees in an amount of up to CHF 3 million to innovative small and medium-sized entities (SME) whose products contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌱 Did you know that the Technologiefonds finances companies that reduce carbon emissions and save resources in a wide variety of ways? Environmental benefits can be achieved by:   ✅ Reducing carbon emissions ✅ Improving energy efficiency ✅ Promoting renewable energies ✅ Conserving resources   Innovation with impact: The companies supported by the Technology Fund are significantly benefiting the environment: - Last year, each portfolio company saved around 14'000 metric tonnes of CO2 equivalents on average. -  Cumulatively since 2015, this results in an estimated saving of 8.7 million metric tonnes of Co2. 💡 To put this in perspective, one single tonne of CO₂ is equivalent to approx. 3’300 kilometers with a petrol car. 👉 To find out more about our change makers in the portfolio or how you could apply to get funding with your innovative project, check out our website or register for our next free of charge info Webinar on 3 October 2024. We look forward to hearing from you. #co2reduction #startups #sme #cleantech

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  • Unternehmensseite von Technologiefonds anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Congratulations to our new portfolio company Picterra SA. The Technologiefonds team wishes Pierrick Poulenas and his team lots of success. Picterra’s cloud-native and no-code geoAI platform can uncover and verify ground truth from Earth imagery to help make a positive and meaningful impact on our planet. Picterra helps clients worldwide solve some of the most challenging geospatial problems to future-proof and scale their businesses and support a transition to a decarbonized economy. Find out more of our 130 portfolio companies on our website. 💡 If you would like to find out if the Technology Fund is also right for your project, - just use the online preliminary check on our website or - register for our next free of charge info webinar on October 3, 2024  Time: 12.00 – 13.00  We look forward to hearing from you. #c02reduction #innovation #startups 

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