


Shanghai,Yangpu District 3,499 位关注者

Connecting people and places to make the world work better.


欧艾斯于1901年在丹麦哥本哈根成立,是全球最大的设施管理服务公司之一。欧艾斯旨在推动服务绩效,帮助客户实现其愿景,并助力客户的工作环境更上一层楼。 欧艾斯在全球和中国本土提供广泛的设施管理服务。通过我们的全球优势、本土运营能力、支持结构以及先进的技术,欧艾斯可以熟练管理各种服务内容,包括设施管理服务、餐饮服务、技术服务、清洁服务、支持服务以及保安服务。

超过 10,001 人
Shanghai,Yangpu District
Integrated Facility Services、Facility Management、Property Services、Catering、Security、Education、Tailored Hard and Soft FM Solutions、Cleaning和Health and Hospital Support Services


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    No.1088 Xiangyin Road

    CN,Yangpu District,Shanghai,200433

  • 翔殷路1088号






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    Recently, Super Typhoon Yagi has had a serious impact on Hainan, Guangdong, and Guangxi in China, making it the strongest typhoon to land in China after Typhoon Rammasun in 2014. Yagi triggered secondary disasters such as floods and landslides, causing 1.227 million people to be affected to varying degrees.   During the period, multiple international schools in southern China serviced by ISS took emergency response actions. ISS's on-site teams actively cooperated with schools to carry out prevention, response, and aftermath to effectively ensure the safety of personnel, facilities and assets. Our team of an international school in Haikou, Hainan received warm praise from the client management with recognition of ISS’s dedication and perseverance in the extreme weather.   近日,超强台风“摩羯”对我国海南、广东、广西造成了严重影响,是继2014年“威马逊”之后登陆我国的最强台风。台风“摩羯”引发洪涝、山体滑坡等次生灾害,造成122.7万人不同程度受灾。为应对台风“摩羯”,ISS服务的多所位于华南地区的国际学校启动了应急响应机制,ISS驻场的校园设施管理和后勤保障团队积极配合,第一时间开展预防、应对和善后工作。在台风“摩羯”重创海南期间,ISS团队凭借丰富的极端天气应对策略,配合海口某国际学校有效保障人员、设施设备和资产安全,获得了客户的热烈褒奖。   #ISS #ISSChina #SchoolFacilityManagement #TyphoonYagi

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    For private high-end hospital sites, regular customized workshops are conducted to strengthen employees' abilities and facilitate feedback and improvement, which allows us to maintain high standards of service delivery and upgrade patient satisfaction. Recently, a service awareness workshop was held at one of the hospital sites in Shanghai, where all Placemakers on-site actively participated in various activities and games to explore how to ensure a warmer hospital experience. 在对现场服务标准有着更高要求的高端私立医院项目中,通过定期举行定制化的培训和交流活动,不断强化员工的实践能力、反馈意识和改进精神,有助于我们保持高标准的自主交付品质,提高患者及家属对医院非临床服务的满意度。近日,在ISS欧艾斯服务的上海某高端私立医院项目点,我们展开了一场别开生面的“卓越服务大比拼”活动,全体成员积极参与各项比赛和互动游戏,共同探索如何为患者提供更温暖、专业的高端医疗后勤保障服务。 #ISS #ISSChina #PeopleMakePlaces #FacilityManagement #Healthcare

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    Recently, ISS China’s Safety License and Construction Level 2 Certificate has been extended to May 2026, underscoring our continued dedication to enhancing technical services in China. As market shifts and rising labour costs, ISS is committed to support companies through decoration, renovation, and civil engineering projects to refresh their spaces that support sustainability, boost efficiency, attract and retain top talent.  With a global presence and industry partnerships, ISS's technical teams bring a wealth of expertise, qualifications, and project management experience. We navigate the latest workplace trends, prioritize self-delivery, and strive to reduce costs and increase efficiency for our clients.   近日,ISS欧艾斯在中国持续强化其设施管理工程技术业务能力,成功续展建筑二级资质证书和安全许可证有效期到2026年5月。随着市场的变化和劳动力成本的上升,企业需要进行装修、改造、土建等工程项目,以满足最新空间需求的同时,支持其可持续发展议程,提高运营效率,吸引和保留人才。 依托全球平台和广泛的上下游合作关系,ISS欧艾斯的工程技术团队拥有专业人才、建筑资质和丰富的项目交付经验,使我们能够在工作场所日益演变的进程中洞察最新趋势,最大程度践行自主交付,为客户降本增效。 #ISS #ISSChina #PeopleMakePlaces #FacilityManagement #TechnicalServices

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    🌟 Happy Cleaners’ Day! 🌟   Today, we want to give a big, warm thank you to all the unsung heroes who keep our places spotless and welcoming! 🙌✨   July23rd is celebrated as the Cleaners’ Day in China. Cleaning work may seem insignificant, but it lights up every corner of the city's roads, buildings, schools, airports, and more. Their hard work and dedication make a huge difference in our daily lives. Let’s take a moment to show our appreciation for their incredible efforts! ❤️👏 🌟 清洁工日快乐!🌟   今天,让我们一起对所有默默付出的清洁工说一句感谢——谢谢你们,让环境清新宜人!🙌✨   7月23日是中国的清洁工日。清洁工作看似渺小,却点亮着城市道路、楼宇、学校、机场等每一个角落。正是他们的辛勤工作让我们的日常生活更加安心便捷。让我们一起向身边的清洁工们致敬:谢谢你,伟大的渺小!❤️👏 #CleanersDay #EverydayHeroes #MakingADifference #ISS #ISSChina #PeopleMakePlaces

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    Did you know that 78% of people think that creating a strong sense of belonging is a priority for their employer? Could your business do more to create a workplace facility that enables people to be comfortable and productive? ISS global new report: Unlocking S in ESG through people, places and partnerships delves into the context behind social sustainability and its impact in the workplace, as well as how your company can improve in this area and how we can help you on that journey. Download the free report now:   你知道吗?78%的职场人认为雇主应该将打造归属感作为优先事项。您的企业也正在为创建舒适、高效的工作场所努力着? ISS欧艾斯的最新报告《3步引爆ESG中的“S能量”》深入探讨了社会可持续性对员工和企业的影响、如何打造更具包容性的工作场所、以及如何应对实践中的挑战。 立刻点击,免费下载此份报告:   #ISSmakingAdifference #CompanyOfBelonging #DiversityAndInclusion

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    Recently, our client King’s School Shenzhen held a unique "Saving Our Planet Party". The on-site teams of Security, Cleaning and Technical keep playing their roles of ‘quiet guardians’ to conscientiously ensure the smooth progress of the event, allowing children to explore the fun of nature in a healthy, comfortable and enjoyable environment, and assisting the school in cultivating their awareness of climate change as well. 近日,深圳市前海国王国际学校幼教部举办了一场别开生面的 “拯救地球派对”,ISS欧艾斯的保安、保洁和工程团队仍然以守护者的角色,默默无闻、又兢兢业业地确保了活动的顺利进行,让孩子们在健康、舒适、愉悦的环境下尽情探索自然之趣,协助校方培养他们对气候变化和环境保护的意识。 #ISS #ISSChina #Peoplemakeplaces

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    Creating a culture of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging has become a critical aspect of many large companies' ESG initiatives, with the advancement of women's careers within the organization being a key metric. At this year's IFMA conference, Allen Kooi, Director of Production-based at ISS China, was invited to chair the “Women Leadership in FM” panel discussion, joined by CRE, administration and HR leaders from world-renowned brands. The discussion delved into the myriad benefits, profound impacts, and diverse developmental opportunities available to women within the Facility Management (FM) sector. Through the sharing of personal experiences and an open exchange of innovative ideas, the panelists explored pathways to empower women and highlighted the collective strides being made towards gender balance in the industry.   持续建立多元与包容的文化已成为许多大型企业推动ESG进程的重要环节,促进组织内女性的职业发展是其中一个衡量指标。本届IFMA大会上,ISS工厂类事业部总监Allen Kooi受邀主持女性FM职业发展论坛,与来自国际知名零售业、汽车和奢侈品公司的CRE、行政及人事相关负责人共同探讨女性在设施管理行业中的发展优势、影响力和成长建议,通过分享自身经历交流、探索职业发展的多元可能,小组成员探讨了赋权女性的途径,并强调了了过去几年FM行业在性别平等方面所取得的进步。 #ISS #ISSChina #ESG #DIB #Genderbalance 

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    As announced on 30 May, ISS won the IFMA China Best Occupational Health and Safety Award Champion, marking its second win after claiming the same honor in 2020. This award focuses on several dimensions, including policy statement, management commitment, roles and responsibilities, training, planning and effectiveness. Among numerous facility management projects, ISS got the first prize for its outstanding performance in supporting a world-renowned toy company's manufacturing plant in Jiaxing.   A company's health and safety management brings vitality to the workplace. Based on a deep understanding of client groups' occupational health and safety management standards and years of extensive experience and insights, ISS has built a solid HSE management system for various client projects in Office-based, Production-based, Education and Healthcare, facilitating health and well-being in the workplace. 在5月30日揭晓的IFMA2023年度获奖名单中,ISS欧艾斯喜获最佳职业健康安全奖冠军,这也是继2020年度问鼎后,欧艾斯再度斩获此项殊荣。该奖项重点关注HSE管理政策和制度、管理承诺、角色和责任、培训、计划和有效性几个维度,在众多入围的设施管理项目中,ISS凭借服务的世界知名玩具公司嘉兴制造工厂项目的优异表现摘得桂冠。   企业的职业健康和安全管理为工作场所持续加满活力和能量,ISS欧艾斯基于对客户集团在职业健康安全管理方面高标准的理解和长年积累的综合经验及洞察,为办公室类、工厂类、教育、医疗等多个领域客户项目点打造坚实的HSE管理体系,促进其工作场所健康与福祉。 #ISS #ISSChina #IFMAChina #HSE

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    The FM Tech and Green Transformation Conference was recently held in Shanghai. As the annual conference for IFMA China members, it drew over 400 professionals from corporate real estate (CRE), property management and industry partners to explore the workplace of the future. At the event, ISS presented a one-stop solution for the workplace experience with the "People, Places and Planet" concept. Specifically, ISS showcased Unity Coffee, an integrated coffee bar service for offices and schools, including complete coffee bar planning, menu, eco-friendly cups, barista uniforms and other peripheral designs, inviting guests to step into the experience of the Nordic lifestyle, demonstrating ISS's commitment to integrating culture, sustainability, and community within the workspace. 近日,科技创新与绿色转型大会在上海召开,作为一年一度的IFMA中国会员大会,活动吸引了超过400名企业设施管理部门和工作场所负责人、行业生态伙伴等专业观众,就面向未来的可持续工作场所开展交流与探讨。ISS欧艾斯带来从“人、场所与地球”三大维度出发的一站式工作场所体验解决方案,在展位上展示了自有咖啡品牌Unity Coffee为办公场所、学校提供的完善咖啡吧服务,包含从咖啡吧整体规划到菜单、环保随行杯、咖啡师制服等的周边设计,邀请现场嘉宾近距离体验更环保的早C风尚——将文化、可持续发展和社群概念融入其中。 #ISS #ISSChina #IFMAChina #UnityCoffee 

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    May 12th this year marks both the Mother’s Day and the Nurses Day. To celebrate the special occasion full of LOVE and JOY, fun activities were designed on multiple healthcare client sites. One of them was held at Huashan Hospital, where Cindy Wang, ISS China Country Manager together with Operations Head also attended to honor and appreciate the hard work and dedication of nurses along with the on-site team. 今年的母亲节(5月12日)恰逢国际护士节,在这个加倍有爱的日子里,ISS中国为多个医疗健康客户的项目点带来个性化的“体验轮盘”活动。其中在华山医院举行的活动上,ISS中国首席执行官王月华女士与运营负责人共同到场,与驻场团队一起向无私奉献的医护团队表达致敬与感谢。 #ISS #ISSChina #PeopleMakePlaces

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