🩸 High #cholesterol and fatty liver disease are growing health concerns worldwide, often linked to unhealthy dietary habits and lifestyle choices. But what if we could precisely adjust how our bodies handle cholesterol at the molecular level? A team of researchers led by Radim Nencka from #IOCBPrague and Petr Pavek from Charles University may have found a promising approach – by focusing on two crucial proteins in the liver. See more on the link in the comments. ⤵ Original article: Dusek, J.; Mejdrová, I.; Dohnalová, K.; Smutny, T.; Chalupsky, K.; Krutakova, M.; Skoda, J.; Rashidian, A.; Pavkova, I.; Škach, K.; Hricová, J.; Chocholouskova, M.; Smutna, L.; Kamaraj, R.; Hroch, M.; Leníček, M.; Mičuda, S.; Pijnenburg, D.; van Beuningen, R.; Holčapek, M.; Vítek, L.; Ingelman-Sundberg, M.; Burk, O.; Kronenberger, T.; Nencka, R.; Pavek, P. The hypolipidemic effect of MI-883, the combined CAR agonist/ PXR antagonist, in diet-induced hypercholesterolemia model. Nat. Commun. 2025, 16, 1418. DOI: https://lnkd.in/dNfMwrvZ
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Náplní práce ústavu je základní výzkum v oblastech organické chemie, biochemie a příbuzných disciplínách, převážně orientovaný k aplikacím v lékařství a životním prostředí.
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- Ústředí
- Praha 6
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- Veřejná společnost
- Datum založení
- 1953
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Praha 6, 160 00, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR
🧫 Our immune system operates as a highly efficient surveillance network, continuously monitoring tissues for foreign molecules. Immune cells, known as leukocytes, play a crucial role in this defense, patrolling the body and transporting microbial fragments to lymph nodes via lymphatic vessels. But how do these cells enter the lymphatic system? At the heart of this entry process lies LYVE-1, a receptor that lines the portals of lymphatic vessels. LYVE-1 acts as a gatekeeper, interacting with long hyaluronan sugar chains present on the surface of leukocytes. This interaction facilitates immune cell migration, but the precise molecular details of how leukocytes traverse the lymphatic barrier have until now remained elusive. Using a combination of state-of-the-art biophysical, structural, and computational techniques, Martin Lepšík from IOCB Prague and researchers from the University of Oxford and University of Leeds, have unraveled the mechanics of LYVE-1 binding to hyaluronan in unprecedented detail. Their findings show a new mechanism: immune cells move along hyaluronan chains like curtains sliding on a rail, engaging multiple LYVE-1 receptors in a dynamic, back-and-forth motion. This sliding mechanism enhances the efficiency of leukocyte migration, allowing immune cells to squeeze through the lymphatic entry portals with remarkable ease. This discovery opens new possibilities for medical applications. Understanding how immune cells enter lymphatic vessels at the molecular level provides a foundation for designing new drugs to regulate immune responses. Targeting the LYVE-1-hyaluronan interaction could lead to therapies that block autoimmunity and inflammation or prevent tumor cells from metastasizing through the lymphatic system. 📜 Read the paper: Bano, F.; Banerji, S.; Ni, T.; Green, D. E.; Cook, K. R.; Manfield, I. W.; DeAngelis, P. L.; Paci, E.; Lepšík, M.; Gilbert, R. J. C.; Richter, R. P.; Jackson, D. G. Structure and Unusual Binding Mechanism of the Hyaluronan Receptor LYVE-1 Mediating Leucocyte Entry to Lymphatics. Nat. Commun. 2025, 16, 2754. https://lnkd.in/dfYBqpZ4 See more ► https://lnkd.in/dMyWE9hx
Uživatel Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR to přesdílel
Spustili jsme další kolo podpory popularizačních projektů, v němž rozdělíme až 1 milion korun. Smyslem programu je napomoci k realizaci zajímavým a inovativním projektům, které nemají kompletně zajištěné financování. Nejzajímavějším z nich poskytneme až 200.000 korun, nejvýše však do 75 % rozpočtu projektu. Žádosti přijímáme do 30. dubna 2025. Více informací najdete zde: https://lnkd.in/egQnaXv2
Uživatel Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR to přesdílel
📆 Nenechte si ujít Experientia Day 2025! Letos se uskuteční 17. června od 10 hodin v budově IOCB Prague - Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. 📽️🧪 Čeká Vás skvělý program, který odstartujeme vyhlášením nových stipendistek/stipendistů a držitelky/držitele start-up grantu. Můžete se těšit na premiéru videa o výzkumné skupině Athanasiose Markose, držitele start-up grantu pro roky 2025-2027, a na přednášky našich dvou stipendistů - Evy Bednářové (stipendistka 2019) a Michala Šimka (stipendista 2022). Přijďte, inspirujte se a potkejte se s našimi stipendisty z celého světa. Těšíme se na Vás! 💚
🎓 Ugnė Šinkevičiūtė from the Michal Hocek Group has successfully defended her PhD thesis at Charles University: New deazapurine nucleobases, nucleosides and nucleotides as potential cytostatics or CD73 inhibitors. Congratulations! 👏 #phd #phdatIOCBPrague
Uživatel Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR to přesdílel
The gates of the Prague.bio conference are opening....we are looking forward to it! ;-)
Hey there, biotech startups, spin-offs, and R&D teams! 👋 We’re looking for you! 🔎 Do you have a promising biotechnology project that the world should know about? 🌟 Then register for the Pitch & Poster Session at Prague.bio Conference! We’re selecting 12 projects for the Pitch Session and expect another more than 20 projects for the Poster Session. Don’t hesitate—submit your application as soon as possible! The Pitch & Poster Sessions are ideal for startups/spin-offs in the pre-seed or seed phase and R&D teams looking to commercialize their technologies. Our jury will review applications and select the most promising candidates to participate. 📅 Registration is open until June 15, 2025 🔗 More info & application: https://lnkd.in/d7KEckSh
Uživatel Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR to přesdílel
🚀 Bringing Breakthrough Lab Technology to Market! 🧪🔬 We’re happy to announce our collaboration with the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ÚHKT) to commercialize an innovative liquid microextraction technology! 🎉 Developed by Matyáš Krijt and Daniel Vyoral, this cutting-edge method allows for fast and efficient separation of immiscible liquids - perfect for automation and robotics in analytical labs. 💡 Key features? ✅ Fast parallel sample processing ✅ Zero losses ✅ Easy handling, even with small volumes ✅ The technology saves time, money, and the environment With Medirekt partner s.r.o. leading the production and market entry, we’re ensuring that this game-changing technology reaches laboratories worldwide. At i&i Prague, we’re passionate about transforming Czech research into real-world solutions. This is yet another step in bridging the gap between science and commercialization. More information: https://lnkd.in/dHzUQhTc 📢 Stay tuned for more updates! #Innovation #Biotech #TechnologyTransfer #ScienceToMarket #LifeSciences
🎤 Termiti dokážou stavět osmimetrové stavby a dělit si práci díky chemické komunikaci. Tuhle tajenku luští už řadu let vědec Robert Hanus z ÚOCHB, se kterým mluvila Veronika Sedláčková v podcastu #CHEmic. #Podcast najdete na tradičních platformách a stránce YouTube. 🎧 bit.ly/CHEmic_Hanus 🍎 bit.ly/CHEmic_Apple 📺 bit.ly/CHEmic_YouTube
Uživatel Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR to přesdílel
🐜Ne každý hmyz má jepičí život. Královské páry termitů se dožívají i několika desítek let. Rekordy v dlouhověkosti drží také z evolučního hlediska – jejich vyspělé kolonie existovaly už v éře dinosaurů. 🐜🐜Dlouhověkostí termitích královen a králů se zabývá tým Roberta Hanuse v Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR. V suterénu pracoviště v Praze-Dejvicích vědci už několik desetiletí chovají laboratorní kolonie termitů. 🐜🐜🐜Co se jim podařilo zjistit o jejich „elixíru mládí“? 🐝🐜V čem jsou si včely, mravenci a termiti vlastně podobní a čím se zástupci společenského hmyzu naopak liší? Více⬇️ https://lnkd.in/d4uwVurG
Uživatel Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR to přesdílel
🚀 Czech Innovations at BIO-Europe Spring in Milan! 🚀 BIO-Europe Spring is always a fantastic opportunity to connect with key players in the biotech industry, share expertise, and build new partnerships. This year in Milan, we had the chance to meet many inspiring professionals and showcase not only our services but also the groundbreaking spin-offs we help develop. 🔬 One of the key discussion points was the evolving investment landscape in biotech startups. What’s changing? Investors are placing greater emphasis on more advanced programs with solid preclinical data. At the same time, pharma companies are showing increasing interest in directly licensing innovations. For our spin-offs, this means one thing – being prepared! And that’s exactly where we step in. We are also happy that the media mentioned us. A big thank you from IOCB Tech, i&i Prague, Prague.bio and others czech participants to EBD for organizing a fantastic event and to everyone we met for insightful discussions. We’re already looking forward to the next one! 👏 #biotech #innovation #IOCBTech #BIOEuropeSpring