Stickiness is the beginning of the end of the cutterhead! Too many cutterheads have already been damaged by sticking and the resulting wear. For this reason, the possibility of counteracting clogging by adding additives should be investigated, especially for slurry drives. Therefore last week, clogging tests were started for the ElbX project! The 5.2 km long slurry drive with a diameter of 5 m will pass through Lauenburger Layers with Lauenburger Ton (clay) over a length of approx. 1,300 m. Due to the fine-grained nature of the clay, there is a higher clogging potential in this area. The term ‘clogging’ is used when the excavated soil adheres to the cutterhead, resulting in both a reduction in tunnelling performance and an increase in wear. In order to be able to assess the interaction of the cutterhead with this soil and the influence of various additives on the tendency to clog, modified slake durability tests were carried out on the construction site last week.