
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen 27.766 Follower:innen

DEG – more than finance. We shape transformation


About us We offer financing, advice and support to private sector enterprises operating in developing and emerging-market countries. As an experienced partner, we support our customers with in-depth market knowledge, impact and climate expertise and our international network to advance forward-looking investments. Development impact as a yardstick DEG's staff are fully committed to their work. A blend of knowledge, dedication, collegial spirit, tolerance and openness are a few of the characteristics shared by our employees. Our ambitious goals are visible in our day-to-day work with our customers and partners, and motivate our staff to make their contribution to development cooperation. Career prospects with a broad perspective We offer attractive career prospects in an international environment – whether in the DEG headquarters in Cologne, or in Nairobi, São Paulo or one of our other 19 locations. Enhancing the skills of our staff is an important goal of our HR policy which includes a comprehensive internal training programme, supplemented by individual measures. We help our staff to balance work and family commitments. DEG was again awarded the "work and family audit" certificate from the Hertie non-profit foundation for its efforts in this area. Our homepage: Publication Details:

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von DEG


  • Unternehmensseite von DEG anzeigen, Grafik

    27.766 Follower:innen

    🎉 25 years of impact: celebrating #develoPPP's contribution to sustainable development! 🌍 Since 1999, the develoPPP programme has been supporting private sector enterprises with the implementation of sustainable projects in developing and emerging market countries – resulting in more than 2,700 projects in over 60 countries and an investment volume of EUR 1.8 billion. 👏 DEG Impulse, together with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, implements develoPPP as part of the #PartnersInTransformation offer of Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ). 🍃 One of these projects is in collaboration with the German plant producer Gemini Green GmbH & Co. KG, which is part of the Selecta one group and is a leading grower of ornamental plants. 👩🏫 Through the develoPPP programme, DEG Impulse supports their subsidiary and long-standing DEG customer Selecta Kenya in setting up qualification structures for predominantly young, female workers in the Kenyan highlands and in Nairobi. 🩺 The project also helps to improve access to free medical care for a total of 1,500 employees and their families. For more insights, read on 👉 Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung #25yearsdeveloPPP #teamdeginvest #fin4dev

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    Profil von Cordula Rinsche anzeigen, Grafik

    Head Corporate Communications | Spokeswoman | DEG

    How to stay on track, remain confident and successful in terms of impact + returns, even in globally tough times: some of the issues we talked about during our DEG townhall this week. Together with my colleague Gesa Hess, I had the pleasure of hosting this meeting. With around 300 colleagues attending, 160 in presence at our HQ, the others via live-stream🤩 Our special guest, Christiane Laibach, Executive Board member of KfW, responsible for its international financing - which DEG is part of - informed about recent international topics and debates, new KfW initiatives and underlined the global importance of climate protection and biodiversity. 🌿 Roland Siller presented some impressive figures of DEG activities in 2024, e.g. new commitments of around 1.4 billion EUR to date. In addition, colleagues shared their expertise and current activities on Green Hydrogen investments and presented new services by DEG and DEG Impulse, supporting our clients on their transformation journey. Really inspiring💡👏 Many thanks to all speakers and attendees! Andreas Cremer Bruh Ayele Terfie Sabine Moron Gina Kanhai #teamdeginvest

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    Unternehmensseite von Welthungerhilfe (WHH) anzeigen, Grafik

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    Lauter Cover-Rock, eine prominent besetzte Jury und ein tobendes Publikum – das ist "Rock gegen Hunger" 🤘🏽 Fünf Company-Bands gehen am 30. Oktober in Köln an den Start und batteln um den Titel „Beste Unternehmensband der Stadt“.🏆 Gemeinsam für #ZeroHunger 🎸 Die Bands von DEG Invest, Congstar, viadee Unternehmensberatung, Ströer und der Polizei Köln werden im freundschaftlichen Wettbewerb gegeneinander antreten und für die gute Sache rocken. Der Gesamterlös der Veranstaltung sowie alle Spenden fließen in die Projektarbeit der Welthungerhilfe. Die prominent besetzte Jury − bestehend aus Helmut Zerlett, Tobi Baumann, Mario Novembre − wird die beste "Unternehmensband der Stadt" nach diesen 3️⃣ Kriterien bestimmen: 🎵 Musikalische Qualität 🧑🏽🎤 Bühnenperformance 👏🏽 Wirkung aufs Publikum Partnerschaften zwischen Unternehmen und Hilfsorganisationen rocken! 🫱🏽🫲🏿 Für eine Welt ohne Hunger 💚 Sei dabei, ob mit deinen Kolleg*innen oder deiner Band: 🎫 #RockGegenHunger #Partnerschaft #Kooperation #CSR #CorporateSocialResponsibility

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    Profil von Niclas Alexander Roszak anzeigen, Grafik

    KfW DEG | Development Finance LatAm | Lecturer | M.Sc. Business Administration

    🇵🇪 Yesterday, we as DEG had the honor of meeting the Peruvian Ambassador Augusto Arzubiaga Scheuch to Germany at the VDMA headquarters in Frankfurt am Main. 🇩🇪 He delivered an engaging presentation on the economic opportunities in Peru, highlighting key sectors and potential areas for investment. Afterwards Justus Vitinius and myself had the privilege of speaking directly with the Ambassador, deepening our understanding of the dynamic landscape in Peru and presenting DEG’s financing and business support support instruments. Here are some of the key takeaways from the discussion: ➡️ Peru’s Rich Mining Sector: Peru is home to the world’s largest copper reserves, contributing to 9% of the country’s GDP and accounting for 60% of its exports. The country also boasts significant lithium deposits around Puno, offering new potential in the global battery supply chain. 🪙⚒️ ➡️ Global Mining Giants: Peru hosts the third- and seventh-largest mines in the world, solidifying its role as a key player in the global mining industry. 🌍🔍 ➡️ New Infrastructure Developments: A new port is under construction on the Pacific coast, designed to accommodate the world’s largest ships and featuring a free trade zone. This project is set to boost Peru’s role in international trade. 🚢🌊 ➡️ Expanding Air Travel Capacity: The expansion of the airport in Lima will double its capacity, positioning the city as a regional hub for travel and trade in Latin America. ✈️🌎 ➡️ Focus on Renewable Energy: The Ambassador emphasized the country's commitment to expanding its renewable energy sector, presenting opportunities for collaboration in solar, wind, and hydropower projects. ☀️💧 Many thanks to LAV - Lateinamerika Verein e.V. & Christoph Danner & Susanne Engelbach for organising this insightful event.

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    Profil von Dr. Hamed Beheshti anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder, CEO at Boreal Light GmbH

    When it comes to hospitals, water is not just water—it’s medicine! Many of you may remember our efforts to supply water to hospitals in East Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the powerful words spoken by the chief nurse at Mombasa Hospital, Kenya: “Water is not just water, but medicine.” When we initiated our water supply project for hospitals, one of the key questions from our partners at DEG KfW was why we believed this investment made sense for a company like ours. The answer was clear: this project had the potential to become a model for larger markets around the world and a symbol of sustainability in the healthcare sector. Since then, that belief has been consistently validated across many countries. This month, I visited Banadir Hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia, where one of our Solar Water Desalination systems has been installed. Our system delivers 2,000 liters of water per hour to the hospital's dialysis machines. As the largest dialysis center in a country of 18 million people, this facility depends on the highest quality water to operate effectively. At Boreal Light GmbH, we take great pride in providing this vital resource through our sustainable, solar-powered desalination system. Our water now flows through the lifelines of Africa! As always, we are proud of the IMPACT we’re making—and there is so much more to come. daniel Roland Siller Claudia Voß René UNIDO ITPO GermanyGHA - German Health Alliance German Alliance for Global Health Research (GLOHRA) Alexander Boxler GIZ Somalia Danish Red Cross in Somalia UNDP Somalia

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  • Unternehmensseite von DEG anzeigen, Grafik

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    💚 "With the help of DEG we have developed tools to meet our companies where they are and step by step improve their #ClimateAction", says Aicha Zakraoui, Head of Impact and Sustainability at DEG client AfricInvest Group in our new customer testimonial video.  🎬 In the video, she and Anis Kallel, senior partner at AfricInvest, describe how the climate tools and trainings offered by DEG and DEG Impulse are incorporated into AfricInvest's investment process. 🧀 How AfricInvest's portfolio company, leading producer of cheese in North Africa LAND'OR SA, benefits from these climate tools and trainings and how the company has grown with regard to its workforce and sales since the cooperation with AfricInvest and DEG is explained by Land’Or’s CEO Hatem Denguezli. Check out our video, to learn more!  #impactinvesting #fin4dev #sustainabledevelopment

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    Profil von Oliver Poledniok anzeigen, Grafik

    Country Director bei DEG

    Congratulations to our customer RÖNESANS HOLDİNG for the successful issuance of the first sustainable #Eurobond, that will be used among others for #RenewableEnergy, hospital projects and social housing. DEG is proud to be an anchor investors in the bond. Rönesans Holding and DEG are looking back on a long partnership with a number of impactful financings. The new bond investment is contributing well to DEG’s strategic goals of #climate and #impact investments. Thank you to the great deal team including my DEG-colleagues Batuhan Hakyemez, Ruediger Braun, Bertram Dreyer, Gina-Maria Landers, Dr. Alexander Schmitz, and Franziska Hollmann. #teamdeginvest #impactinvesting #fin4dev

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    Profil von Natalie de Wit-Solounov anzeigen, Grafik

    Head of Strategy at DEG - financing development with Impact.Climate.Returns.

    „We need to rethink, reorganize and act. The Time to Act is Now!“ Realizing that global CO2 emissions are still on the rise with 2023 setting a sad record, the motto of the #HSC resonates so much with me. Last week in Hamburg the new flagship event HamburgSustainabilityConference #HSC took place with more than 1,600 delegates from 100 countries. 15 agreements were signed between governments, business, academia and society including for CO2-free shipping, fair production of green batteries and more private investment in sustainability and transformation. See also my colleague‘s Eva Miriam Fuchs’s post about key success factors of the conference and about Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), KfW and DEG setting examples for climate action there. Following the 2 days of HSC and closely linked to it, another great event took place which provided deep dives into the financing side of the much needed climate transformation: the Sustainable Finance Forum, a joint initiative of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations High-Level Climate Champions, the DZ BANK, the German Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Germany) and the European Commission. I had the pleasure to participate in the Sustainable Finance Forum last Wedneday and encountered a really great crowd and inspiring presentations and insight preparing the ground for intensified future climate finance and collaboration. I was invited to a panel on energy transition together with Vito G. Dellerba, CFA, JUAN J. FEBLES, Dario Liguti and Marcel Haag, moderated by climate champion Sagarika Chatterjee. On our panel I presented DEG‘s ambitious strategy Impact.Climate.Returns and our path and approach to reach net zero portfolio emissions and invest in line with the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. Supporting our private and financial sector clients in their transformation is key to our work in emerging markets and developing countries. Without the private sector, we will not be able to reach neither international climate goals nor the #SDG. DFIs such as DEG deploy catalytic capital to help put private capital to work for development goals and create attractive investment opportunities for the private sector. #teamdeginvest #climatefinance

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    Profil von Eva Miriam Fuchs anzeigen, Grafik

    Berlin Office @ DEG | #teamdeginvest | #impact | #talbuddeln

    Reflecting on this week’s inaugural Hamburg Sustainability Conference that I had the privilege to attend as part of the DEG delegation. Looking back now, with a few days to gather my thoughts after an intense two days of strong program and many insightful encounters, my very personal highlights include: ✨ Witnessing the magic of teamwork during the GIEF signing: The deal teams had signaled preparedness to close the EFSD+ guarantee agreement between DEG and EU just fairly shortly earlier. Behind the scenes everyone gave their all to make a high-level signing with Commissioner Urpilainen, representing EU, State Secretary Niels Annen from our ministry Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) and Roland Siller for DEG possible. And, lo and behold: it happened! Big shoutout to everyone involved (looking at you: Peter Thimme, Peter Woitschig, Lauréline Pla, Matti Niemi). 🌱 Turning policy into action with accession of DEG to the Amazonia Finance Network and the subsequent closing of our first transaction under this important framework which was launched by IDB Invest and IFC - International Finance Corporation during COP28 to ensure a sustainable development of the Amazon region. Proud to be the first EDFI to be part of the network after signature by Monika Beck in presence of Marisela Alvarenga (IDB Invest) and Jan van Bilsen (IFC) and shoutout to my colleagues in the LatAm teams walking the talk (Justus Vitinius, Constanze Kreiss, Mariana Chamorro Carneiro)! 💡 Feeling the transformative power of entrepreneurship during conversations with our change-making clients attending HSC. The pioneer of bio-dynamic agriculture in Egypt promoting the “Economy of Love”, the firm believers - or “Blue Skies-dreamers” - that a sustainable and fair production of fruit in Benin for supermarkets in Europe must be possible, the large Brazilian sugar producer with an ambitious, trailblazing net zero carbon plan, the traditional Mexican requesón producer requiring its suppliers to comply with animal welfare standards and creating fair value chains. Dear Helmy Abouleish (SEKEM Group), Simon Derrick (Blue Skies), Alfredo Pérez Moreno (Grupo San Jacinto) and José Fernando Mazuca Filho (uisa): it was a great pleasure and inspiration meeting you in Hamburg! Lastly and importantly: Kudos to the organizing team! It truly takes a village, and your hard work made this event a success. 👏🏼👏🏼 Looking forward to HSC 2025 next June! #HSC2024 #teamdeginvest #shapingtransformation #fin4dev

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