
DEICHMANN SE is the market leader in the German and European shoe retail trade, operates more than 4,700 stores and is represented in 34 different countries. The company, which is headquartered in Essen, and employs more than 49,000 people worldwide, was founded in 1913 in Essen by Heinrich Deichmann and is now owned by the third generation of the family. The DEICHMANN Group is on course for growth globally and is therefore always searching for qualified employees. The Group includes Dosenbach, Ochsner Shoes, Ochsner Sport (Switzerland), vanHaren (Netherlands and Belgium) and Rack Room Shoes (USA). DEICHMANN offers career newcomers eleven different training courses in the areas of Sales, Head Office and Logistics, plus work placements and trainee positions, and a choice of three dual study courses. More experienced and managerial staff have good development opportunities and chances of promotion at DEICHMANN, within the international junior development programme "Talents@Deichmann", for example, plus the option of continuing training and attractive company pension and healthcare packages. DEICHMANN is a member of the Fair Company-Initiative – Germany's largest employer initiative supporting fair practices. As a member, DEICHMANN undertakes to pay students a fair wage too. Visit us at:

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Essen, NRW
Retail, Shoes, logistics und e-commerce


Beschäftigte von Deichmann


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    🎵 Music moves, inspires, and connects! 🎵 Music has a unique power to calm, comfort, aid in learning, and strengthen community. That’s why the Deichmann Foundation is once again supporting the valuable JeKits program in Essen’s primary schools, allowing children to experience music regardless of their parents' income! JeKits stands for "Jedem Kind Instrumente, Tanzen, Singen" ("Instruments, Dancing, and Singing for Every Child"). The program gives primary school children the opportunity to discover instruments and make music together. Through touching, trying, and listening, many children gain access to music for the first time. They learn to develop their creativity and expressiveness. Making music together promotes social learning, creativity, and engagement with music – a foundation that accompanies children throughout their lives. More and more schools in Essen recognize the value of making music and are participating in the new school year with around 7,300 children in JeKits. Of these, 2,800 will have the chance to learn an instrument. This is why many new instruments and the maintenance of existing ones are necessary. 🎻 Together with the DEICHMANN Foundation, we are pleased to contribute to this important cause and continue spreading the joy of music throughout the world! 💚🌟 #EducationForAll #MusicEducates #JeKits #Community #DEICHMANNFoundation #CreatingOpportunities

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deichmann anzeigen, Grafik

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    Deichmann España: Gran apertura en el centro más representativo de Madrid, CC La Vaguada Nos complace anunciar la apertura de nuestra nueva tienda en el emblemático Centro Comercial La Vaguada, el más antiguo de España y uno de los centros más importantes y visitados de Madrid. Centro que ha formado parte importante del retail y que ha marcado una tendencia en el sector. Hoy con su reciente renovación, vuelve a ser un referente en la capital. Con esta inauguración, continuamos consolidando nuestra presencia en la capital, sumando ya 14 tiendas en la Comunidad de Madrid, que se convierte en una de las regiones con mayor número de tiendas en la península. Esta tienda presenta un nuevo diseño que se enfoca en una experiencia de compra más moderna y cómoda, con un ambiente espacioso y una disposición que facilita la elección del calzado adecuado para nuestros clientes. Con esta tienda, no solo reforzamos nuestra posición en el mercado madrileño, sino que también continuamos avanzando en nuestro plan de expansión nacional, siempre con el compromiso de ofrecer a nuestros clientes una amplia selección de calzado para toda la familia con la mejor relación calidad-precio y con la mejor experiencia de compra. La Vaguada, por su historia y relevancia, representa una oportunidad única para acercar nuestra marca a un público diverso, brindando la calidad y el servicio que nos caracteriza. ¡Agradecemos a todos los equipos involucrados por el gran trabajo realizado! #deichmann #deichmannespaña #lavaguada #madrid #muchoporandar

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deichmann anzeigen, Grafik

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    Unser DEICHMANN-Teddy schickt euch kuschelige Umarmungen! 🧸💚 Heute ist Welttag des Teddybären! 🥰 Passend dazu haben wir für euch einen ganz besonderen Kuschelfreund rausgeholt: unseren Deichmann-Teddy in grünem Plüsch! Er liebt nicht nur Schuhe über alles, sondern liest auch für sein Leben gern - am liebsten natürlich unser Mitarbeitermagazin "intern" oder unser Kundenmagazin, die "SHOE FASHION". 👟 #DEICHMANN #teddybärtag #teddy #intern #SHOEFASHION

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    DEICHMANN lädt ehemalige Stipendiaten ins Headquarter ein 💚🧑🎓 Die Förderung junger Talente liegt uns bei DEICHMANN besonders am Herzen. Deshalb unterstützen wir schon seit Jahren engagierte Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen mit Stipendien. In Nordrhein-Westfalen, wo der Ursprung unseres Unternehmens liegt, vergeben wir an der Universität Duisburg-Essen und an der Hochschule Niederrhein Stipendien. Rund 30 ehemalige Stipendiaten haben wir nun zu unserem Alumni-Event in unserem Headquarter in Essen eingeladen. Vor Ort hatten sie die Möglichkeit, sich untereinander auszutauschen und beim Dinner genauer kennenzulernen. Wir bei DEICHMANN haben uns besonders über ihre Insights zu ihren Erfahrungen im Studium und zu ihren Plänen für die Zukunft gefreut. Denn egal ob IT, E-Commerce, Marketing oder Einkauf – bei uns bieten sich für Young Professionals zahlreiche Einstiege ins Berufsleben. 🚀 Unsere spannenden Jobs haben beim Alumni-Event mehrere Kollegen verschiedener Fachbereiche vorgestellt und damit für großes Interesse und viele Nachfragen bei den Absolventen gesorgt. 👩🎓🗯️ Wir freuen uns sehr über den regen Austausch und bedanken uns bei allen ehemaligen Stipendiaten, die uns in Essen besucht haben. 💚 VIELEN DANK auch an alle Kollegen von People & Culture, insbesondere Vanessa Dierig und Stefanie Nagusch, die das Event organisiert haben sowie Severin Canisius, Martin Sieg, Hans Fabian Görtz, Jan Poerting und Tim Mischel für ihre spannenden Vorträge. #Deichmann #AlumniEvent #TalenteFördern #KarriereStart

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    DEICHMANN invites former scholarship holders to its headquarters 💚🧑🎓 Promoting young talent is particularly important to us at DEICHMANN. That's why we have been supporting dedicated students from various degree courses with scholarships for years. In North Rhine-Westphalia, where our company originated, we award scholarships at the Universität Duisburg-Essen and the Hochschule Niederrhein. We have now invited around 30 former scholarship holders to our alumni event at our headquarters in Essen. On site, they had the opportunity to exchange ideas and get to know each other better over dinner. We at DEICHMANN were particularly pleased about their insights and experiences during their studies and their plans for the future. Because whether IT, e-commerce, marketing or purchasing - we offer young professionals numerous career opportunities. 🚀 Several colleagues from various departments presented our exciting jobs at the alumni event, generating a great deal of interest and questions from the graduates. 👩🎓🗯️ We are very pleased about the lively exchange and would like to thank all former scholarship holders who visited us in Essen. 💚 MANY THANKS also to all colleagues from People & Culture, especially Vanessa Dierig and Stefanie Nagusch, who organized the event, as well as Severin Canisius, Martin Sieg, Hans Fabian Görtz, Jan Poerting and Tim Mischel for their interesting presentations. #Deichmann #AlumniEvent #ScholarshipProgram #YoungTalent #CareerOpportunities #Networking #FutureLeaders

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    Fit for the start of your career with Europe's market leader in shoe retail 👟 How do I write a CV? What are the do's and don'ts in a job interview? Young career starters often don’t know how to apply for a job. This makes it even more important that they are given valuable tips and tricks so that they can successfully take their first steps into professional life. 🚀 As Europe's market leader in shoe retail and a partner of TalentKolleg Ruhr der Westfälischen Hochschule in Gelsenkirchen, we are delighted to support young professionals with job application training as part of their summer school. ☀️👩🎓👨🎓 The summer school is a voluntary program of the TalentKolleg Ruhr, which is aimed at talented and committed pupils from the 9th grade onwards who want to develop both professionally and personally. Several of this year's participants came to our campus in Essen this week to get to know Deichmann as a company and employer. During the application training, we gave them valuable tips on what makes a good CV, how to impress in an application video and what not to do in a job interview. 💡💭 The great interest in our training shows how important such offers are for young professionals. We are delighted with the lively participation and say THANK YOU to everyone involved! 💚 💚 #DEICHMANN #application #application training #school #job #study #training

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      Together with FILA, GNTM winners Lea and Jermaine celebrate "La Dolce FILA" in Hamburg 🍋🎉 The FILA campaign "La Dolce FILA" with the campaign faces Lea and Jermaine, winners of this year's GNTM season, is entering the next round. The campaign launch was celebrated in Hamburg with an exclusive event on the roof terrace of the "Sturmfreie Bude" and a special promotion in one of our Deichmann stores. 😍 In addition to Lea and Jermaine, the models Armin, Grace and Luka from GNTM were also invited to the fashion event. Together with Lea and Jermaine, they presented the new FILA collection to the guests - including prominent faces such as Yungstachel, Nicola Cavanis, Sharon Battiste and Swantje Paulina. Actress Luna Schweiger hosted the evening and during the Q&A elicited exciting insights from the two GNTM winners about their new everyday life as models and which FILA pieces are their favorites. 👟 From the catwalk to the DEICHMANN checkout: before the event, Lea and Jermaine visited one of our stores and took a look at the new FILA collection and the campaign. Visibly excited and proud to be a part of it, the two of them then slipped into the role of our employees and not only advised customers on site, but also cashed in. What a surprise! The "La Dolce FILA" campaign celebrates indulgence, elegance and relaxed joie de vivre, in keeping with the FILA philosophy, which combines sportiness and stylish design. The collection is now available at FILA as well as in DEICHMANN stores and our online store. 🍋💚🍋 #FILA #LaDolceFILA #GNTM #DEICHMANN

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    Culture at the heart of digitalization: employee retention at Europe's largest shoe retailer Deichmann   In this episode of "Share the Best", host Patrik Rendel meets Christina Böhme, VP People and Culture at Europe's largest shoe retailer Deichmann. In talks with Patrik, Christina gives an insight into her career and what makes Deichmann stand out as an employer.    She emphasizes the importance of corporate culture, especially in a family-run company, and how the authenticity of this culture in particular shapes digitalization and transformation at Deichmann and makes a positive contribution to employee retention.    Christina explains the challenges and opportunities that come with internationalization and digitalization, talks about Deichmann's social responsibility and how the corporate foundation "Wort und Tat" reflects the company's philosophy 👉 Tune in:

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    Welcome to DEICHMANN! 🤗 💚 We are happy to welcome new job entrants : every year on August 1, our apprentices and dual students from the head office start their careers at Europe's market leader in shoe retail. They are welcomed to the campus in Essen with the so-called “Welcome Days” and have the opportunity to connect with each other directly. The three-day Welcome Days include an exciting program of presentations, workshops and lots of information about the company. True to the motto of giving the new apprentices a great start at DEICHMANN! 🚀 👟 On the first day of the Welcome Days, there was also a team event with various mini-games where the young talents could get to know each other better. The team event was organized by Buddy Bash. Many thanks to all colleagues who took part in this year's Welcome Days and made the event an unforgettable experience for the new apprentices: Anne Eimert Annika Tjaden Julia Wecker Cathrin Zink Ferdinand Koch Cedric Gottschalk. We wish all apprentices and dual students who are starting their careers with us only the best and successful first steps on their career ladders! 💚 #DEICHMANN #training #apprentices #shoes #job #career

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    🚨 Milestone Moment: A Glimpse into Our History! 📜 We've done some digging in the archives and stumbled upon our very first expansion step beyond the borders of our hometown from an impressive 75 years ago. In 1949, the first Deichmann store opened outside of Essen - in Düsseldorf, to be precise. Our business principle of offering fashionable quality shoes at affordable prices to as many people as possible was also a hit there. From a small shoemaker's workshop in the Ruhr area, DEICHMANN grew over the decades to become Europe's largest shoe retailer. What a journey! Today, we are active in over 30 countries with more than 4,700 stores and over 40 online shops worldwide. 🌍🛒 In our 111th year of existence, we are delighted to continue to inspire so many people with our shoes. 🎉 Because our motto remains: "The company must serve the people!" 💚👟 #DEICHMANN #Anniversary #ShoeLove #Expansion #GlobalJourney #History

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