European Keto Live Centre

European Keto Live Centre

Gemeinnützige Organisationen

Burghausen, Bayern 679 Follower:innen

Information & Training Centre | Association for Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies


Founded in 2019 at the 1st International Keto Live Conference in Switzerland by 32 leading international scientists, experts and physicians in the fight against Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD), our association is registered in Burghausen, Germany, as the Keto Live Project e.V. already uniting 13 European Nations, the United States of America, South Africa, R Congo, Egypt, Australia, Mexico & Argentina. As an association, “The European Keto Live Centre” aims to gather, organize, and provide access to medically sound, first-hand information from leading scientists and experts in the field of Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies for use by physicians, allied healthcare practitioners, naturopaths, nutritionists, dietitians, parents, educators, and caregivers. OUR MISSION is • to spread the word about Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies as a powerful medical tool to prevent and treat NCD. • to inform and educate about the power of food, the connection between our diet, Insulin Resistance, NCD and the COVID-19 Risk Group, our metabolic health and our Immune system. WE UNITE to prevent and fight Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) like • Obesity • Cardiovascular Diseases • Cancer • Diabetes • Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders WE CONNECT to INFORM and EDUCATE We connect Experts, Scientists, Physicians and Practitioners to provide science-based and medical sound information like • CME-certified Continuous Medical Education for physicians and • CPD-certified Continuous Professional Development for dietitians, nutritionists & healthcare professionals • in 28 European Countries, the USA, and Canada We create: • Live events, conferences and seminars • E-Learning Programs • Digital webinars and tutorials • Education programs for schools and universities • Handouts and books for physicians, nutritionists, health coaches, hospitals, nursing care facilities, caregivers, health insurers, politicians, and other health influencers

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
2–10 Beschäftigte
Burghausen, Bayern


Beschäftigte von European Keto Live Centre


  • European Keto Live Centre hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Julia Tulipan anzeigen, Grafik

    KetoQueen and Food Detective 🤓

    In dieser Episode des Science Talks nehmen wir eine brandaktuelle Studie unter die Lupe, die untersucht, ob eine ketogene Ernährung das Darmmikrobiom negativ beeinflusst. Zusammen mit der Ernährungswissenschaftlerin Ulrike Gonder besprechen wir die überraschenden Ergebnisse und räumen mit Missverständnissen auf, die in den Schlagzeilen kursieren. *Wichtige Punkte, die du in dieser Episode erfährst:* - Die ketogene Ernährung führt zu einem signifikant höheren Fettverlust, ohne die Kalorienaufnahme drastisch zu reduzieren. - Das Mikrobiom verändert sich unter Keto, aber ob dies negative Auswirkungen hat ist nicht abzuleiten, da bereits nach 12 Wochen die kurzkettigen Fettsäuren wieder ansteigen. - Der Zuckerstoffwechsel passt sich unter Keto an, was kein Zeichen von Insulinresistenz ist. Ganz im Gegenteil. Insulinsensitivität verbessert sich und Glukosewerte sinken. Hör rein und erfahre, warum es sich lohnt, wissenschaftliche Studien kritisch zu hinterfragen und wie du diese Erkenntnisse für deine eigene Ernährung nutzen kannst. *Um diese Studie geht es* Hengist, Aaron, et al. "Ketogenic diet but not free-sugar restriction alters glucose tolerance, lipid metabolism, peripheral tissue phenotype, and gut microbiome: RCT." Cell Reports Medicine 5.8 (2024). *Dein Schlüssel zu aktuellem Ernährungswissen und Vorlagen für die Praxis* Bleibst Du gerne auf dem Laufenden, ohne in Studienbergen zu versinken? Der EWiP-Club ist Deine Lösung! Wir filtern, übersetzen und kondensieren die neuesten Ernährungserkenntnisse direkt auf Deinen Schreibtisch - in deutscher Sprache und praxisnah aufbereitet. 14 Tage ohne Risiko testen. Rabatt-Code *PODCAST10* und du bekommst 10% auf die Jahresmitgliedschaft. Ulrike Gonder Daniela Pfeifer

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  • Unternehmensseite von European Keto Live Centre anzeigen, Grafik

    679 Follower:innen

    Grundlagenwissen zu Ketogener Ernährung & Stoffwechselgesundheit- perfekt erklärt von Julia Tulipan!

    Profil von Julia Tulipan anzeigen, Grafik

    KetoQueen and Food Detective 🤓

    Wie Kohlenhydrate deinen Blutzucker bei Keto beeinflussen Video auf YouTube ansehen: In dieser Episode klären wir die Glucose- und Insulinreaktionen nach kohlenhydratreichen Mahlzeiten auf und erläutern, warum Blutzuckeranstiege bei einer ketogenen Diät normal sind. Entdecke die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zur Keto-Ernährung und deren Auswirkungen auf deinen Stoffwechsel. #KetoDiät #Blutzucker #ErnährungWissenschaft #GesundeErnährung #StoffwechselFlexibilität #Insulinreaktion #Kohlenhydrate #KetoErkenntnisse #GesundLeben #WissenschaftUndEssen

  • European Keto Live Centre hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Alison Smart anzeigen, Grafik

    Diabetes Advocate, physical therapist

    Thanks to Philip Ovadia for this new podcast. Usually these podcasts aren't released for several months. We recorded this 3 days ago and it released today because our journey will be affected by a Senate HELP Committee Hearing in DC in just 2 weeks. We are hopeful that our senators will stand up for those of us touched by type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes on September 24th. Link in comments. Please watch!

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  • European Keto Live Centre hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Georgia Ede MD anzeigen, Grafik

    Nutritional and Metabolic Psychiatrist, Consultant, Researcher, Speaker, and Author

    While the Mediterranean diet is certainly healthier for the brain than the so-called "Standard American Diet," it has some serious shortcomings. For example: Job #1 of a brain-healthy diet is to nourish the brain properly by providing it with all essential nutrients. The foundation of the Mediterranean diet is starchy grains and legumes 🥖🥜, which are low in nutrients and high in anti-nutrients that can block the absorption of key minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc. If better brain health is your goal, you'll want to prioritize foods that nourish, protect, and energize your brain. 🍽️ Curious to learn which dietary changes are most worth making and why? That's what my book Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind is all about. #BrainFood #NutritionalPsychiatry

  • European Keto Live Centre hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Markus Rinschen anzeigen, Grafik

    Associate Professor Aarhus University and UKE studying the omics of kidney disease

    New online in Nature Reviews Nephrology! Here, we review the metabolic role of the kidney in amino acid metabolism. This work was lead by visiting MD/PhD student Martine Knol, Vera Wulfmeyer, MD and Roman-Ulrich Müller. Hope that it is useful!

    Amino acid metabolism in kidney health and disease - Nature Reviews Nephrology

    Amino acid metabolism in kidney health and disease - Nature Reviews Nephrology

  • Unternehmensseite von European Keto Live Centre anzeigen, Grafik

    679 Follower:innen

    Save the date from the 9th to the 13th of June 2025 for the 5th Keto Live Conference, presenting & discussing news on the root cause #Insulinresistance & "Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies - Future Prevention and Treatment of NCD."

    Profil von Benjamin Bikman anzeigen, Grafik


    I'm glad to see this newly published review article that highlights the truly sinister component of type 2 diabetes--hyperinsulinemia (i.e., elevated insulin; #insulinresistance). As much as the clinical focus of T2D has been centered on glucose, that's a later component that has a more modest contribution to chronic disease. If you want to know why #type2diabetes increases the risk of #Alzheimers disease, #heartdisease , fatty liver disease, etc., look at the chronically elevated insulin, not the glucose. Furthermore, any clinical intervention that lowers the glucose by increasing insulin will inevitably promote both weight gain and higher mortality. In both of my books (Why We Get Sick & How Not To Get Sick), this is the central message. Again, glad to see other biomedical scientists coming to the same conclusion.

  • Unternehmensseite von European Keto Live Centre anzeigen, Grafik

    679 Follower:innen

    Great news - congratulations Thomas Weimbs et al. #CKD #PCKD #Keto

    Profil von Sarah Rice anzeigen, Grafik

    BSc.(Hons) MCOptom (UK), MHP - Nutrition Network Medical Practitioner - an editor and contributor to 'Ketogenic: The Science of Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction in Human Health'

    A preclinical paper just released adds to the growing body of evidence on ketogenic metabolic therapy for ADPKD and provides insight into the effects of fasting, TRE, and β-hydroxybutyrate as a stand alone intervention. Key points • Polycystic kidney disease leads to increased glycolysis and metabolic disorder • Ketogenic therapy may alter disease outcomes by addressing the central metabolic issue • Both fasting and time-restricted feeding slow or reverse disease progression in rodents • Study demonstrates that β-hydroxybutyrate alone recapitulates the benefits of fasting Torres, J.A. et al. (2024) ‘β-Hydroxybutyrate Recapitulates the Beneficial Effects of Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy in Polycystic Kidney Disease’, iScience, p. 110773. Available at: This recent review looking at the ketogenic diet for kidney disease concludes this approach 'can be safely prescribed in patients with T2D for treating and remitting diabetes even if they have underlying stage 2 or 3 CKD or reduced kidney function'. See the paper for a comprehensive overview of application and considerations. Athinarayanan, S.J. et al. (2024) ‘The case for a ketogenic diet in the management of kidney disease’, BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 12(2), p. e004101. Available at: 'Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the development and enlargement of multiple kidney cysts, leading to progressive kidney function decline…this review highlights the latest studies on the use of ketosis, through ketogenic dietary interventions (daily calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, time-restricted feeding, ketogenic diets, and exogenous ketosis), as a potential strategy for patients with ADPKD'. Pezzuoli, C.; Biagini, G.; Magistroni, R. Ketogenic Interventions in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Comprehensive Review of Current Evidence. Nutrients 2024, 16, 2676. #kidneydisease #ADPKD #metabolichealth

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  • Unternehmensseite von European Keto Live Centre anzeigen, Grafik

    679 Follower:innen

    Great information!

    Profil von Nick Norwitz anzeigen, Grafik

    Making Metabolism Make Sense | PhD in Physiology, Oxford & MD student, Harvard | "Stay Curious"

    GLP-1 receptor agonists, like Ozempic, are shaking up the weight loss game. But beyond the buzz, they present fascinating scientific questions that researchers are eager to explore. 🧠 HOW do GLP-1s affect the brain to reduce cravings? 🤢 WHY does Ozempic cause nausea, and can we mitigate this using neuroscience? 🔥 WHAT quirks of physiology give newer drugs their edge over Ozempic? 🍽 HOW can we address GLP-1 deficits in obesity and metabolic syndrome at the root, i.e. with diet and lifestyle interventions as a primary obesity treatment strategy and/or pharmacotherapy adjuct? Setting aside cultural debates, there’s a lot of intriguing physiology to uncover here! Let’s dive in with a scientific lens👇 #MetabolicHealth #WeightLossScience #Pharmacology #HealthInnovation #ScientificDiscovery

    Teach Your Doctor: Cutting Edge Science about GLP-1

  • Unternehmensseite von European Keto Live Centre anzeigen, Grafik

    679 Follower:innen

    in case you missed it - another absolute must watch Podcast by Eric C. Westman, MD MHS, interviewing the one and only Georgia Ede MD!

    Profil von Georgia Ede MD anzeigen, Grafik

    Nutritional and Metabolic Psychiatrist, Consultant, Researcher, Speaker, and Author

    My recent conversation with Eric C. Westman MD MHS - a pioneer in the field of metabolic medicine and the first doctor to discover that a #ketodiet could put serious psychotic symptoms into remission in 2009. How far the field of metabolic psychiatry has since come! We share patient stories, discuss my new book, and reflect on the latest developments in the exciting field of #metabolicpsychiatry. 🧠

    How Diet Improves Mental Health - with Dr. Georgia Ede E81 - Keto Made Simple Podcast

  • Unternehmensseite von European Keto Live Centre anzeigen, Grafik

    679 Follower:innen

    Before we start promoting our new 2025 Conferences, I would like to thank our Non-profit partners, our Exhibition Sponsors & our Supporters! Delivering the highly scientific & medically sound Quality of our CME/CPD-certified Conferences is only possible with your generous support! Please save the dates & join us in St. Moritz 2025, June 9th - 14th! If you would like to support our work, please get in touch with us via E-Mail at to become part of our movement - don't miss the

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