

Gemeinnützige Organisationen

NGO fighting for food safety & transparency. Offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and Vienna.


foodwatch entlarvt die verbraucherfeindlichen Praktiken der Lebensmittelindustrie und kämpft für das Recht der Verbraucher auf qualitativ gute, gesundheitlich unbedenkliche und ehrliche Lebensmittel. foodwatch ist unabhängig von Staat und Lebensmittelwirtschaft und finanziert sich aus Förderbeiträgen und Spenden. foodwatch ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, dem jeder beitreten kann.

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
51–200 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von foodwatch


  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

    13.419 Follower:innen

    In a new report on the mineral water scandal surrounding Nestlé, the European Commission passes a harsh judgement on the handling of the affair by the French authorities: The official controls system in France is “not suitable to identify and rectify potential health risks“. For foodwatch, the report confirms what it has been denouncing at every scandal: opacity for consumers, lack of control by the authorities and impunity for multinationals. The EU report points out „serious shortcomings": ❌ “absence of regular risk-based official inspections, with a defined frequency“ ❌“inadequate collaboration between and within the competent authorities both at central and local levels“ ❌“insufficient experience of the inspectors in some aspects of official controls“ ❌“absence of immediate follow up measures" foodwatch press release: EU report:

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  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

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    💦For decades, apparently, #Nestlé has been selling billions of bottles that had nothing to do with natural mineral water: in France, Europe and even around the world, without ever informing consumers. 📰The report by fraud investigators submitted to the Epinal Public Prosecutor at the end of April, to which has had access, confirms our fears. 🕵️♂️The investigators quoted by Mediapart seem to support what we suspected with our complaint: massive fraud organised by the multinational. This is a serious matter. The investigators speak of ‘a group strategy’, of Nestlé's desire to mislead consumers and believe that ‘Nestlé's moral responsibility must be held primarily’. ⚖For foodwatch France, given this information, it is essential that the investigation is completed as quickly as possible and leads to the opening of a judicial investigation. Nestlé must no longer think itself above the law. Our press release 👉 #foodfraud #EUlaw #consumersrights

    Mediapart - Actualité, enquêtes et dossiers d’investigation en toute indépendance !

    Mediapart - Actualité, enquêtes et dossiers d’investigation en toute indépendance !

  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

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    EU Member States agreed to the European Commission’s proposal to ban most uses of Bisphenol A (BPA) and other bisphenols in materials that come into contact with food. This decision comes after decades of scientific alerts and Europe-wide civil society mobilization, including significant efforts from foodwatch offices in Germany and Austria. While this ban is a crucial milestone, it highlights the need for comprehensive restrictions on all bisphenols to genuinely protect consumers. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has reported that people’s exposure to BPA exceeds safety levels, and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has identified over 30 bisphenols that should be restricted due to their health effects. However, the slow pace of regulatory action on a chemical-by-chemical basis underscores the need for group-based regulations to ensure consumer health is adequately protected. Let's continue to advocate for stricter regulations and the elimination of all harmful bisphenols in food contact materials. #FoodSafety #BPA #ConsumerProtection #HealthFirst Read more:

    EU-wide ban of Bisphenol A in food contact materials finally in sight

    EU-wide ban of Bisphenol A in food contact materials finally in sight

  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

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    🍟 McDonald's can no longer advertise their French Fries as containing only potatoes and salt. We are thrilled to announce a significant victory for consumer rights and truth in advertising. Thw diligent complaint by foodwatch Netherlands to the Advertising Code Committee has been upheld, confirming that McDonald's misled consumers by omitting the presence of other ingredients like disodium diphosphate and dextrose. Consumers deserve transparency and honesty about what’s in their food, and this ruling is a crucial step towards achieving that goal. While the committee cannot impose fines, this decision sets a powerful precedent and sends a clear message: misleading advertisements will not be tolerated. A big thank you to our dedicated team and to the vigilant consumers who brought this issue to our attention. We will continue to fight for truth in food marketing and uphold the rights of consumers. Read more about this important victory here: #ConsumerRights #McDonalds #FoodTransparency #ConsumerProtection

    Foodwatch wint klacht tegen McDonald's

    Foodwatch wint klacht tegen McDonald's

  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

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    Victory for Farmers: FAO Ends Partnership with CropLife International foodwatch International is thrilled to announce that the FAO has officially ended its partnership with CropLife International, a major pesticide lobby group. This decision follows extensive advocacy from global civil society and Indigenous organizations. This is a major win for safer, sustainable agriculture. We thank everyone who supported the campaign to Stop the #ToxicAlliance. Together, we are prioritizing people and the planet over profit. #EnvironmentalJustice #FoodSovereignty #StopTheToxicAlliance

    Statement of Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples on the end of the FAO partnership with CropLife International

    Statement of Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples on the end of the FAO partnership with CropLife International

  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

    13.419 Follower:innen

    🐖 🐓 🐇 Every year, around 300 million pigs, hens, rabbits, and other animals across the EU spend most of their lives in cages. Despite a legally binding commitment by the EU Commission to ban cage farming by the end of 2023, no proposals have been published. foodwatch joins the European Citizens' Initiative „End the Cage Age“ in taking the EU Commission to court. We will apply to the European Court of Justice to represent consumers' perspectives. #EndTheCageAge #AnimalWelfare #foodwatch #EUCommission #Democracy #AnimalRights #ConsumerRights

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  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

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    Tired of confusing food labels and misleading information? Enter Nutri-Score, a straightforward tool to help you make healthier choices! Developed by Santé Publique France, Nutri-Score simplifies nutritional information into an easy-to-read label. It rates foods based on favourable elements (protein, fibre, fruits) and those to limit (calories, sugars, salt). Originally adopted in France, Nutri-Score is now used in 8 countries, including Germany and Spain. Constantly evolving, the 2022 algorithm update improved scores for healthy options like oily fish and nuts while being stricter on salty and sugary products. Read more on the impact of Nutri-Score in our latest article.

    Nutri-Score: How to use a label to improve health and diet

    Nutri-Score: How to use a label to improve health and diet

  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Fight Over Nutri-Score: Transparency vs. Agro-Industrial Lobbying For years, the agri-food industry has fought against Nutri-Score, a clear and transparent front-of-pack nutrition label that helps consumers make healthier choices. Despite its benefits, industry giants like Nestlé, Mars, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Unilever have deployed extensive strategies to block its mandatory adoption, prioritizing profits over public health. These companies push alternative labels that confuse consumers, exploit Nutri-Score's voluntary nature to hide poor ratings, and invest heavily in lobbying efforts. Nationalist politics also play a role, with countries like Italy opposing Nutri-Score to protect local products. Despite broad scientific support, the European Commission has delayed making Nutri-Score mandatory. With nutrition-related illnesses on the rise, it's more crucial than ever to demand transparency in food labeling. 👉 Click here and read more about the battle for Nutri-Score and why it's vital for public health.

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  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

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    Unveiling a Massive Horse Meat Scandal in Europe A shocking two-part documentary by RTÉ Investigates, featuring contributions from foodwatch, exposes a large-scale fraud involving racehorses unfit for consumption being smuggled into the food chain. 🔍 Why It Matters: This scandal highlights significant vulnerabilities in our food traceability systems, posing potential health risks to consumers and undermining trust in food safety. Despite regulatory efforts, insufficient checks and fragmented national databases allow such fraudulent activities to persist. 📢 Call to Action: We demand total transparency and stringent enforcement from European authorities. As consumers, we have the right to know what we are eating and to be protected from fraudulent practices. 🖋️ Stay Informed: Don’t miss the documentaries "Horses - Making a Killing," airing on June 12th and 13th on RTÉ One. Learn more about how these illicit activities are threatening food safety and consumer trust. #Foodwatch #FoodSafety #HorseMeatScandal #ConsumerRights #Transparency #StopFoodFraud

    RTÉ Investigates: Horses - Making a Killing

  • Unternehmensseite von foodwatch anzeigen, Grafik

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    The mess on our plates in Europe is real, but we have the power to change it. From June 6 to 9, #EuropeanParliamentelections will take place across all 27 member states. These elections are crucial for shaping the future of our food policies. At first glance, it seems that the EU has everything under control when it comes to food safety and information. However, current laws and regulations are far from adequate to ensure fair, safe, and healthy food for all. The ambitious plans set in 2020 for a sustainable and healthy food environment have largely been postponed, delayed, or even disappeared from the agenda. This is our chance to push for long-awaited policy reforms. By voting, you can put our MEPs to work for a fairer, healthier, and safer food environment in Europe. Go vote and make your voice heard! 🌍🗳️ #EUelections2024 #FoodPolicy

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