Golding Capital Partners

Golding Capital Partners


München, Bayern 7.411 Follower:innen

Make a difference.


Golding Capital Partners GmbH is one of Europe’s leading independent asset managers for alternative investments, focusing on the asset classes infrastructure, private credit, private equity, secondaries and impact. With a team of more than 200 professionals at its offices in Munich, Luxembourg, Milan, Tokyo and Zurich, Golding Capital Partners helps institutional and professional investors to develop their investment strategy and manages of more than €14.5 billion in assets. Its around 230 investors include pension funds, insurance companies, foundations, family offices and ecclesiastical institutions, as well as banks, savings banks and cooperative banks. Golding became a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in 2013 and has been a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) since 2021. Mandatory information: Imprint - Data protection -

201–500 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern
Alternative Investments, Private Equity, Private Debt, Infrastructure, Buyout, Fund of Funds, Co-Investments, Secondaries, Primaries und Impact Investing


Beschäftigte von Golding Capital Partners


  • 📢 Recap: Exploring the appetite for direct lending What’s driving demand in the direct lending space, and how are LPs shaping their strategies in this evolving market? Our Managing Director Private Credit Investments, Florian Hofer, shared key insights during the panel « The Allocators’ Roundtable: Who’s Hungry for More? The Direct Lending Appetite » at the European Private Credit Conference: 📌 Shifting private credit allocations: Most investors are viewing private credit not just as a fixed-income replacement but as a strategic asset class to enhance diversification. Many of our clients have significantly increased their private credit allocations to meet rising targets. 📌 Balancing strategies: There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to private credit. New investors often start with senior direct lending, while more experienced LPs look to fill gaps in their portfolios, using lower-mid market lending, junior debt, asset-based finance, or opportunistic strategies. These approaches help diversify and can stabilize portfolios. 📌 Differentiating factors: As the market matures, new entrants can add value through specialization and innovative offerings. Yet, institutional quality, track record, and alignment of interests remain critical criteria for LPs. Other entrants look to differentiate with low fees or co-investment opportunities. 📌 Partnerships with banks: Numerous strategic partnerships have been formed in recent years between banks and direct lending managers. These aim to leverage banks' client networks for sourcing. Notably, set-ups vary as to whether the direct lending manager or the bank does the underwriting. 📌 Retail Capital: With increased competition for traditional capital sources, several direct lenders are looking to tap retail investors. A big thank you to the other panelists as well as to DealCatalyst for hosting this engaging discussion.

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  • We are delighted to participate in IPEM Cannes 2025 – the ideal platform for investors, fundraisers, dealmakers, and advisors to network and make impactful deals. The three-day event will take place from January 28 to 30 at the 📍 Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes. You can find us at booth no. B017! Our experts will contribute to the discussion as panelists on these two topics: 🔵 Daniel Boege: Reassessing the role of private capital in the European economy 🔵 Jakob Schramm: Opportunistic credit strategies Dr. Matthias Reicherter, Thorsten Birke, CAIA, Ana Lucía Gottret, Laura Tardino, and Richard Wilmes will also be on-site and look forward to meeting you! #PrivateMarkets #AlternativeInvestments #IPEM2025

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  • 🌱 Impact with Golding Capital Partners No. VII The Golding #impact strategy invests in private equity funds globally, with a focus on transformative business models within climate technologies and inclusive finance. In our "Meet the Managers"-series, we introduce you to our universe of impact funds with ambitious, measurable environmental and social sustainability objectives alongside market-rate return targets. Inverness Graham is a US buyout firm that acquires innovative, high-growth companies in the lower middle market where technology is transforming traditional industry. Together with the company's Managing Principal Paul Nolen, we talked about their strategy and goals. 3️⃣ interesting questions, 3️⃣ insightful answers. Take a look ⤵ #privatemarkets #alternativeinvestments Make a difference. Learn more here

  • Private Debt im Fokus »Zinsveränderungen haben einen direkten Renditeeinfluss, denn Loans im Direct Lending sind variabel verzinst. Allerdings hat die Anlageklasse auch im Nullzinsumfeld sehr starkes Wachstum gezeigt«, erklärt unser Head of Private Credit Jakob Schramm in der aktuellen Ausgabe des dpn. 📌 Drei weitere Erkenntnisse: 1️⃣ Starke Fundamentaldaten: Trotz Zinsanpassungen bleibt Private Credit attraktiv – insbesondere durch Margenvorteile in einem Niedrigzinsumfeld. 2️⃣ Portfolio-Optimierung durch Secondaries: Strategien wie GP-led-Transaktionen bieten Investoren effiziente Möglichkeiten, Kapitalbindung zu erhöhen und Risiken gezielt zu steuern. 3️⃣ Chancen in Credit Opportunities: Diese Sub-Asset-Klasse ergänzt Senior Direct Lending und hilft, Portfolios über den Zyklus hinweg zu stabilisieren. Den kompletten Beitrag finden Sie hier 👇

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    🌍 Making an Impact Together As we enter 2025, we are proud to point out the work of our #ImpactTaskForce, a group of dedicated employees driving sustainability and wellbeing at Golding. In 2024, the team delivered initiatives that made a measurable positive impact for our #environment, #community, and team members. Here is a look back at some highlights that we accomplished together: 🚴♀️ Summer Challenge: From June to July, our colleagues embraced the challenge to walk or cycle to work, combining three core goals: personal health, saving CO2 emissions and a contribution to society. The result? A remarkable 6,000 km covered and 950 kg of CO2 saved! We celebrated this commitment by pledging a €7,000 donation, supporting Stiftung Pfennigparade in Munich and Stëmm vun der Strooss in Luxembourg. 🌳 Tree Planting in Ebersberger Forst: This year, we joined forces with ClimatePartner to plant trees in the Ebersberger Forst near Munich. Guided by a local forester, we learned about the critical role of reforestation in combating climate change and mitigating its effects on local weather patterns, such as rising summer temperatures. 👩 Women@Golding: Our initiative dedicated to supporting women within our organization. Through mentoring programs, experience-sharing, and other resources, the initiative aims to foster greater diversity and inclusion at Golding. With women already making up 46% of our workforce, we are committed to achieving 50% representation across the company by 2025. Additionally, we aim to reach 30% women in Managing Director and Partner roles and 50% at Director level by 2030. 👩👧👦 Parents@Golding: Our recently launched initiative supports working parents with a platform for experience-sharing, having fun at joint events with children, and improving work-life balance. The first joint event took place during the Christmas season with kids and partners joining our colleagues for a fun afternoon at the office. 🏃 Mental Health & Wellbeing: From participating in the B2Run (Infront B2Run GmbH) to our partnership with Wellhub and the offering of Company Bike, we prioritized fitness, mindfulness, and mental health. Thank you, Andreas Breme, CESFi, Thomas Fiebiger, Fabian Golland, Ana Lucía Gottret, Christian Schuetz, Stefanie Szabo, Sandy Thier and Fränk Wolf, CIIA and countless other colleagues for your contribution and making an #impact! Learn more about our #sustainability efforts:

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  • «Gemeinsam helfen» – Für Menschen in schwierigen Lebenssituationen Mit unserer diesjährigen Spende konnten wir einen kleinen Beitrag zur Unterstützung von Stëmm vun der Strooss leisten. Die symbolische Scheckübergabe übernahmen unsere Kollegen Lukas Eckhardt, Sandy Thier und Felix Kipper. Stëmm vun der Strooss engagiert sich seit über 28 Jahren für Menschen, die von Armut, Ausgrenzung und sozialen Schwierigkeiten betroffen sind. Zu ihrer wertvollen Arbeit gehören die 🔵 Bereitstellung von Mahlzeiten in Sozialrestaurants, 🔵 Unterstützung bei sozialer und beruflicher Reintegration, 🔵 Beratung und Betreuung für Menschen in Notlagen, 🔵 Schaffung von Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten in eigenen Werkstätten 🔵 und ein respektvolles Miteinander und offenes Ohr für die Betroffenen. Ein großes Dankeschön an Stëmm vun der Strooss für ihr Engagement und die unermüdliche Hilfe, die sie jeden Tag leisten! 💙 Unser besonderer Dank gilt alexandra oxacelay, die uns einen Einblick in die Arbeit des Vereins gegeben hat. 🤝

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  • Season´s Greetings and a Heartfelt Thank You! As the year comes to an end, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our clients, partners, and colleagues. At Golding, we believe gratitude goes beyond words – it’s reflected in actions. Guided by our vision, «We create impact for generations. Local. Regional. Global.», we are happy to support #charity initiatives and prioritize responsibility and social engagement at every level. This year, we proudly supported initiatives that make a tangible difference: 📍 Local: Supporting , a non-profit organisation teaching young people essential life and digital skills. Together, we’re empowering the next generation to create a fairer, more sustainable world. 🏔️ Regional: Partnering with Schweizer Berghilfe, helping sustain the livelihoods and communities in Switzerland’s mountain regions, and contributing to the Bazar International de Luxembourg, which raises funds for global humanitarian causes all over the world. 🌏 Global: Collaborating with Lebenslinien e. V., which has been supporting disadvantaged children in the Cape region of South Africa since 2005. One of its flagship projects is the ‘Eagle's Nest’ kindergarten in Grabouw, which provides education and care for 90 children from impoverished communities. We sincerely hope you enjoy a peaceful festive season and a happy new year filled with health and happiness. Thank you for your trust and partnership. We look forward to creating new opportunities together in 2025.

  • 🌍 Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus: ESG-Screening bei Secondaries Verantwortungsbewusstes Investieren gewinnt auch im Bereich #Secondaries zunehmend an Bedeutung. Doch wie lässt sich ein strenger #ESG-Ansatz in einer so komplexen Assetklasse umsetzen? Im aktuellen Newsletter des Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI) zeigen unser Head of Sustainable Investing, Christian Schuetz, und Managing Director Secondaries, Thomas Hallinger, wie eine umfassende ESG-Due-Diligence auf Ebene der General Partner und Portfoliounternehmen aussehen kann. Unser Ansatz: 📘 Tiefe Analysen und ein innovativer Screening-Prozess schaffen die Grundlage für die ESG Analyse und die Artikel-8-Klassifizierung des Fonds 📘 Kombination aus starker Selektivität und tiefgehender Analyse 📘 Mehr als nur regulatorische Erfüllung, sondern ein echter Beitrag zu nachhaltigkeitsorientiertem Investieren Mehr dazu im Gastbeitrag im BAI Newsletter:

    Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus – ESG-Screening bei Secondaries

    Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus – ESG-Screening bei Secondaries

  • Shaping sustainability | Our second Sustainability Report 2023/24 Acting sustainably is at the heart of our corporate vision. Since we integrate #impact and «Make a difference» into our mission, the focus on sustainability has been a defining element in our products, analyses, data and investor dialogues. In our second Sustainability Report, we present comprehensive insights into our objectives, methods and results. Under this year's motto «valyou – ideas for sustainable growth», we emphasise the importance of a value-oriented dialogue with investors and partners. Our aim is to jointly recognise where both we and our counterparts stand on the development path in order to promote a continuous exchange. Many colleagues have worked on this report to visualise our goals, methods, projects and results. Our special thanks go to Christian Schuetz, our Head of Sustainable Investing and his team Haiyu D. and Fabian Golland. Learn more about our approach, dive into our projects, and see the progress in our sustainability report.

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  • Neue Spielräume für Infrastrukturinvestitionen von Pensionskassen und berufsständigen Versorgungswerken Der Entwurf des Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetzes II sieht wichtige Neuerungen in der #Anlageverordnung vor: Die Einführung einer eigenständigen 5-prozentigen Mischungsquote für Infrastrukturinvestments würde #Pensionskassen und #Versorgungswerken neue Spielräume bei der Kapitalanlage ermöglichen und die überlasteten Risikokapital- und Beteiligungskapitalquoten entlasten. «Durch die neue Anlageverordnung soll ja nicht nur die längst überfällige eigenständige Mischungsquote für Infrastruktur ohne Anrechnung auf die bisherigen Mischungsquoten etabliert, sondern auch die Risikokapitalquote von 35 auf 40 Prozent angehoben werden, was ein großer Schritt zu bundesweit kohärenten Rahmenbedingungen für die Anlage von Versorgungswerken darstellen würde. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass trotz Ende der Ampelkoalition das Gesetzgebungsverfahren noch in dieser Legislaturperiode umgesetzt werden kann.» Lutz Boxberger Die geplante #Infrastrukturquote schafft Investoren dringend erforderliche zusätzliche Spielräume, da während der Niedrigzinsphase der vergangenen Jahre die Beteiligungsquote vieler Versorgungswerke nahezu ausgeschöpft wurde. Gleichzeitig signalisiert der Gesetzgeber aufgrund klammer Haushaltslage ein klares Interesse daran, privates Kapital für die dringend benötigten Infrastrukturmaßnahmen zu mobilisieren. Im aktuellen Beitrag der Institutional Money lesen Sie, welche Chancen die neue Regelung für Anleger bietet, welche Herausforderungen bestehen und warum unser Regulierungsexperte Lutz Boxberger die Entwicklungen als richtungsweisend bewertet.

    Begrüßenswerte Öffnung

    Begrüßenswerte Öffnung

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