H3 Health Hub hat dies direkt geteilt
💯 #Teams are more successful! 💥 But how do I find my perfect match? 🚦 No matter if you have an idea and you are looking for a #cofounder or if you are interested in joining a groundbreaking idea - this is the right time and place for you! 📆 April 17th - starting at 4:30pm 📍 MAFINEX Technologiezentrum - Julius Hatry Straße 1 - #Mannheim 🕯️ Registration through the link in the comments ✨ DeepTechHub #matchmaking is special, because 💡 it brings together #entrepreneurs from seven different #universities 🦸 very different #disciplines are gathered in one room 🍕 the #networking is legendary 🔥 Organized by the #greatteam of #DeepTechHub with Rick Lindner, Ali Yahyaoui, Martin Vural, Dr. Nora Zybura, Erika Ni, Caroline Bechtold, Dennis Riegraf, Aline Kinzie, Johannes Lauer, Andreas Mitschke, Ulrike Faye, Sonja Wilkens, Thomas Prexl, Thomas Neumann and many more. ➕ Supported by NXTGN #startupfactory. 🙏 Thanks to our partners from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, University of Mannheim, Hochschule Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Pforzheim University, and Hochschule Heilbronn - Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Informatik. 📢 Please spread the word: Markus Bühler, Bodo Brückner, Amina Daca, Michael Gerards, Silke Uhrig-Schmidt, Juergen Bauer, Frieder Kern, Cansu Cak, Laura Kaltenmaier, Prof. Bernhard Küppers, Katharina Pelka, Helke Hillebrand, Regine Kleber, Andrea Leibfried, Dr., and everyone else. ❓ Within the #InspireBW Hubs we are discussing a common #matchmaking event series across THE LÄND - happening once a month in one of our universities in #BadenWürttemberg. What do you think about it? Does it help to have them under one umbrella? So that all universities can communicate together? I'm looking forward to your comments and ideas❓