


Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz 2.314 Follower:innen

Verwandeln Sie die E-Mail-Signaturen Ihrer Mitarbeiter in Ihr stärkstes Marketingtool.


Die E-Mail-Signatur wird bei vielen Unternehmen häufiger gesehen, als die Website. Trotzdem wird das Marketing-Potenzial der handgeschriebenen E-Mails aller Mitarbeiter noch von den wenigsten Marketing-Verantwortlichen voll genutzt. Mailtastic ermöglicht es Ihnen, zentral die E-Mail-Signaturen Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu verwalten und durch Marketing-Banner zu erweitern, um somit den täglichen E-Mail-Verkehr in einen starken Marketingkanal zu verwandeln. Der Erfolg jeder Kampagne kann im Dashboard anhand von Clicks, Impressions und Click-Rate ausgewertet werden. Mailtastic gehört zur Cognism-Familie: Cognism ist ein führender Anbieter von Premium Sales Intelligence, der einen neuen Standard für Datenqualität und Compliance setzt und dem mehr als 1.800 Vertriebsteams weltweit vertrauen. Seit 2020 ist Mailtastic Teil der Cognism-Gruppe.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz
Marketing, E-Mail-Signatur-Marketing, E-Mail-Signatur, Online-Marketing, Email signature Marketing, Email Signature Marketing campaigns, Digital Marketing, Email signature, Software development, SaaS, Account Based Marketing und ABM



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    We know that the journey from lead generation to customer conversion is tough, but it doesn't have to be. During our webinar, global marketing leaders will share their blueprint for campaigns that actually bring you results. Whether you're looking to refine your tactics or overhaul your approach, this session is packed with practical insights to help you increase your lead nurturing ROI. 📅 Wednesday, 11th September | 10 am BST / 11 am CEST What’s in it for you: ABM Playbook: Take a look inside Cognism's ABM playbook and learn how it's delivering outstanding results with marketing strategies tailored for enterprise customers. Personalised messaging:  Learn how to stand out with your messaging and email signatures to effectively nurture leads. Nurturing leads with emails: Discover how STILL and visunext increased campaign success with targeted email signature campaigns - e.g. STILL generated an additional 2 million impressions for their event campaign. Speakers: Tim Hughes – Demand Generation Lead at Cognism Marc Struck – External Project Brand Management & Marketing Communications at STILL GmbH Stefan Böyng – Project Manager at visunext Group Rico Wildenauer – Team Lead Customer Success at Mailtastic Sign up for free:

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    How does a construction company use email to stand out from the competition? Email is a big part of how Elvermann communicates with customers. But here's the thing: Each employee's email signature looked different and sometimes contained incorrect information. ❌ Different fonts ❌ Different logos ❌ Different addresses We spoke to Ludger Elvermann about how he uses Mailtastic to: ✅ Save time creating email signatures for the IT and marketing team. ✅ Make sure every email looks professional and contains the right information. ✅ Reach the right people with targeted marketing that's cost-effective and easy to execute.

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    Smart tactics can give your content distribution a big boost without breaking the bank. 💸 For example, use email signatures and add a link or clickable banner graphic to promote your content. Your email signature is prime real estate for promoting your brand, content and products. Include a subtle call-to-action, such as - a link to your latest webinar - a free resource - or a limited-time discount. Make it engaging, irresistible and relevant to your audience. 📨 Include this in the email signatures of employees who interact with prospects and customers every day. 👉 By using your email signature strategically, you can easily drive traffic, generate leads and nurture relationships.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Mailtastic anzeigen, Grafik

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    3 key ingredients for building trust through email signatures 👇 🎨 Design matters: Make sure your email signatures are visually appealing and consistent with your brand's overall look and feel. A well-designed signature not only catches the eye, but also leaves a lasting impression of professionalism and attention to detail. 👥 Social proof: Want to establish credibility immediately? Include links to positive customer reviews, case studies or industry awards. By showcasing success stories from satisfied customers, you're sending a powerful message: "Trust us, because others already do!" 🔐 Trust building credentials: B2B transactions often involve sensitive information and data security concerns. Address these concerns by displaying trust-building certifications in your email signatures. Let recipients know that you take their privacy seriously and that you're a trusted partner, whether it's ISO, GDPR or another relevant industry certification.

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    B2B email marketing tends to be overshadowed by social media, influencer marketing, etc. 🫣 But are companies missing an opportunity to connect with their audience through their inbox? Email has a number of advantages that make it a valuable marketing tool: 1️⃣ Higher conversion rates: Studies have shown that email has a higher conversion rate than social media. This means that people are more likely to make a purchase after receiving an email from a business. 2️⃣ More targeted messages: Email allows businesses to send targeted messages to specific groups of people. Social media, on the other hand, is more of a broadcast platform where messages are seen by a wider audience. 3️⃣ Greater personalisation: Email allows companies to create highly personalised messages tailored to the interests and needs of their audience. This is more difficult to achieve on social media, where messages are often more generic and broad in nature. 4️⃣ Higher ROI: Email has a higher ROI than social media, which means that businesses can expect a higher return on their investment in email marketing. #emailmarketing #email #b2bmarketing

  • Unternehmensseite von Mailtastic anzeigen, Grafik

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    How to use email signatures for employer branding, customer engagement and even sales 👇 Each department within your company has its unique goals. And those should be reflected in the correspondence they send out. You can use your email signature as an extension for those goals like this: 💸 SALES Aim: Engaging prospects, value-led communication Examples for CTAs: a ROI calculator (prove prospects the positive impact your service could offer), see a product tour, request a demo 🤝 CUSTOMER SUCCESS Aim: enabling customers to make most out of product, keep customer satisfaction levels high, keep customer engagement high & establish relevant relationship Examples for CTAs: contact information for customer support, link to suggest referrals, details of updates ⭐ HR Aim: finding & securing new talent, enabling talent within company Examples for CTAs: “meet the team” video, interview with CEO / managers, introduction to the office, stats that show off your company’s unique culture Remember: Every email is a chance to get your prospects and customers to engage even more with your brand, so don't miss out on the opportunity.

  • Unternehmensseite von Mailtastic anzeigen, Grafik

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    Consider this: Turn every email your team sends into a targeted marketing campaign. But how do you do this? Use email signature banners to amplify the impact of your marketing initiatives. For marketers, signature banners offer… 1️⃣ Visibility: Turn every email into a subtle advertising space for your brand. 2️⃣ Consistency: Maintain a consistent visual identity with a branded banner across your team's signatures. 3️⃣ Engagement: Drive traffic to your latest campaign, blog or product with a clickable banner. 4️⃣ Professionalism: Make a lasting impression on prospects, customers and partners with polished email signatures that set you apart from the competition.

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    2.314 Follower:innen

    The average person sends about 30-40 emails a day. So a lot of people will see your email signature. Therefore 👇 If your signature contains current marketing messages, it will reach all your email contacts. And every email you send becomes an extension of your marketing campaign. This way: Even if the email you're sending doesn't directly relate to your current business objective, your signature will. So every single one of your business emails contributes to your marketing goals. It's also worth noting: Email forwarding also makes a big difference. Every time an email is forwarded, your marketing content reaches even more people.

  • Unternehmensseite von Mailtastic anzeigen, Grafik

    2.314 Follower:innen

    Do you already use corporate signatures and turn it into your own media/marketing channel? Here is how and why you should use your email signature: ✉️ Increase the visibility of your content With the average person sending 40 emails a day, use the space under signatures as a small ad space that stands out and is remembered in every email. ✉️ Increase engagement When email recipients see interesting content in your signature, they become curious. This makes them more likely to click on links or banners. Another important touch point in the customer journey. ✉️ Build trust With relevant content in your signature, you can position your company as an expert in your industry. A signature with high-quality content also looks professional and builds trust in your company. ✉️ Add value to every email You can add value to every email without being intrusive. The recipient will not only receive the email itself, but also useful information or suggestions at the end of the email. ✉️ Place your message - without competition Signature space is yours. You don't need to invest in expensive advertising to get your message noticed.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Mailtastic anzeigen, Grafik

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    Imagine this: You turn every email your team sends into a marketing channel that goes directly to your ICP by using the space under "kind regards". But how do you do it? Use email signature banners to extend the reach of your marketing campaign. Signature banners for marketers mean: 1️⃣ Visibility: Turn every email into a mini billboard for your brand. 2️⃣ Consistency: Ensure a consistent visual image with a branded banner across your team's signatures. 3️⃣ Engagement: Drive traffic to your latest campaign, blog or product with a clickable banner. 4️⃣ Professionalism: Impress prospects, customers and partners with professional email signatures that stand out from the crowd.

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