Let's pause and celebrate our achievements, while preparing for the exciting challenges that lie ahead! Our colleagues at XING have made incredible strides over the past few months, and as we embrace them, we're aware of the passionate journeys that lie ahead. Powered by our amazing team, we're excited to tackle whatever comes next! In 2024, we've launched transformative initiatives like smart job search and our collaboration with the Baller League, demonstrating our commitment to innovation. We can't wait to share these inspiring stories and more from XING in our latest video! Check it out! 🙌🚀 Thanks to Eva Reimer, Stefan Bechstein and Ramona Bedekovic 🤗 #XING #EmployeeSuccess #InspiringTeam #ChallengesAhead
New Work SE strives for a better working world. With two strong brands, jobs network XING and employer review platform kununu, it aims to be the most important recruiting partner in German-speaking countries. By bringing candidates and companies together, professionals can lead a more fulfilling working life while companies can achieve greater success by winning the right talent. MATCHING TALENT WITH OPPORTUNITIES We don’t see “New Work” as a buzzword. To us, it’s a promise. We strive to make happiness at work a reality. Because it’s not only about the money, it’s also about the working environment and appreciation. It’s about creating the best team setup you can imagine, and about getting involved in things you’re passionate about. And you can be part of it! We want our employees to innovate and we enable them to do what they really, really want. Based on this conviction, New Work SE aligns its brands, products and services around its vision – for a better working life. You can find the New Work SE as an employer at its headquarter in Hamburg and other locations like Vienna, Barcelona, Valencia and Porto. Currently, around 1400 employees from over 40 different nations are actively shaping the future of work.
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Beschäftigte von New Work SE
🇬🇧 In Sales at kununu, conversations flow naturally - people know our brand, have an opinion, and want to talk. That makes every day exciting! 💡 Maximilian, one of our Sales colleagues, shares what he loves about his job: the dynamic discussions, the well-known brand, and the opportunity to make a real impact. 🚀 Curious? Learn more about the role and our team here: https://lnkd.in/d5B2TWHT #SalesJobs #JoinUs #EmployerBranding #kununu -- 🇩🇪 Im Sales bei kununu fließen die Gespräche ganz natürlich - die Menschen kennen unsere Marke, haben eine Meinung und wollen reden. Das macht jeden Tag spannend! 💡 Maximilian, einer unserer Sales-Kolleg·innen, erzählt, was er an seinem Job liebt: die dynamischen Gespräche, die bekannte Marke und die Möglichkeit, wirklich etwas zu bewirken. 🚀 Neugierig geworden? Erfahre hier mehr über die Rolle und unser Team: https://lnkd.in/d5B2TWHT
Curious about what a day in the life of a student in Barcelona looks like? 🎓 Meet Paula, Office and Internal Comms student, as she walks us through her day in Barcelona! From collaborating with the Valencia team on projects to joining the monthly Townhall and heading to university classes, her days are all about learning, connecting, and growing. 💼📚☕ 🔗Explore our student opportunities and apply now! https://lnkd.in/dtCM-5fz #student #careers #barcelona
Tackling the gender pay gap is vital for a fair workplace ☝️ Yesterday, our colleagues in Vienna took part in an inspiring panel discussion with experts Martina Ernst, MBA, an authority on FairEqualPay, and Yenia Zaba (she/her/hers), our VP Global Communications & Brand at kununu. 💪 They highlighted a striking reality: despite being better educated, women experience a 15% pay gap, which has a significant impact on their lives. Our speakers shared compelling data and personal stories to emphasise the need for pay transparency. #EqualPayDay #GenderPayGap #FairPay #LetsMakeWorkBetter
𝐇ö𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓 % 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐭 𝐟ü𝐫 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐞𝐧! 😤 Ja, das stimmt! 61 % der Frauen in Deutschland sind gebildeter, als die männliche "Konkurrenz". Dennoch beträgt der #GenderPayGap noch immer 15 %. Anlässlich zum Equal Pay Day, durften wir heute Martina Ernst, MBA, in unserem Office in Wien willkommen heißen. Zum oben stehenden Fakt hat sie nicht viel zu sagen. Ihre Worte: "𝒗ö𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒅". Gemeinsam mit Yenia Zaba (VP Global Communications & Brand, kununu) sprach sie über Fakten und Zahlen rund um den Gender Pay Gap und welche Folgen er auf das Leben einer Frau haben kann. 𝐇𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝟑 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐳𝐮𝐦 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐩: ➡️ Ost vs. West: Im Osten Deutschlands ist der Gender Pay Gap mit 5 % erheblich niedriger, als im Westen Deutschlands. Hier liegt er bei 17 %. ➡️ 2023 waren 30 % der allein lebenden Rentnerinnen von Armut bedroht - bei Männern sind es "nur" 17%. ➡️ Frauen müssten einen ganzen Arbeitstag mehr pro Woche arbeiten, um das gleiche zu verdienen, wie ihre männlichen Kollegen. 💡 Der Gender Pay Gap hat sich in den letzten 4 Jahren um 4 % verringert. Mit 15 % ist er aber nach wie vor noch immer viel zu hoch. Es ist noch ein langer Weg, bis die #Gehaltslücke endlich geschlossen ist. Ein wichtiger Faktor dabei ist #Transparenz. Indem man offen über Gehälter und die Ungleichheit spricht, steigt auch die Aufmerksamkeit für dieses wichtige Thema! ❤️ Vielen Dank an Martina Ernst, MBA für die spannenden Fakten und den informativen, aber auch emotionalen Austausch! ℹ️ Wie sich der Gender Pay Gap in den Jahren entwickelt hat, in welchen Branchen er besonders hoch ist und viele weitere Fakten, gibt's hier ➡️ https://lnkd.in/e7qaTZCk #equalpayday #genderpaygap #fairpay #letsmakeworkbetter
Meet Maja, Organisational Development Manager 🚀 as she shares what has kept her with us for so long and her biggest challenge. Join us and be inspired! 💼🌟 #SuccessStory #NewWorkSE #Change
This is Christian, our fantastic front-end engineer at kununu! 🧑💻🤓 We recently caught up with him to talk about his journey, his day-to-day experiences and what makes being part of our team so special. Looking for more insights? Check out the full interview on our careers page 🙌 https://lnkd.in/deEffV33 #tech #kununu #interview #newworkse #frontend
What does a week in the Valencia office look like? 👀 Here's what we loved most this week! 🌟 Highlights of the week: 1️⃣ The Data & Platform Leadership team hosted an Open Space, giving Valencian colleagues the chance to dive into platform projects & tech discussions. 2️⃣ Full House, Full Energy: A buzzing office brings out the best ideas! 3️⃣ Enjoying traditional Valencian treats—horchata & fartons, of course! 🥛 4️⃣ Getting the office ready for an exciting week of events ahead. 5️⃣ Hosting a local chess tournament, with players joining from different teams. ♟️ 6️⃣ Celebrating the winners of the 5th Vol. of the chess tournament! 🏆 Want to know more about our #Data teams? Visit our careers page to explore opportunities and don't miss our latest interview with Valencia-based Data colleague Héctor! https://new-work.se/en #NewWorkSE #Tech #Valencia
🇩🇪Taucht ein in die Welt des Sales mit Bakari von XING und findet heraus, wie eine persönliche Note den Unterschied bei der Kund·innenansprache ausmachen kann. Es geht nicht nur um die Zahlen, sondern darum, jede einzelne Herausforderung zu verstehen! 💪✨ Klingt interessant? 🚀 Finde mehr über unsere Stelle als Account Executive (m/w/d) heraus und bewirb Dich in nur wenigen Minuten, ohne Lebenslauf: 🔗➡️ https://lnkd.in/dWYwiT58 -- 🇬🇧 Dive into the world of sales with Bakari from XING! Discover how a personal touch can make all the difference when connecting with customers. It's not just about the numbers, it's about understanding each unique challenge! 💪✨ Sounds interesting to you? 🚀 Find out more about our Account Executive (m/f/d) position and apply in just a few minutes, without a CV: 🔗➡️ https://lnkd.in/dWYwiT58 #Sales #Jobs #Career #NewWorkSE
🇩🇪 Neugierig, was die New Work Group so besonders macht? In unserem neuesten Video gibt Dijana von XING, eine unserer tollen Sales Kolleg·innen, Einblicke und Erfahrungen! Entdeckt die einzigartige Atmosphäre und die Werte, die uns jeden Tag antreiben. 💡✨ Klingt interessant für Dich? 🚀 Erfahre mehr über unsere Stelle als Account Executive (m/w/d) und bewirb Dich in nur wenigen Minuten, ganz ohne Lebenslauf: https://lnkd.in/dWYwiT58 -- 🇬🇧Curious about what makes the New Work Group so special? In our latest video, one of our amazing colleagues, Dijana from XING, shares her insights and experiences! Discover the unique atmosphere and values that drive us every day. 💡✨ Sounds interesting to you? 🚀 Find out more about our Account Executive (m/f/d) position and apply in just a few minutes, without a CV: https://lnkd.in/dWYwiT58 #NewWorkSE #Sales #Inspiration #Career #Jobs #JoinUs