PAKi Logistics

PAKi Logistics


Marktführer im Management von tauschfähigen Ladungsträgern.


PAKi ist ein Dienstleister für die Verwaltung, Lieferung und Verlagerung von standardisierten Tauschpaletten (Europaletten) und Gitterboxen. Mit über 45 Jahren Wissen und mehr als 200 Spezialisten bietet PAKi absolute Zuverlässigkeit und unvergleichliches Fachwissen im Bereich Pooling. Wir unterstützen Transportunternehmen, Handel und Industrie in ganz Europa beim Umgang mit ihrem speziellen Bedarf an Ladungsträgern. PAKi ist Teil der Faber Halbertsma Group, einem Familienunternehmen mit einer Geschichte, die bis ins Jahr 1891 zurückreicht. Die Faber Halbertsma Group ist einer von Europas führenden Poolern und ist auch Hersteller von nachhaltigen Holzprodukten. Die Faber Halbertsma Group besteht aus mehreren spezialisierten Pooling- und Produktionsunternehmen. Ihre Produktionsunternehmen produzieren und vermarkten Paletten, Kisten und andere Verpackungslösungen für eine Vielzahl von Bereichen. Ihre Pooling-Unternehmen (IPP, PAKi und PRS) betreiben umfangreiche Kreislaufwirtschaftssysteme mit Anlagen zur Wiederverwendung in ganz Europa. Die Faber Halbertsma Group hat einen Jahresumsatz von 327 Millionen Euro und beschäftigt rund 900 Mitarbeiter. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

201–500 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von PAKi Logistics


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    Cette année, nous célébrons les 50 ans de PAKi Logistics, ça se fête ! 🥳   De 1974 à aujourd'hui ...le marché du transport et des palettes a vécu une véritable révolution ! Une révolution à laquelle PAKI a contribué. Car en 50 ans, PAKi n'a eu de cesse d'innover, observant les pratiques et les besoins pour proposer des solutions allant dans le sens de plus d'efficacité et de rapidité dans la gestion des flux, de plus de responsabilité environnementale de toute la filière… 🌿 En un demi-siècle, notre entreprise n'a eu de cesse de se développer et de grandir à travers l'Europe 🇪🇺 continuera encore pour les 50 années à venir !    Tout cela, PAKi le doit à ses équipes engagées sur le terrain au quotidien ! Des équipes de tous horizons qui se sont rassemblées pour célébrer ensemble cet anniversaire, autour d'activités de teambilding (light painting et danse). Encore un beau moment d'échanges entre collaborateurs 💼   #palettes #anniversaire #50years #PAKiLogistics

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    Our mission is clear: to make the logistics industry more sustainable. 🚛💚 At PAKi Logistics, we rely on environmentally friendly technologies and optimized processes to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment. From reducing emissions to the efficient use of resources - we take our role seriously and focus on long-term solutions for a more sustainable world. Because only together can we protect our environment and secure the future. #WeAtPAKi #PAKiLogistics #FaberGroup #logistics #pooling #openpooling #sustainability #digitalization

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  • Unternehmensseite von PAKi Logistics anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Celebrating 50 years of PAKi – A Milestone for the Ages! 🎉 Since 1974, PAKi has been lighting the flame of innovation in load carrier management, supporting retailers, manufacturers, and hauliers all over Europe. To honor our journey and the spirit of the Ruhr region, we gathered at the historic Henrichshütte in Hattingen for an unforgettable evening. From a stunning premiere of our 50th anniversary film to inspiring speeches by Anne, Sven, and Faber Group CEO Ingrid, the night was filled with moments that highlighted our history and future. We dined, danced and created lasting memories with a spectacular light show, interactive games, and our symbolic ‘Tree of Success’ - a promise for the future that embodies our values: CARE, DARE, DELIVER. Cheers to the next 50 years of PAKi! 🥂 #WeAtPAKi #PAKiLogistics #FaberGroup #logistics #pooling #openpooling #sustainability #digitalization

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  • Unternehmensseite von PAKi Logistics anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our teams are the heart of PAKi Logistics, and we believe that teamwork is strengthened by shared experiences. 👫🌟 Regular team-building activities promote exchange, strengthen trust and allow us to grow even closer together as a team. Whether solving challenges together or celebrating our successes - every experience takes us further and strengthens our corporate culture. After all, a strong and committed team is the key to innovative solutions and sustainable success. #WeAtPAKi #PAKiLogistics #FaberGroup #logistics #pooling #openpooling #sustainability #digitalization

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  • Unternehmensseite von PAKi Logistics anzeigen, Grafik

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    The best results are achieved when everyone in the team contributes their strengths and pulls together. 🤝 At PAKi Logistics, we promote a culture of openness and trust in which everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. We know that we can only grow and develop through the strength of the team. And that is exactly what makes us unique. Every day is a new opportunity to achieve great things - together as a team! #WeAtPAKi #PAKiLogistics #FaberGroup #logistics #pooling #openpooling #sustainability #digitalization

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  • Unternehmensseite von PAKi Logistics anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔍 Empowering Future Leaders: Our Commitment to Education and Innovation At PAKi Logistics, we are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of professionals through active engagement in educational initiatives. 🎓 Spotlight on Carlo Dalla Bona's Remarkable Project We are delighted to highlight the achievements of Carlo Dalla Bona, a talented student from Politecnico di Milano. Under the mentorship of Martino Schivo, our Director of Key Account Management, Carlo conducted an insightful project on "Logistic Packaging in the Automotive Market." His analysis focused on comparing different packaging solutions, emphasizing the superior benefits of PAKi’s Open Pooling Services over alternative models. 🗣️ Martino Schivo reflected on the experience: "Carlo's dedication and analytical skills were truly impressive. His work not only demonstrated the effectiveness of our solutions but also highlighted the innovative spirit we cherish at PAKi." 👏 Making a Difference with Tangible Results Carlo's project received high praise from the university, providing valuable insights into sustainable packaging solutions. His findings showcased how PAKi's innovative approaches can deliver significant benefits in the automotive sector, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability and efficiency. 🔗 Join us in celebrating Carlo's outstanding achievements and our ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between academia and industry. Thank you to everyone involved in this successful collaboration, and a special thanks to Martino for his mentorship. #WeatPAKi #Education #Mentorship #CorporateResponsibility #StudentSuccess #PAKiLogistics #Innovation #SustainablePackaging

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    Together on the Road: PAKi & vPOOL Logistics GmbH unveil branded Schröder Truck We at PAKi are thrilled to share our successful collaboration with #vPOOL both proud members of the Faber Group. Together, we’ve branded a truck for our esteemed customer, Schröder Logistik GmbH, now making its way across Germany’s roads. 🚛✨ As an open pooling service provider for standardized exchange pallets and containers throughout Europe, PAKi is excited to partner with vPOOL, which specializes in managing reusable containers and pallets in the food industry. This joint effort represents our commitment to innovative and sustainable logistics solutions. 🌍🔄 The newly branded truck stands as a symbol of our strong partnership. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed their dedication and creativity. We’re eager to see the positive responses and are proud to showcase our brands in this impactful way. 🙌 #Teamwork #FaberGroup #PAKi #vPOOL #SchröderLogistik #Branding #Logistics #Germany #Collaboration #Innovation

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  • Unternehmensseite von PAKi Logistics anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are thrilled to announce that our upcoming office renovations, scheduled to begin in August, will be executed in collaboration with a trusted regional partner. This partnership will ensure that our new workspaces are state-of-the-art, fostering creativity and collaboration among our team members. Additionally, we will donate the furniture and furnishings we no longer need to the Wuppertal Food Bank, demonstrating our commitment to both local support and sustainable practices. Together, we are paving the way for a brighter, more efficient future. #WeAtPAKi #PAKiLogistics #FaberGroup #logistics #pooling #openpooling #sustainability #digitalization

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  • Unternehmensseite von PAKi Logistics anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our office renovation is one key project of our first 'Next Generation Drivers' youth development program. The initiative is dedicated to fostering the next generation of leaders and specialists by creating innovative and flexible work environments. By investing in our spaces, we are investing in our people, encouraging creative solutions and collaborative efforts. Join us as we prepare to lead the way in the future of work! #WeAtPAKi #PAKiLogistics #FaberGroup #logistics #NewWork

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  • PAKi Logistics hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von PAKi Logistics anzeigen, Grafik

    3.146 Follower:innen

    La durabilité est au cœur de la stratégie de PAKi Logistics et du groupe Faber depuis des années, notamment via le développement de solutions qui répondent aux enjeux de nos clients - producteurs, transporteurs, distributeurs - de réduire leur empreinte environnementale. D’ailleurs, notre rapport de durabilité fait état de résultats plus qu’encourageants ! 📍L’analyse du cycle de vie des #palettes que nous gérons révèle que notre système de pooling ouvert génère 24% d'équivalent CO2 en moins par utilisation, comparé à un échange classique 📍Par rapport à un usage unique, les économies sont encore plus importantes (90 %) 📍L'impact sur la durabilité s'explique principalement par le fait que les mouvements logistiques en mutualisation ouverte sont plus optimaux. Pour en savoir plus 👉  

    Bienvenue - Faber Group - Sustainability Report 2023 - FR

    Bienvenue - Faber Group - Sustainability Report 2023 - FR

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