📢 Wir freuen uns, unser neues CCAM-Readiness Self-Assessment Tool auf der Mobility Move 2025 zu präsentieren! Vom 1. bis 3. April werden wir dieses innovative Tool an unserem Stand auf der MobilityMove2025 in Berlin vorstellen. Das CCAM-Readiness Self-Assessment Tool ist darauf ausgelegt, die Planung und Umsetzung von CCAM-Diensten (Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility) mit seiner einfachen und intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche zu beschleunigen. ❓ Was bedeutet “CCAM-Bereitschaft” Es kann beschrieben werden als "die Fähigkeit, strukturierte und fundierte Entscheidungen über die umfassende Einführung von CCAM zu treffen" 💡 Funktionsweise des Tools - Bewerten Sie Ihre CCAM-Bereitschaft in Bezug auf verschiedene Mobilitätsaspekte anhand eines strukturierten Fragebogens - Identifizieren Sie Ihre Lücken und Schwächen in Ihrer CCAM-Strategie und Ihrem Planungsprozess - Erhalten Sie Empfehlungen, Tools und gute Praxisbeispiele, die Sie bei den nächsten Schritten zur CCAM-Bereitschaft unterstützen. Kommen Sie vorbei, um mehr zu erfahren und das Tool zu testen! Besuchen Sie unseren Stand Nr. 45 in Messehalle 2 und treffen Sie Wolfgang Backhaus, unseren Geschäftsführer, sowie Henning Holdinghausen, den Teamleiter für Innovation. ✨ Mehr Infos unter: ccam-readiness.eu ✨ Connected Automated Driving in Europe
Rupprecht Consult GmbH
We are a fully independent sustainability research and consultancy company based in Cologne (Germany) since 1996.
Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung GmbH is a fully independent private research and consultancy company, mainly working on sustainability in the fields of urban and transport development, environment, information technologies and innovations to society. Our company is based in Cologne. We have developed and managed major European projects in our areas of interest.
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- 11–50 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Koeln (Cologne)
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- Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)
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- 1996
- Spezialgebiete
- Project Management, Transport, Transport Planning, Consultancy, Sustainable Planning, Research, Project Development, Public Transport, Transport Policy and Governance, Shared Mobility, Innovative Transport, Dissemination, Stakeholder Engagement, Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, SUMP, Connected and Automated Driving, CAD, Automated Road Transport, ART, Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS, Urban planning, Electric mobility, E-mobility, Evaluation, Assessment, Energy, Environment, Green Deal und CCAM
Erftstraße 15 - 17
Koeln (Cologne), 50672, DE
Beschäftigte von Rupprecht Consult GmbH
Siegfried Rupprecht
Worked for 30+ years on sustainable urban mobility. Founder & former managing director of Rupprecht Consult, now adviser.
Hana Peters
Senior Consultant at Rupprecht Consult GmbH
László Sándor Kerényi
Senior Transport Expert
Ana-Maria Baston
Urban Mobility Consultant at Rupprecht Consult GmbH
Rupprecht Consult GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
SKUp İzmir Projesinin son Teknik Çalıştayı “İzleme ve Değerlendirme” başlığıyla İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesinin ilgili birimleri ve iştirakleri ile ilgili ilçe belediyelerinden uzmanların katılımıyla gerçekleştirildi. Teknik Çalıştay, Proje Konsorsiyumunda yer alan Panteia firmasından Uluslarası Takım Lideri Yardımcısı Carolina Ramos ve Rupprecht firmasından Anahtar Uzman Dr. Susanne Böhler-Baedeker tarafından yürütüldü. Çalıştayda, İzleme ve Değerlendirme sürecinin teorik ve pratik anlamlarda ele alınmasının yanı sıra Proje Teknik Destek Ekibi uzmanları tarafından SKUp İzmir Projesi için hazırlanan İzleme ve Değerlendirme Raporundan çıktılar değerlendirildi. Teknik Çalıştay, katılımcılarımızın değerleri soruları ve geri bildirimlerinin alındığı bir oturumla verimli bir şekilde sonuçlandırıldı. The Final Technical Workshop of the SUMP İzmir Project with the title “Monitoring and Evaluation” was held with the participation of experts from the relevant departments and subsidiaries of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality and relevant district municipalities. The Technical Workshop was conducted by Carolina Ramos, Deputy International Team Leader from Panteia and Dr. Susanne Böhler-Baedeker, Key Expert from Rupprecht. The workshop focused on the theoretical and practical aspects of the Monitoring and Evaluation process as well as the outputs from the Monitoring and Evaluation Report prepared for the SUMP Izmir Project by the experts from Project’s Technical Assistance Team. The Technical Workshop was efficiently concluded with a session in which the participants' value questions and feedbacks were received. #SUMPİzmir #SKUpİzmir #GeleceğeHareketEt #MovetotheFuture Ulaştırma Sektörel Operasyonel Programı
🚀 Trustworthy AI methodology developed and presented by Rupprecht Consult in recent events for AIthena EU Horizon Project🚀 In recent months, Rupprecht Consult has been actively showcasing key outputs from the EU HORIZON project AIthena, which focuses on a Trustworthy AI methodology developed with a human-centric approach. During the 'Workshop on Trustworthy AI' hosted by the CONNECT Horizon Europe project 101069688 & REWIRE HorizonEU Project at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) GmbH in Frankfurt on March 25-26, Dr. Lakshya Pandit represented Rupprecht as a speaker in the first panel on 'Trustworthiness Assessment of Data in CCAM'. The AITHENA methodology on Trustworthy AI was presented on the first day, followed by a workshop on the second day that highlighted the ongoing challenge of measuring Trustworthy AI. Earlier, Rupprecht Consult also presented the methodology during AITHENA's 2nd Practitioners Workshop held virtually on February 26. This workshop is part of a series of annual practitioners' workshops aimed at engaging stakeholders and other interested parties through dedicated workshops and meetings in key areas of the AITHENA project. The main objective of this workshop was to present the AITHENA methodology for ensuring trustworthy AI, explore its real-world applications in CCAM systems, discuss GDPR principles, data anonymisation pipelines, and characterisation techniques in AI workflows, and demonstrate how the methodology is integrated and how the data anonymisation pipelines are applied based on AITHENA Use Cases 1 and 3. Rupprecht Consult led the development of the methodology, detailed in the D1.1 deliverable, which introduces a set of checklists and guidelines tailored for developers and testers of CCAM functions, ensuring that the technologies developed are centred around human needs and adhere to rigorous ethical standards. It takes the first step in bringing qualitative measurability to Trustworthy AI through key elements of Fairness, Transparency, Accountability, and Privacy. The deliverable containing the methodology is available on these platforms: ✨ AITHENA: https://lnkd.in/e4iNafyF ✨ Zenodo: https://lnkd.in/erqXgkT6 🔗 #AIethics #TrustworthyAI #AITHENA #Innovation #AI #HorizonEU #CCAM #Automation #Good_practice #Humancentric
🚌 Rupprecht Consult auf der Mobility Move 2025.🚌 Vom 1. bis 3. April sind wir wieder mit einem Stand auf der MobilityMove2025 in Berlin vertreten! Dort präsentieren wir stolz unsere neuesten Projekte und Innovationen in den Bereichen Automatisierung, On-Demand-Verkehr und Digitalisierung im ÖPNV. ☕ Kommen Sie vorbei und genießen Sie einen Kaffee mit uns! ☕ Besuchen Sie unseren Stand Nr. 45 in Messehalle 2 und treffen Sie Wolfgang Backhaus, unseren Geschäftsführer, sowie Henning Holdinghausen, den Teamleiter für Innovation. 💡Zu unseren Highlights gehören: 🔹 eBRT2030 project 🔹UPPER Project EU 🔹Connected Automated Driving in Europe Wir freuen uns auf spannende Gespräche und ein abwechslungsreiches Programm! ✨ Mehr Infos unter: www.mobility-move.de ✨
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In this afternoon's internal CCAM Association Multicluster meeting, we discussed with our members how we can collaborate more effectively with cities and regions. CCAM solutions have the potential to bring significant benefits to urban areas, and with large-scale demonstrations on the horizon, we see a unique opportunity to build strong, high-level partnerships. We got food for thoughts from insightful speakers: Françoise Guaspare Laura Babío Somoza Kristine Bull Sletholt Wolfgang Backhaus Tobias Brzoskowski Stay tuned for an important announcement tomorrow! A big thank you to Christian Merkt, Gereon Meyer, Dimitris Milakis, Margriet Van Schijndel-de Nooij, Anna Larsson, Lina BECELLA and Marzena Jougounoux for their big support!
Rupprecht Consult GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
📣 Announcing the next course as part of SUMP month, in collaboration with EIT Urban Mobility - Urban Mobility Explained (UMX) by EIT Urban Mobility and The #CitiesFirst Advisors + Podcast! 🚀 Every month in 2025, we will be featuring a unique theme in urban mobility, and this March is SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) Month. To support SUMP Month, we are curating specific courses in the UMX learning library that reinforce the theme of SUMPs and sustainable urban mobility. 🎓 Today we are featuring the course, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and developed by Rupprecht Consult GmbH. In this course, you will grasp the SUMP’s role in city transitions, ensuring integrated solutions and sustainability in technical, economic, environmental, and social aspects. Also, you will delve into challenges and learn from successful examples shaping urban landscapes.. 🚶♀️🛴🚘 In this course, you will: ✅ Explain why sustainable urban mobility planning is important and the diference from the traditional approaches ✅ Describe the main ingredients for developing and implementing SUMP, including national framework, governance structures, funding routes, and data requirements for monitoring progress. ✅ Learn what is needed to engage stakeholders and citizens. This course is aimed at urban planners, city officials and transport professionals safety health specialists and anyone interested in the topic of sustainable urban mobility plans. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) Course 💻 👇 https://lnkd.in/dPNuQSWY #SustainableTransport #UrbanMobility #SUMP
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"Indikatoren leicht gemacht" - das ist der Titel einer Informationsbroschüre, die das wichtigste Ergebnis des Forschungsprojektes „Indikatoren nachhaltiger urbaner Mobilität“ darstellt. Daran durfte ich in den letzten Jahren mit den brillianten Kolleg*innen des DIfU, der TU Dresden und der VDI-VDE/IT arbeiten. Wir sind überzeugt, dass das von uns entwickelte Ziel- und Indikatorenset deutschen Kommunen eine große Hilfe bieten kann, um ihre Erfolge auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Mobilität zu messen und zu kommunizieren - idealerweise im Rahmen eines integrierten Planungsprozesses nach der SUMP oder VEP Methode. Als erster Einstieg in die Thematik kann ich auch sehr den kurzen Erklärfilm sehr empfehlen. Broschüre, Film und weitere Materialien stehen auf https://lnkd.in/eiEQgVQ7 zur Verfügung. Nochmal vielen Dank an alle Partner, an das Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur, das das Projekt im Rahmen des FoPS Programms unterstützt hat, und an die Vertreter*innen von kommunalen Spitzenverbänden, Bundesländern und Kommunen, die ihre wertvolle Perspektive bei Workshops, Interviews und Umfragen mitgeteilt haben. Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (Difu), VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, Technische Universität Dresden, Martina Hertel, Richard Hartl, Jens Borken-Kleefeld, Jonas Krombach, Britta Sommer, Bettina W., Rebekah Thorne, Niklas Fischer, Wolfgang Backhaus, Morgane Juliat, Katja Attinger, Daniel Zeilinger, Thomas Kiel d'Aragon, Deutscher Städtetag, Chelsea Tschoerner-Budde, Rupprecht Consult GmbH
Rupprecht Consult, in collaboration with Civitta Strategy & Consulting Romania, Business Consulting Institute Moldova (Mihai Roscovan), and TTL PLANNING Romania, organised a series of workshops to present and discuss progress in the development of the cities’ Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). The workshops, hosted by the Soroca and Comrat Municipalities and GIZ Moldova, brought together the local project working groups and the panel of experts to work together on validating the current state of urban mobility, identifying key challenges, and defining the vision and the main directions for the development of the city's transport system. During the meetings, Civitta and TTL Planning presented their findings on the current state of urban mobility, which were then discussed with the working group. They provided an overview of key challenges and potential priority areas for intervention. Some of the main issues identified included the poor condition of the road and pedestrian network, a high motorisation rate, and an aging vehicle fleet. Additional challenges included a lack of coordination in public transport services, the absence of cycling infrastructure, insufficient pedestrian accessibility, and the lack of a comprehensive traffic management system. The working group also provided clarifying comments, which the consortium of experts will incorporate into the further development of the SUMPs. Rupprecht Consult led a session where the draft strategic mobility vision was presented to the working groups, along with pre-identified objectives, targets, goals, key areas of intervention, and KPIs. The proposed vision aims for Soroca and Comrat to have, by 2035 and beyond, a safe, inclusive, multimodal, efficient, and environmentally friendly transport system that prioritises accessibility, safety, and sustainability while also supporting economic development in the region. This was followed by an interactive session in which all members of the working group were invited to vote and share their opinions on the most suitable objectives, targets, and KPIs to achieve a sustainable mobility vision for Soroca and Comrat by 2035. In the coming months, the team of experts will continue refining the SUMP goals and objectives. A crucial next step will be the development and prioritisation of measures and projects to be included in the mobility plan.
Rupprecht Consult GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
As men, we are in the minority at Rupprecht Consult GmbH (even if only just). But that's a good thing! And it's not only good because every single one of our female colleagues is wonderful in her own unique way and makes Rupprecht Consult what it is. But because otherwise we wouldn't be able to do our job of designing sustainable and liveable mobility systems for All properly! To do this, we need more women in the transport sector! The first steps have been taken, but we are still a long way from achieving gender equity and diversity in our sector, so: #AccelerateAction! A big shout out to our women at Rupprecht: stay as you are, stay loud, stay brave, get involved! Ana-Maria Baston, Laura López, Hana Peters, Sara Abu Henedy, Dr. Jana Spille, Renata Lins fanfa, Hannah M. S. Walther, Katy Huaylla, Morgane Juliat, Dr. Susanne Böhler, Bonnie Fenton, Cristina Redinger, Clara Schneider
Rupprecht Consult GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
SKUp İzmir Projesinin 15. ve Nihai Birimler Arası Çalışma Grubu (BAÇG) Toplantısı, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesinin ilgili birimleri ve iştirakleri ile ilgili ilçe belediyelerinden uzmanların katılımıyla gerçekleştirildi. Toplantı, SKUp İzmir Projesi Takım Lideri Prof. Dr. Ela Babalık ve Anahtar Uzman Dr. Susanne Böhler-Baedeker tarafından yürütüldü. Toplantıda projenin ilerleyen faaliyetleri, nihai tedbirler listesinin kapsadığı tedbirlerin uygulama alanlarını belirten haritalar ve mali plan üzerine çıktılar hakkında bilgiler sunuldu. Katılımcıların yönelttiği değerli sorular ve geri bildirimlerin alınmasına yönelik bir oturumla toplantı sonuçlandırıldı. The 15th and the final Inter-Departmental Working Group (IDWG) Meeting of the SUMP Izmir Project was held with the participation of experts from the relevant units and subsidiaries of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and relevant district municipalities. The meeting was led by SUMP Izmir Project Team Leader Prof. Dr. Ela Babalık and Key Expert Dr. Susanne Böhler-Baedeker. Project progress, maps indicating the implementation areas of the measures covered by the final list of measures and outputs on the financial plan were presented during the meeting. The meeting concluded with a session dedicated to valuable questions and feedback from our participants. #SUMPİzmir #SKUpİzmir #GeleceğeHareketEt #MovetotheFuture Ulaştırma Sektörel Operasyonel Programı