Welthungerhilfe (WHH)

Welthungerhilfe (WHH)

Gemeinnützige Organisationen

For a world without hunger


We are one of the largest and most respected private organisations for development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Germany. As a politically and confessionally independent organisation, our value-oriented actions are always based on ethical principles. Our vision is clear: "Zero Hunger by 2030"

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Emergency Aid, Development Cooperation, Poverty Reduction, Elimination of Hunger, Food Security, WASH, Resilience, Nutrition Security, Sustainable Development Goals und ZeroHunger


Beschäftigte von Welthungerhilfe (WHH)


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    Nonprofits like Alliance2015 members have unique local insights & networks that can be game-changers for de-risking investments and accelerating progress towards the SDGs. Join us at #ImpactWeek to explore bold collaborations & solutions: https://zurl.co/I7ul with Antonia Potter Prentice (Alliance2015), Andreas Müller (Helvetas), Jan Kever (Welthungerhilfe (WHH)), Aurélien DAUNAY (Acted), Jorge Cattaneo (Boosting Opportunities) & Ondřej Nádvorník (People in Need)

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    Justice and Equity 🟰 Key to Achieving #ZeroHunger Gender inequality, food insecurity, and climate crisis intersect, creating serious challenges for households, communities, and countries. Women and girls are often the most affected by hunger and malnutrition, as well as the effects of climate extremes and emergencies. ♀️ Gender justice—equity for all people in every sphere of life—is essential to achieving a fairer world, climate justice, and food security. 🤝 Achieving gender justice requires change at every level, from individuals to entire systems, and involves three interconnected elements: 1️⃣ recognition 2️⃣ redistribution 3️⃣ representation All climate and food systems policy processes and initiatives must ensure the representation and leadership of women and marginalized groups, drawing on their valuable expertise in managing natural resources. 🌿 #GenderEquity #ClimateJustice #ZeroHunger #FoodSecurity

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    🎉 Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir gemeinsam mit Lucky Shareman den Digital Media Award Germany 2024 gewonnen haben! 🎉 Die BUNDESGESELLSCHAFT FÜR DIGITALE MEDIEN hat uns in der Kategorie Influencer Marketing für die Kampagne "Hunger auf Leben" mit dem Digital Media Award ausgezeichnet. 🏆 Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle Beteiligten, die mit großem Engagement und Kreativität diesen Erfolg möglich gemacht haben! 💚 Gemeinsam sind wir stark, und gemeinsam werden wir weiter alles geben, um unser Ziel #ZeroHunger zu erreichen. 🤝 #Kooperation #Entwicklungszusammenarbeit #LeaveNoOneBehind

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    And the winner is…Welthungerhilfe (WHH) und Lucky Shareman. 🏆💥 Gestern ging der Digital Media Award Germany 2024 in der Kategorie Influencer-Marketing an uns. Wir durften die Welthungerhilfe dabei unterstützen und haben gemeinsam eine Kampagne geschaffen, die Wirkung zeigt und Menschen bewegt. 💚 Danke, danke, danke an das gesamtes Team, das immer wieder kreativ ans Werk geht und Influencer-Marketing aufs nächste Level hebt. Mit dem Award im Gepäck geht’s zurück aus München – und wir sind bereit, weiterhin Hand in Hand gegen Hunger anzutreten. Hans Neubert, BUNDESGESELLSCHAFT FÜR DIGITALE MEDIEN, EQOLOT, Natascha Austin, Katharina Backenberg, Jacqueline Jarraß, Adam Szmidt, Christian Mahr, Darja Mahr, Isabell Lopes de Carvalho, Sebastian Sorejevic, Patricia Clare, Maria Zimmermann,

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    Hunger bleibt eine Waffe Zwischen Hunger und gewaltsamen Konflikten besteht eine gefährliche Wechselwirkung: Ohne sicheren Zugang zu Nahrung ist Frieden kaum möglich 🕊️ – und ohne Frieden bleibt das Ziel #ZeroHunger unerreichbar. ❌ In Ländern wie Afghanistan, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, dem Sudan, Syrien und aktuell im Gazastreifen zeigt sich dieser Zusammenhang besonders deutlich. In diesen Ländern sind aktuell die meisten Menschen von einer Hungekrise betroffen und dort herrschen − zum Teil seit Jahren − schwere bewaffnete Konflikte. 💥 In den letzten zehn Jahren haben sich die gewaltsamen Konflikte weltweit mehr als verdoppelt. 📉 Wo Krieg herrscht, wagen sich Bäuer*innen nicht mehr auf ihre Felder, Ernten werden vernichtet und wichtige Infrastruktur wird zerstört. Die Folge: Hunger – der oft gezielt als Waffe eingesetzt wird. 🍽️ "Kriegsparteien verhindern die humanitäre Versorgung durch Hilfsorganisationen, indem sie die Versorgungsrouten blockieren oder sogar die Konvois mit den lebenswichtigen Mitteln plündern. Das bedeutet: Lebensmittel und Medikamente kommen bei den Bedürftigen nicht an, was die bereits angespannte Situation der Zivilbevölkerung unerträglich macht. Das Aushungern der Bevölkerung wird gezielt als Druckmittel eingesetzt, um Druck auf die beteiligten Konfliktparteien auszuüben", erklärt unser Vorstandsvorsitzender Mathias Mogge. 💬 Die Ursachen für Hunger und Konflikte sind sehr komplex und individuell, doch es gibt lokale Lösungsansätze, die Hoffnung machen. Zum Beispiel im Südsudan: Dort nehmen geflüchtete Familien gemeinsam mit armen Haushalten aus den sie aufnehmenden Gemeinden an landwirtschaftlichen Trainings teil. So verbessern sie gemeinschaftlich ihre Lebenssituation. 🤝 🗨️ "In solchen Projekten wird die humanitäre Hilfe eng mit Komponenten zur Ernährungs- und Friedenssicherung verknüpft. Damit lässt sich ein bedeutender Beitrag leisten, den Teufelskreis zwischen Hunger und Krieg nachhaltig zu durchbrechen", sagt Mathias Mogge. "Hunger bleibt eine Waffe" wurde als Gastbeitrag von Mathias Mogge von der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung veröffentlicht: https://lnkd.in/e9pP-3Rz #ZeroHunger #Konflikte #HumanitäreHilfe #Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

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    Welthungerhilfe to Host Two Side Events at COP 29! 🌍 On November 18 and 22, we’ll lead two pivotal Side Events at the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan. Our panel sessions will spark essential discussions on sustainable food systems, soil health, and locally-led climate action. Will you join us? 🤝 1️⃣ Side-Event: "Locally-Led Climate Adaptation through Forgotten Foods" Local and traditional foods like millets and other neglected species provide high nutritional value while addressing challenges like soil degradation, water scarcity, and micronutrient deficiencies. As global food systems become increasingly homogenized, this first side event will highlight the resilience of “forgotten foods” and their crucial role in promoting sustainable agriculture, food security, and climate adaptation. 🌾💧 🗣️ Speakers: Dr. Sabyasachi Das (National Coalition for Natural Farming), Arbind Padhee (Secretary of Agriculture, India), Dr. Khadar Valli (Millet Man), Vishala Reddy Vuyyala (Milletbank), Alvin Muniyasia (ACF Kenya), Mauricio Alcantara (Instituto Regenera). 📅 Monday, November 18, 2024 🕢 6:30 - 8:00 PM (GMT+4) 📍 UNFCCC Venue 2️⃣ Side-Event: "Healthy Soils, Healthy Food – Soil Health and Forgotten Foods for Mitigation and Adaptation" As climate change threatens global food systems, soil health and cultivating resilient, forgotten foods offer powerful ways to mitigate impacts and support locally-led adaptation. Restoring soil health can boost agricultural productivity and act as a carbon sink, while indigenous crops diversify food systems, enhance food security, and build resilience. 🌱🍲 🤝This session will be co-hosted with ADRA International and Aktion gegen den Hunger | Action Against Hunger. 📅 Friday, November 22, 2024 🕟 4:30 - 6:00 PM (GMT+4) 📍 German Pavilion 👉 Don’t miss out! Join us at COP 29 to learn, connect, and take action for resilient food systems and climate solutions! #COP29 #ClimateProtection #ClimateChange #ClimateAdaption #ZeroHunger #FoodSystems COP29 Azerbaijan

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    Ein perfektes Match: Live-Musik 🤝 Engagement für #ZeroHunger 5️⃣ Kölner Unternehmensbands haben gestern bewiesen, dass man mit Leidenschaft für Musik viel für Menschen in Not bewegen kann. Beim Company-Band-Contest „Rock gegen Hunger“ in der Live Music Hall in Köln brachten sie das begeisterte Publikum zum Tanzen und sammelten mit ihren Performances über 26.000 Euro an Spenden für Ernährungsprojekte in Sierra Leone. 🙌 Die Sieger des Abends: Titelverteidiger "DEGrooves" von der DEG Deutsche Entwicklungs- und Investitionsgesellschaft mbH. Sie überzeugten Publikum und prominente Jury gleichermaßen und tragen nun erneut den Titel "Beste Kölner Unternehmensband". 🏆 Dabei hatten sie harte Konkurrenz: Die 12-köpfige Band setzte sich gegen die „congstar Beats“ der congstar GmbH, „404“ der viadee Unternehmensberatung AG, die „Veedelgänger“ der Ströer SE & Co. KGaA und „Watch your Six“ der Polizei Köln durch. 🎸 Wir danken den großartigen Company-Bands, der wundervollen Moderatorin Bianca Hauda unserer starken Jury, bestehend aus helmut zerlett musiker und komponist, Mario Novembre, Suri Abbassi und Tobi Baumann. 💚 Ein besonderer Dank geht natürlich auch an alle, die mitgejubelt und mitgefiebert haben!  YOU ROCK! 👏 #RockGegenHunger #CorporateSocialResponsibility #CSR 

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    The GHI 2024 shows that the progress against hunger is falling short. 📉 42 countries have alarming or serious levels of hunger. After decades of significant progress in the fight against hunger, development has entered a phase of stagnation. ⚠️ In 2️⃣2️⃣ countries with moderate, serious, or alarming 2024 GHI scores, hunger has increased since 2016. In 2️⃣0️⃣ countries with moderate, serious, or alarming GHI scores, progress has largely stalled. At the current pace, at least 6️⃣4️⃣ countries will not reach low hunger—much less #ZeroHunger—by 2030. However, examples of progress and hope exist even amid crises and worrying trends. In contrast to the global trend, these five countries have reduced their GHI scores by more than 5 points compared with their 2016 GHI scores: 🇧🇩 Bangladesh 🇲🇿 Mozambique 🇳🇵 Nepal 🇸🇴 Somalia 🇹🇬 Togo Realizing the right to food is both possible and essential. Now more than ever, the world must reverse the alarming trends pushing hunger upward and accelerate progress toward building equitable, nutritious, and resilient food systems, even within the context of a changing climate 🌡️ and turbulent geopolitics 🌍. The good news is that gender justice—equity between people in all spheres of life—holds the promise of transformative change. 💪 When decision-making about sustainable land management, livelihood diversification, and education is inclusive and equitable, households and communities become more resilient to a changing climate and improve their food and nutrition security. 🚀 #GHI2024 #GlobalHungerIndex #FoodSecurity #GenderJustice

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    Congratulations to our team at Welthungerhilfe Malawi! 🎉 Welthungerhilfe (WHH) Malawi just received two prestigious awards 🏆🏆 at the 2024 NGO Day Gala Dinner. Our team was honored in the categories of 'Transparent NGO' 🔎 and 'Localization Agenda Champion' 🤝, being the only organization to win in two categories. The NGO Day Gala Dinner celebrated NGOs making significant contributions to Malawi in 2024, recognizing their outstanding work across the country. 🇲🇼 Malawi’s President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, hosted the event and presented the awards. 🎖️ We are proud that our team in Malawi was recognized as one of the NGOs creating a meaningful impact. 🌱💪 Thank you to our partners, donors, and the people we work with in our development projects on this journey toward #ZeroHunger! 💚 #Malawi #Transparency #Localization #NGO #DevelopmentCooperation

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    Celebrating Innovation at #InnoLab2024! 🎉 On 22nd October, the five #InnoLab2024 finalists gathered in Nairobi for the final event, pitching their groundbreaking ideas to tackle food system challenges. The event was held as part of the Global Bioeconomy Summit (GBS2024), and it was an afternoon filled with inspiring solutions from across the globe! 🌏 Our teams from Bangladesh, Burundi, Ethiopia, Nepal, and Niger impressed our jury—Arpana Philip, Josephine Thome, Bernhard Van Lengerich, PhD., Jan Kever, and Mathias Mogge—making the decision incredibly tough! All finalists showcased exceptional ideas, and we are proud of each and every one of them. Here’s a look at their innovative concepts: 🇳🇵 Nepal: A farmer-allied intermediary to connect organic farmers and food vendors. 🇧🇮 Burundi: A conservation-as-a-service model for preserving orange-fleshed sweet potatoes. 🇪🇹 Ethiopia: Transforming an invasive plant species into a renewable energy source. 🇳🇪 Niger: Introducing a new variety of animal fodder, with seedlings and silaged fodder for sale. 🇧🇩 Bangladesh: Producing and selling seeds of previously uncultivated vegetable varieties. While all our finalists—and the 26 other teams who didn’t make it to the final round—are winners already, spreading the spirit of innovation, we extend a huge congratulations to our Burundi team for winning the competition! 🎉👏 Frédéric NAHAYO, Innocent Nduwimana, and Leonidas Manirambona from Burundi presented a transformative idea for orange-fleshed sweet potato processors, who face significant post-harvest losses (up to 80% after just one month). Their solution? A regionally-sourced, affordable storage bin that enhances sweet potato preservation through natural air circulation, fungal prevention with ash, and simple maintenance. This innovation not only prevents post-harvest losses but also:  💰 Boosts the income of farmers and processors. 🌱 Improves the population’s nutritional status with Vitamin A-rich foods.  🍠 Reduces industrial sugar use, thanks to sweet potatoes' natural sugars. 🌾 Lowers dependence on flour imports.  With no national competitors and little research in sweet potato preservation, this idea truly stands out as a game-changer for Burundi's food system! 🚀 We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been part of this inspiring journey! 💚 Let's continue fostering innovation and driving positive change in global food systems together! 💪 #Innovation #ZeroHunger #FoodSystems

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    Progress against hunger is falling short! ⚠️ Over the past decade, global progress against hunger has slowed to a troubling degree. The 2024 Global Hunger Index (GHI) score for the world is 18.3, which is considered moderate. This is only a slight drop from the 2016 score of 18.8. 📉 Many countries still experience an unacceptably high level of hunger. 📍 The 2024 GHI scores show that hunger is alarming in 6 countries: 🇧🇮 Burundi 🇹🇩 Chad 🇲🇬 Madagascar 🇸🇴 Somalia 🇸🇸 South Sudan 🇾🇪 Yemen Despite these worrying trends, there are examples of progress. A small number of countries, such as 🇧🇩 Bangladesh, 🇲🇿 Mozambique, 🇳🇵 Nepal, 🇸🇴 Somalia, and 🇹🇬 Togo, have made significant improvements in their GHI scores. However, hunger remains too high in these countries. ⚠️ The need to reverse the alarming rise in hunger is more urgent than ever. The world must accelerate efforts to create equitable, nutritious, and resilient food systems. The push for gender justice—with its benefits for agricultural production, food security, diets, and child nutrition—can be an important tool in reducing hunger! 🚀 Find out more about the #GHI2024 👉 globalhungerindex.org #GlobalHungerIndex #ZeroHunger #DevelopmentCooperation

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