Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies’ coverbillede
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies

Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies


Copenhagen, Hovedstadsregionen 51.355 følgere

An independent, non-profit futures think tank — founded in 1969. We equip you to act on the future, today.

Om os

The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning) is an independent, non-profit futures think tank – founded in 1969. We help people and organisations imagine, work with, and shape their future. The Institute was founded in 1969 by former Danish Finance Minister and OECD-Secretary General, Professor Thorkil Kristensen, with the support of visionary public and private organisations, to better qualify decision-making through futures studies and to contribute to the betterment of our society. That is our purpose. The Institute is today a truly global entity working with public, private, philanthropic, and academic organisations around the world. We act as an advisory, a publisher, an event organiser, and as an initiator of various future orientated joint-venture initiatives. The Institute is also configured as a community of sorts, offering memberships for organisations and individuals. We believe that, as the Institute itself, the future belongs to no-one and yet to everyone. We are by decree here to contribute to the betterment of our society, meaning better for the largest possible number of stakeholders. Our own definition of better is based on our perception of our Nordic values firmly rooted in trust, equality, openness, integrity, and inclusiveness, and a society where critical decisions about the future are based on insights, not intuition. Our research within futures studies is essentially about spotting initial signals, identifying patterns, and convert analysis into insights about potential futures. The Institute does not predict the future, this is of course impossible, but instead we generate the best possibly qualified assumptions for potential futures. All of the Institute’s profits are allocated to further futures studies and to realising our purpose.

11-50 medarbejdere
Copenhagen, Hovedstadsregionen
Membership, Publications, Advisory, Talks, Courses, Initiatives, Events, Foresight, Futures Studies, Futures Literacy og Strategic Foresight


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    Entrance C, 3rd floor

    Copenhagen, Hovedstadsregionen 1473, DK

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  • I torsdags mødtes en lang række meget forskellige organisationer til udviklingsmøde om Fremtidskoalitionen 🌱 FN's Fremtidspagt blev vedtaget i september 2024 og sammen med den tilhørende "Erklæring for Fremtidige Generationer" har den skabt et momentum at tænke politik og lovgivning på en måde, der er mere langsigtet og bæredygtig. Men ambitiøs implementering af pagten i Danmark kommer ikke af sig selv. Derfor er vi sammen med Akademiet for Social Innovation, Global Focus, og WELA - Wellbeing Economy Lab gået sammen i Fremtidskoalitionen. Fremtidskoalitionen vil bringe den globale bevægelse for intergenerationel retfærdighed til Danmark. "Det er essentielt, at danske politikere ikke lader det blive ved skåltalerne, men tager handling på deres tilslutning til FN's Fremtidspagt og Erklæring for Fremtidige Generationer. Det er netop det, vi arbejder for i Fremtidskoalitionen. Vi er glade for den brede opbakning fra organisationer på tværs af samfundet, der har det til fælles, at de kæmper for at sikre trivsel for fremtidige generationer. Handlinger for fremtidige generationer vil nemlig ligeledes betyde mere langsigtede politiske beslutninger, til gavn også for nulevende generationer." - Jonas Gissel Mikkelsen, Direktør ved Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning Derfor mødtes vi i torsdags til udviklingsmøde med en række andre organisationer i FN Byen. Tak til Sophie Howe, tidligere Kommissær for Fremtidige Generationer i Wales, der fortalte om de walisiske erfaringer med at tage fremtidens stemme med helt ind i magtens rum. Tusind tak til alle, der deltog og til UN City Copenhagen for gavmildt at stille lokaler til rådighed! Vi glæder os til næste skridt, og til at endnu flere organisationer og virksomheder tilslutter sig koalitionen! Anne Vorre Hansen - Sigrid Kromann Schiøler - Anders Folmer Buhelt - Lea Miriam Fick Køhn - Jonas Gissel Mikkelsen - Toke Hanghøj - Ulla Dubgaard - Mette Müller Kristensen - Mads Falkenfleth Jensen - Niels Ploug - Nicklas Larsen - Thor Svanholm Gustavfson

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  • Explore the future of Media in our new issue of FARSIGHT! 👋 The Generative Future - Liquid Media, Information Overload, and the End of Fixed Reality. This issue of FARSIGHT is dedicated to explorations of the future of media and information. Many of the articles and interviews we have selected inevitably revolve around how generative AI seems to be in the process of changing everything (and everyone). We’ve talked to some of the people designing these technologies, some of the people who are pushing their limits, some of the people who are weary of them, some of the people who absolute love them, and some of the people whose work exposes how strange the world is becoming because of them. 📸✏️ Casper Skovgaard Petersen - August Leo Liljenberg - Sofie Hvitved - Thomas Moynihan - Mette Kierstein - Peter Hesseldahl - Caitlin van Bommel - Sara Frostig - Maya Hertz

  • Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies genopslog dette

    Se profil for Peter Thommen

    Giving an (un)fair competitive advantage to Retail business leaders | With methods from Futures Studies always be one leap ahead of the competition | Sustainably more market share, more sales, more profit.

    𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗛𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻! Why the latest Farsight issue strikes a nerve Four times a year it happens. Farsight lands in my letterbox, The quarterly magazine from the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS). The only publication I still get on paper. My reaction? Always the same. I tear open the envelope right there. What is the topic this time? A quick scan through the contents. And only then do I get on with my day. Yesterday was such a day. The cover read: «The Generative Future – Liquid Media, Information Overload, and the End of Fixed Reality.» It was the final article that triggert me: «The New Human». I immediately thought of Carsten Beck. One of the three futurists with whom we did my first foresight project at IKEA Poland in 2005. And with whom I have been friends ever since. Now, it is happening! Already back then, Carsten was sure that he would still in his lifetime be holding conferences on the question, «What is a human being?» In the editorial, Casper Skovgaard Petersen paints a striking picture: «The fear is that we will eventually end up as hyper-empowered pleasure blobs, content with having transferred all our cognitive and physical capacities to machines but not capable of functioning without them.» Is this our future? Casper writes: «After all, there are many more scenarios ahead.» My weekend is set. I am going to dive into all nine articles. And contemplate on information overload, the impact of Generative AI on human creativity, Foresight at the BBC, memetic signals of change, and more. And, I can't help but wonder: When will CIFS host that conference on «What is a human being?» What do YOU think the human being of the future will be?

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  • Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies genopslog dette

    Se profil for Roxana Stoica

    Program Leader, ESI Shared Services Strategy

    End of February sneak peek: I had a great time and the privilege of attending a powerful Strategic Foresight session, surrounded by phenomenal facilitators and professionals who brought their unique perspectives to the table. Exploring diverse insights through the Foresight lenses challenged the conventional thinking and with each interaction we strengthened the collaboration and innovation. A huge thank you to Martin Kruse and Aron Szpisjak for your guidance, energy, and expertise and to all attendees who contributed to this dynamic and enriching experience! Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies

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  • Navigating the discourse on Artificial General Intelligence in Foresight 🤖 - A Roundtable Discussion Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) remains one of the most debated and polarising topics in the foresight community. On one end of the spectrum, it is seen as the breakthrough that will propel humanity into a new era of intelligence and automation. On the other, it is framed as an existential risk – a force that could surpass human control and reshape civilisation in unpredictable ways. For foresight practitioners, the challenge is not just to engage with AGI as a technological possibility, but to do so in a way that is both imaginative and strategically relevant. That AGI discourse often operates in these extremes presents a significant challenge for the foresight community: how do practitioners stretch the imagination of individuals and organisations while maintaining the business relevance of longterm futures? To address this issue, we surveyed members of our Foresight Practitioners Network to understand their opinions on AGI: their organisation’s preparedness, knowledge of the field, and perspectives on how the community should best navigate the deep uncertainty of its development. We then asked foresight experts to weigh in on our findings. Read the full conversation Bugge Holm Hansen (Head of Technology and Innovation at CIFS), Sofie Hvitved (Head of Media at CIFS), and David Jonker (Head of SAP’s Insights Research Centre). 👋 Do you want to be a part of our Foresight Practitioners Network? Reach out to Head of Business Development Nabil Ali Jaloud or Chief Foresight Officer Lasse Jonasson. #foresight #agi #strategicforesight

  • 🚀 FuturesLab is officially underway! Last week, we kicked off FuturesLab with a full house and an incredible level of passion in the room! We’re ready for weeks filled with enlightening conversations, new connections, and deep dives into futures literacy and foresight. In our first session, we introduced the journey ahead and the exciting company cases that will serve as the lens for exploring futures thinking. Up next: megatrends, PESTEL analysis, and brainstorming! 📝💡 We can’t wait for our next session on March 12th with Carsten Beck 💪 Stay tuned. We are proud to run Futures Lab in collaboration with byStudents (Studenterhuset), Knud Højgaards Fond, and Tuborgfondet 🎉 Jacob Orum, Rebekka Hundevad Grønkjær, Simone Hauskov, Mikkeline L., Jasmin Cramon, Thor Svanholm Gustavfson 

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  • We are excited to welcome Emmelie Theisler 👋 to the team as a Junior Health Advisor for the next six months. She will help us build healthier futures through prevention for sustainable healthcare. With an educational background in International Business, Emmelie brings her expertise and passion for life science to drive forward numerous health initiatives in the coming months. “I look forward to work with the Institute to help both governments and companies navigate the uncertain futures they will face in regards to respiratory health as well as health more generally.” Her recent experience at the Royal Danish Embassy in Poland has equipped her with critical insights into the European health landscape. Emmelie will play a key role in advocating for (respiratory) health as a top priority during both the Polish and Danish EU Presidencies.  Aron Szpisjak - Adela Bisak - Joe-Max Wakim  

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  • 👋 Join the 3-hour masterclass on AI and Liquid Content Strategy: A Leadership Perspective on the Future of Creation and Curation. How we create, distribute, and interact with content is undergoing a profound shift. With Generative AI, media is no longer static—it is adaptive, personalized, and designed to flow seamlessly across platforms, formats, and audiences. In collaboration with European Broadcasting Union (EBU), we invite you to a strategic masterclass on how AI is redefining the future of media, storytelling, and audience engagement. Read more and sign up 👉 📅 Date: March 17 📍 Location: Online ⏳ Duration: 3 hours This session is designed for media professionals, communicators, and decision-makers looking to understand the strategic implications of AI beyond just creation—to curation, interaction, and audience experience. Join us to explore how AI is shaping the way we tell stories, share information, and engage audiences. Reach out to senior advisor Sofie Hvitved if you have any questions! #AI #LiquidContent #FutureOfMedia #EBU

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  • Book a seat at our popular course in Applied Strategic Foresight and learn to navigate uncertainty strategically 🧭 Read more and sign up 👉 In the course, we equip participants with the foresight tools, practices and mindsets to tackle the complex business challenges of our time, identify emerging opportunities, and plan for alternative future scenarios. Foresight tools are primarily designed to aid us in challenging assumptions and unawareness about what could be true in the future. It involves a deliberate effort to counteract biases in decision-making that make us believe the future will merely reflect what we are able to see in the past and present. As uncertainty grows and predetermined outcomes become less certain, relying solely on forecasts and trend analysis (and sometimes hype cycles) can provide a false sense of understanding. Our course is for anyone who wants to get a head-start working strategically with the future and enhance their strategic thinking through futures thinking and foresight. Reach out to Manya Lind 👋 if you have any questions or find our new Foresight Toolkit here 👉 Simon Fuglsang Østergaard Nabil Ali Jaloud Lasse Jonasson #foresight #strategicforesight

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  • There’s a coup against democracy happening, says Dutch politician Marietje Schaake, who warns against the growing influence of tech giants on society. But if Europe wants to use the technology on its own terms it will come at a cost. The struggle for control over digital technology is intensifying. While politicians attempt to regulate artificial intelligence and social media, the influence of tech giants on virtually every sector of society has continued to grow. For Europe, the challenge is compounded by its relatively weak homegrown tech sector and a growing dependency on the services of especially American providers. One of the EU’s most prominent voices in the debate is the Dutch politician Marietje Schaake. As a member of the European Parliament, she speaks of an outright “tech coup.” That’s also the title of her recent book, The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley, published this past fall, in which she describes how more of society’s fundamental functions are being outsourced to tech giants – and thus fall outside democratic control. Read the full piece here 👉 This article was originally published by Peter Hesseldahl for Mandag Morgen. It has been translated and edited for use in FARSIGHT. Casper Skovgaard Petersen - August Leo Liljenberg

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