Om os

DSV holder forsyningskæderne i gang i en verden i forandring. Vi leverer og varetager forsyningskæde-løsninger for tusinder af virksomheder hver eneste dag – fra det lille familieejede firma til den store globale virksomhed. Vi dækker globalt, men er samtidig til stede lokalt og tæt på vores kunder. Mere end 75.000 medarbejdere i over 80 lande arbejder dedikeret med at levere gode kundeoplevelser og service på højt niveau. Vi stræber efter at skabe en mere bæredygtig fremtid for vores branche, og vi har forpligtet os til at drive vores forretning på naturens præmisser. DSV er en dynamisk organisation med fokus på inklusion og diversitet. Vi driver vores forretning med integritet og respekt for individets værdighed og rettigheder i alle lande og kulturer. Læs mere på

Over 10.001 medarbejdere
Global transport and logistics, Air freight, Sea freight, Road transport, Rail freight, Special project transport, Contract logistics, Warehousing, Supply chain, Healthcare logistics, Automotive logistics, Technology logistics, Renewable energy logistics, Industrial logistics, Retail/fashion logistics, Green logistics, Full load, Part load, Groupage og Value added services


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    Hedehusene, 2640, DK

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Medarbejdere hos DSV - Global Transport and Logistics


  • One day to go until Ecommerce Expo 2024! We’re counting down the hours now until the launch of eCommerce Expo 2024 - the UK’s premier event for B2C and B2B companies in online retail. Tomorrow (Wednesday 18th September) is day one and we’re ready! It’s not too late to register for your free entry pass, join us at Stand K62 to find out more about our suite of logistics solutions targeted specifically at the highly demanding e-commerce environment. Tap into our global network of multi-user warehouse campuses with easy onboarding, while you focus on growing your business and entering new markets. With our single inter-connected Warehouse Management System, you can easily manage multiple stock locations and cross-border deliveries, while we run your e-fulfilment operation and returns handling process, sustainable and efficiently. Don’t miss out – come and visit us at Stand K62 on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th September! #DSVUK #ECE24

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  • DSV is proud to announce the signing of an agreement to acquire Schenker from Deutsche Bahn, a move that marks a significant milestone in our growth strategy. This is an exciting new chapter in our company’s history and demonstrates DSV’s continued commitment to expanding its global footprint and enhancing its service offerings.    Jens H. Lund, Group CEO, DSV: “This is a transformative event in DSV’s history, and we are very excited to join forces with Schenker. With the acquisition we bring together two strong companies, creating a world-leading transport and logistics powerhouse that will benefit our employees, customers and shareholders.”  “By adding Schenker’s competencies and expertise to our existing network, we improve our competitiveness across all three divisions: Air & Sea, Road, and Solutions. As well as enhancing our commercial platform across DSV, the acquisition will provide our customers with even higher service levels, innovative and seamless solutions and flexibility to their supply chains.”  The acquisition is subject to regulatory clearance and approvals. Until closing of the transaction, expected in Q2 2025, DSV and Schenker remain two separate companies conducting business as usual.   To read more about the acquisition, visit:

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  • Do you need support and assistance with complex customs regulations? Our AEO-certified customs brokerage service can support you, even if you are transporting goods via road through a 3rd party haulier. Our dedicated team of experts are ready to assist you. Let us help simplify the process and eliminate the headache of paperwork, delays and complications. Our Customs Specialists are UK-based and have extensive knowledge and experience with Export & Import Customs formalities to ensure full compliance and accuracy. DSV Customs Brokerage- Keeping your supply chains flowing in a world of change. Contact the experts today.

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  • From groundbreaking to completed construction in less than two years! On 10 September 2022, hundreds of local colleagues as well as key members of our executive management were gathered on an empty plot outside of Horsens in Denmark to mark the groundbreaking of our largest and most ambitious construction project to date. This week, they were back again to inaugurate the 300,000 sqm integrated logistics centre, which will play an important part in our efforts to provide customers with state-of-the-art logistics services and seamless transport between Northern and Central Europe. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions, the facility will cater to a diverse range of products, temperature requirements and industry verticals. Additionally, we have taken various measures to ensure that the building lives up to our high sustainability standards. This includes installing the world’s largest roof-based photovoltaic system with solar panels delivering 35 megawatts of electricity. This set-up will provide electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of 6,200 Danish households – enough to power the entire logistics centre as well as 140 charging stations.  With our new facility now open, we look forward to continuing our work to keep our customers’ supply chains moving. To learn more about how we can support your business, visit #Transport #Logistics #Inauguration

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  • This week, we hosted our very first Sustainability Summit - a virtual event that brought together all our sustainability ambassadors from around the world. Over two days, our sustainability ambassadors gained valuable knowledge, inspiration and tools to propel our sustainability strategy forward and support our goal of achieving net-zero emissions across our operations by 2050. Our Sustainability Summit is a way to unite our global team, fostering collaboration and sharing best practices that are crucial for advancing our collective efforts. By coming together, we can leverage diverse perspectives, align our strategies and amplify our impact, ensuring that we can meet our sustainability goals. Alongside insights from our skilled colleagues, our ambassadors also had the chance to hear from a range of external speakers. We believe that interacting with these experts and working with other companies is essential, as it offers us new viewpoints and innovative ideas. To learn more about how DSV works with sustainability, visit: #Decarbonisation #Innovation #DSVSustainabilitySummit

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  • Ready for take-off? New fixed Southeast Asia to North America air charter service✈️ The air traffic from Asia to North America has been under pressure in recent months due to limited capacity. In response to these challenges and to meet the requirements of our customers, we are now expanding our Air Charter Network with a dedicated charter service for DSV customers. This weekly freighter provides guaranteed space from Singapore to Los Angeles, addressing the rising demand for cargo capacity to North America. With a focus on reliability, the new service ensures secure handling for special commodities, including heavy, dangerous, and temperature-sensitive goods. Stefan Krikken, Vice President at DSV, sees great potential in the expansion of the Air Charter Network: “With the launch of this new freighter service from Singapore to Los Angeles, we are proud to support our customers with dedicated capacity in a market that continues to face significant constraints.” To learn more about how the DSV Air Charter Network can benefit your business, go to:   #Transport #AirCharter #AirFreight #SupplyChain

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  • We are excited to announce that we have taken a significant step forward in our sustainability journey by signing a landmark agreement with Volvo Trucks for the delivery of 300 electric heavy trucks. We are dedicated to transitioning our fleet to more sustainable alternatives and the agreement underscores our commitment to leading the green transition in the transport industry. This partnership is not just a milestone for DSV and Volvo Trucks, but a testament to the power of collaboration in driving meaningful change. Søren Schmidt, CEO DSV Road, says: “Close collaboration across sectors provides an opportunity for DSV to be a key enabler for decarbonisation in the industry. We are happy to extend our partnership with Volvo in our joint effort to reduce emissions in the transport industry. As a global leader in logistics, we must try to stay at the forefront of the green transition and this agreement is a fantastic example of how new technologies can be brought to market at scale to make them more accessible for our customers. The deal with Volvo is an important step towards enabling a more sustainable future in trucking.” To read more about the agreement, visit: #GreenTransition #ElectricTrucks #Transport #Logistics

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  • DSV bidrager til 46% reduktion af CO2-udledning for Spectre Vi hos DSV er glade for at kunne dele, at vores samarbejde med Spectre a/s har resulteret i en imponerende 46% reduktion i drivhusgasemissionsintensitet per produktionsoutput i 2023/24. Ved at skifte til mindst 30% biobrændstof på søtransport og optimere vores logistikprocesser har vi i fællesskab formået at reducere CO2-udledningen betydeligt. Dette samarbejde har ikke kun bidraget til en grønnere forsyningskæde, men har også styrket vores relation med Spectre. Keld Søgaard, Strategic Account Manager hos DSV, udtaler: "I løbet af 2023/24 har vi styrket vores forretningsrelationer, og vi vil nu, med fornyet energi, fortsætte med at optimere forsyningskæden med bæredygtige løsninger for Spectre." Vi ser frem til at fortsætte samarbejdet og tage endnu flere skridt mod en mere bæredygtig fremtid. Tak til Spectre for jeres partnerskab og engagement! #sustainability #logistik #DSV #CO2Reduktion #transport

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    Today is another day for celebration, as we mark the fifth anniversary of our acquisition of Panalpina Welttransport. Panalpina was one of the world’s leading providers of supply chain solutions and the acquisition allowed us to add thousands of skilled colleagues to DSV. Together, we are an even stronger organisation today than what we were five years ago. One of the colleagues who joined us through the acquisition was Giannina Huguet Daza, who is based in Chile. She explains her thoughts when the acquisition was first announced: “As with any big change, there was some uncertainty about how the process would develop. As time went by and uncertainties were clarified, it was amazing to see how welcoming our DSV colleagues were and how we got to take on new roles and responsibility, which created a lot of excitement.” With an integration that was completed only months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Giannina recalls that there were some obstacles. However, she also points out the many benefits of the combination: “By joining forces, we were onboarded to DSV’s uniquely efficient IT infrastructure, which made our lives a lot easier. We also expanded our network and reached new customers and markets, which is a big plus. In addition, we were able to position ourselves as a larger brand, and customers came to see us as an even more powerful partner to rely on. Many loyal customers from the Panalpina era are still with us today and appreciate the professionalism and effectiveness with which we deliver for them.” When reflecting on her reasons for still being part of DSV today, Giannina shares: “First of all, I like the working environment – my colleagues are a big part of what makes my experience in DSV very enjoyable. I have also been given opportunities to further develop my career by taking on new roles, which I am very grateful for. Besides this, I like that DSV is constantly setting ambitious goals and looking for chances to grow, evolve and further develop,” she says and adds: “I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for DSV. I know that I will continue to be supported in my development and I am excited to take on new responsibilities when the time is right, continuing to improve and also help younger colleagues develop their talents.” To learn more about our history and how DSV became the company that we are today, visit: #Transport #Logistics #Annivesary #Acquisition

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  • Today, we release our Q2 2024 numbers, delivering a strong set of results in all divisions in line with our expectations, despite challenging market conditions. Our Group CEO Jens H. Lund says: “In a challenging environment, we delivered a strong financial performance in Q2 2024 driven by positive volume growth and stabilisation of earnings per unit in Air & Sea division. We continue to gain market share across all three divisions driven by our strengthened commercial platform. Furthermore, we have increased our productivity in all three divisions.” All divisions performed in line with expectations: 🔹 Air & Sea: on the back of a strong volume development grew gross profit during Q2 2024, indicating a steady operational performance in a competitive and fluctuating market. 🔹 Road: continued to deliver strong results in a challenging market, supported by the establishment of control towers and expansion of its European groupage network. 🔹 Solutions: delivered a strong performance as a result of prior years’ investments into new warehouses, despite lower utilisation rates at new sites in the ramp-up period. Read more: #Transport #Logistics #FinancialResults

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