Yesterday, our team attended an existing event in Tivoli, arranged by Good Vibes Only, an organization that focuses on reducing the stigma around mental health illness. It was an interesting evening with entertainment and exciting talks, from Svend Brinkmann and Nikolaj Quaade among others. Thanks to our amazing team, who chose to spend their Sunday evening with colleagues!
Mental sundhed
Copenhagen, Capital Region 1.119 følgere
Matching you with the right psychologist
Om os
Healper is a mental health network that matches you with the psychologist or psychotherapist, who fits you and your needs. Based on a series of questions, you will be matched with the most appropriate psychologist in your area. Within a few minutes, you can book an appointment with a psychologist and get help to tackle the challenges you face. Healper gives you the opportunity to get help right when you need it.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Healper
- Branche
- Mental sundhed
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen, Capital Region
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2020
Pilestræde 28a
2. sal
Copenhagen, Capital Region 1112, DK
Medarbejdere hos Healper
Jesper Tilsted Brok
Senior Growth Advisor | CMO | ex Rocket Internet | Berlingske Talent 100 | Former co-founder Happy Helper & Tjommi
Jesper Madsen
Leadership coach and Business Angel
Mads Lund
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 || 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭
Carl Johan Rising
Burger expert, building Data & Analytics teams, angel investor, and occasional advisor
Today is #WorldMentalHealthday! At Healper, we have discussed what mental health means to us. What does mental health mean to you?
Har du interesse i terapi og mental sundhedsfremme, er studerende og ønsker at gøre en forskel? Så er det måske dig, vi leder efter!
Er du vores nye studentermedhjælper i Healper? Vi søger lige nu studerende med interesse i mental sundhedsfremme, der skal støtte vores B2C-team med klientkontakt. Ansøg i dag eller skriv en besked, hvis du eller en, du kender, sidder inde med spørgsmål 😍
Healper genopslog dette
Ses vi til Folkemødet? 👋 Oprindeligt havde jeg ikke planlagt at deltage, men da muligheden opstod for at være med i en paneldebat om mental sundhed og tech, blev jeg nødt til at være der. Jeg glæder mig til at diskutere emnet med Astrid Haug forperson for UNICEF Damark og Simon Max Bloch Lajboschitz founder og CEO af Khora Teknologi er et værktøj, der for mange har en negativ indvirkning på den mentale sundhed, men kan også bruges til at styrke den. Jeg ser frem til at diskutere, hvordan vi kan anvende de samme mekanismer, som tech-giganterne bruger til at skabe afhængighed af sociale medier, til at få folk til at søge terapi, forblive i behandling og opnå en bedre mental sundhed 🌟. Tak for muligheden Esben Gadsbøll og Cecilie Engvang Lund
Hear our CEO talk about his own journey of starting Healper and how we set up rituals to take care of our mental health. 🧠💼
Should you involve your investors in your mental health struggles? 🤔 How do you navigate the stress of launching a company after a six-month sick leave due to stress? 😅 How do we run a startup with a team of former clients who continue to struggle with our own mental health? 💪 I had the privilege of discussing these important topics on the podcast "Founders' Mental Health," where mental health startups are asked: Do you walk the talk? 🎙️ A big thank you to Paula Petcu for inviting me! Your initiative is truly inspiring.🙌 Find the link to the episode in the comments.
35.000 people helped 🥳
🎉 This Friday, we celebrated a monumental milestone: 35,000 people struggling with their mental health have been helped through our Healper! It was an extraordinary evening, commemorating both current and past team members who have been instrumental. I'm profoundly moved by the dedication and teamwork everyone has shown, contributing significantly to the impact we've made together. Reflecting on our journey, it's remarkable to see how each person's unique contributions have propelled us forward. Mette laid the foundation with the initial questionnaire four years ago. Simon embarked on our very first outreach to therapists, even before our product was a reality. Nickolai, alongside Rasmus, spearheaded the design and development of our inaugural product, a legacy continued and expanded by Tobias, who was pivotal in crafting much of what Healper is today. Emma and Daniel's efforts in onboarding therapists, with Sarah's invaluable support, have brought over 300 of Denmark's finest therapists into our fold. Andrei's exceptional skills developed 99% of our frontend, setting the stage for Konrád to advance our technological capabilities with soon our first AI product. Isabel Anna initiated our SEO efforts, a crucial area we're eagerly focusing on in Q2. Tilde and Stephanie started the client onboarding arm which is now run by the fantastic duo Rasmus and Berglind who are now expanding the team. Building Healper has truly been a communal effort, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such talented individuals. Here's to the next milestones we'll achieve together! #Healper #Teamwork #MilestoneCelebration #Gratitude #TechForGood
Healper genopslog dette
Vores venner hos SocialSpace Danmark, hjerneforsker Peter Lund Madsen og Freja Sangild Boysen, holder oplæg om, hvordan en psykiatrisk diagnose er et arbejdsredskab. Diagnosen er ikke en uforanderlig sandhed og kun fortæller ganske lidt om, hvem man er som menneske. De er på tur rundt i Danmark og jeg håber I vil deltage og støtte op om det. Jeg ser i hvert fald frem til eventet den 21. marts i København. Og husk at reserver din billet, som kan findes via. link i kommentaren. ⬇
Healper genopslog dette
Til #SundSkalering hos DI - Dansk Industri for at vise, hvordan innovation og teknologi kan skabe værdi for sundhedsvæsenet. Healper byder selvfølgelig ind på den mentale del ved at hjælpe befolkningen med at finde psykologen for dem ⭐️
Breaking the Taboo:🔊 Med Karriereklubben, bringer vi samtalen om mental sundhed ud af terapirummene og ind i hverdagens lys. 🌟 Stjernepanel: Deltag i en spændende diskussion med: - Iværksætter Hjalte Wieth, medstifter af SOUNDBOKS og weareplugin - Psykolog Jonas Schøsler og leder af psykologhusene Blumen og AVILIUS - Bestyrelsesmedlem Emma Marie Jacobsen og Head of Operations hos Healper 🙌 Fortæl Din Udfordring: Kæmper du med arbejdsrelaterede mentale udfordringer? Del dit dilemma med os på, og det kan blive en del af vores næste episode! 🎧 Lyt med: Forstå vigtigheden af mental balance i karrieren og få indsigt fra vores ekspertpanel. Gør en forskel – start samtalen om mental sundhed i dag!
Did you know that Healper's illustrations and drawings are made by the talented artist, Tish (Laetitia) Ducrot?
Another one from the archives :) Healper