Our CEO, Betina Lindhard Langemark, was interviewed by IDA (The Danish Society of Engineers) about the issues with implementing technology in the Danish healthcare sector. Innovative technological solutions are not meant to replace doctors and nurses but meant to support and empower them. The budget for people and technology cannot be the same budget if the Danish healthcare sector want to successfully implement the world class technological solutions created in Denmark. We have high hopes for the future but there are a lot of political and bureaucratical obstacles that must be overcome before the healthcare professionals and the patients they take care of get the support they deserve. #medtechinnovation #healthcare #implementation Jelle Reichert Katja Kjær Grønbæk Michael Frandsen Madolina Christian Eske Kvanner Aasvang Christian Meyhoff Brian Hedegaard Kirstine Kjær Boll Oliver Wiik Rasmussen Hoa Hoang Philip Michaelsen Ylva Pisters Pernille Nygaard Wigell Søren Straarup Rasmussen Norman Pedersen Ashley Myers Mikkel Dahlgaard Ron Guillot Claus Hansen Helle Monrad-Gylling Christina Rind Helsbro Marko Kuisma Christian Anker-Ladefoged Innovestor Sagitta Family Office Health Tech Hub Copenhagen
Mennesker og maskiner er ikke samme regnskab. Udfordringerne i sundhedsvæsenet kan løses, ved at teknologi overtager visse manuelle opgaver. Men viljen til at indkøbe teknologi forsvinder, så længe bogføringen regner digitale løsninger i samme kolonne som sygeplejersker. Der er brug for begge og for viljen til at investere i innovation, hvis Danmark ikke skal gå glip af løsninger i verdensklasse. Dansk teknologi er i verdensklasse, men sundhedsvæsnet skal have budget til innovation. IDA spørger hvorfor, og hvad vi kan gøre ved det på Digital Tech Summit i Øksnehallen 30.-31. Oktober.