The Nordic tourism industry is at a crossroads with how to handle digitalisation, facing serious #cybersecurity challenges as it manages sensitive data like passport numbers, credit card details, and travel itineraries - prime targets for cybercriminals. For that very reason, #XNTC is excited to announce a #TestBed with Cybercue led by Eskil Sørensen, Jan Bo Jensen, and Jon Bojsen Cetti, where they are adapting and testing their tool with 18 tourism SMEs to help them assess their cybersecurity status. Cybercue’s solution offers user-friendly self-assessment, IT monitoring, and actionable steps to build resilient organisations ready to tackle cyber threats. Cybercue is on a mission to strengthen the entire Nordic travel and tourism ecosystem against potential cyber risks, guided by test bed facilitator, Lasse Chor. The X Nordic Travel Contest #XNTC is a programme by Nordic Innovation, led by GROUP NAO in collaboration with Happy42 and #DesignNation
X Nordic Travel Contest
Copenhagen, HOVEDSTADEN 291 følgere
Solving Challenges for Better Tourism Futures - by Nordic Innovation in collab with Group NAO, Happy42 & Design Nation
Om os
The XNordic Travel Contest is a 2-year innovation process designed around four key phases. From mapping of challenges to developing, testing and promoting new and industry-ready solutions, the project aims to strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of Nordic tourism industry and beyond.
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- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 2-10 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen, HOVEDSTADEN
- Specialer
- tourism, innovation, design, analysis, trends og collaboration
From University Thesis to Apple Recognition... We are immensely excited to see one of #XNTC's test partners, Tiimo, making headlines! Neurodiversity is increasingly becoming a key topic on the global diversity agenda, and Tiimo is a great example of how small innovations can make a big impact. Just one month ago at TechBBQ 2024, we were thrilled to host a panel with Tiimo and two other startups in the neuroinclusive space to discuss the potential and impact of innovations for more neuroinclusive travel and tourism. Together with Tiimo. app we are also carrying out a test to see if a daily visual planning tool can support neurodivergent travellers - outside of daily routine, whether travelling for business or for leisure. Why is this so important? Neurodivergent individuals - estimated to make up around 20% of the global population - often face challenges like sensory overload and difficulty in unpredictable environments. This can make travelling and experiences like attending events, festivals, visiting museums, highly triggering and stressful. Without the proper planning tools or offerings - these experiences remain exclusionary. Testing with Tiimo exemplifies the potential of more thoughtful and inclusive design, as it tackles these barriers head-on by visualising time and helping build focus. We can't wait to unfold the result of our joint test and to keep following Tiimo on their journey to make the world more neuroinclusive! The X Nordic Travel Contest #XNTC is a programme by Nordic Innovation, led by GROUP NAO in collaboration with Happy42 and #DesignNation
“Neurodivergente vokser ofte op med en følelse af at være utilstrækkelige og ikke passe ind." Sådan lyder det fra Melissa Würtz Azari, der er medstifter af appen Tiimo, og som har adhd. Noget, der kan bruges af folk med adhd og autisme. Blev idéen til appen som Helene Lassen Nørlem og Melissa Würtz Azari skabte i 2015, da de skulle lave hovedopgave. "Kreativitet, mønstergenkendelse, hyperfokus, ekstrem udholdenhed og god evne til at tænke ud af boksen. Det er blot nogle af de styrker, der kommer med den neurodivergente hjerne. Det er superkræfter, som vores samfund skal til at værdsætte og udnytte bedre," siger Melissa Würtz Azari. Tiimo kan f.eks. estimere, hvor lang tid en opgave tager, og den kan dele en opgave op i små bidder, så man stille og roligt kan tage en lille del ad gangen. Når der så er flueben ud for hver enkelt bid af opgaven, er man færdig. Stifterne beskriver appen som "en lille ven, der hjælper brugeren med at prioritere og planlægge". Især i USA, England og Brasilien har Tiimo opnået stor popularitet, fordi influencere er begyndt at omtale appen i fora for f.eks. autister. Og i år var appen blandt millioner af apps fra hele verden nomineret til prisuddelingen Apple Design Award 2024. Den danske app blev valgt i kategorien “inklusion” som et af kun tre selskaber, som for stifterne var et kæmpe skulderklap. 📰 📸 Simon Fals
🌍 “It seems like a simple thing, but it means a lot.” This quote from the BBC article (link below) on #autism-certified destinations highlights the growing importance of #neuroinclusive travel — the focus of one of total 5 test tracks of X Nordic Travel Contest (XNTC), and the main focus of our recent testbed and event at TechBBQ. The BBC article reports increasing interest in becoming more welcoming to autistic and neurodivergent visitors - from hotels, to travel professionals and visitor bureaus across the globe. Currently more than 300 businesses are listed as Autism-Certified Centres, as well as three fully certified destinations. We had invited the very first fully-certified destination, Visit Mesa (Alison Brooks) to speak during the recent #XNTC event at #TechBBQ. Her insights and their collaborative journey toward becoming #neuroinclusive offers strong inspiration for other destinations and tourism businesses, showcasing the transformative impact of inclusive practices. Yes, embracing #neuroinclusivity is about accessibility; AND it is also about unfolding strategic potential that could position destinations and tourism businesses at the forefront of inclusivity and enhanced experiences for all types of travelers. The X Nordic Travel Contest is a project initiated and funded under Nordic Innovation's tourism initiative with the aim of creating more sustainable and competitive Nordic tourism futures, setting the course for a future of Nordic tourism that is resilient, diverse, and ready to meet the needs of all. The project is led by GROUP NAO in collaboration with Happy42 and #DesignNation. Marianna Lubanski, Signe Jungersted 喜娜, Lasse Chor
#TechSolutions for #Neuroinclusive Nordic Tourism? This was the focus for the X Nordic Travel Contest session at this year’s TechBBQ, hosted by GROUP NAO together with Nordic Innovation and Happy42. Designing Nordic tourism to accommodate and uplift all types of brains offers numerous (competitive) advantages: By becoming more sensitive to others' needs, everyone benefits! We learned from the world’s first Certified Autism Destination (#CAD) Visit Mesa Alison Brooks, and discussed how Nordic tourism industry can better and more widely embrace #neuroinclusivity and welcome more #neurodivergent travellers. The discussion was inspired by three amazing startups: Helene Lassen Nørlem, co-founder of Tiimo - a visual planning app structured for neuodiversity, with more than one million downloads. As part of the #XNTC, we are testing together with and TechBBQ if the app can support participants in preparing for their TechBBQ participation, which can be an overwhelming experience. Camilla Bøgh Erlang, co-founder of #MentalAssistant – a digital platform that empowers people with PTSD and anxiety by providing instant support and guidance. Camilla’s mission is to help individuals regain control over their mind and body, following the principle of help to self-help. We discussed how this could also be helpful in travel situations – for example in the airport, or while attending an event like TechBBQ. Daniel Viholm, founder of Nuance - a platform that celebrates the unique experiences of people living with ADHD. Nuance aims to create a supportive community where neurodivergent people can share insights, navigate challenges, and embrace their unique strengths. Daniel shared many insights into how an event like TechBBQ can become more neuroinclusive. We concluded with a great presentation by Associate Professor Carina Lomberg from DTU Entrepreneurship, who shared research that shows people with #ADHD are statistically more likely to become entrepreneurs due to traits like impulsivity and distractibility. What is seen as distractibility in the medical field becomes multitasking in business, while for example restlessness is leveraged as entrepreneurial drive. This session presented one of total 5 test tracks of the X Nordic Travel Contest - a project initiated and funded under Nordic Innovation's tourism initiative with the aim of creating more sustainable and competitive Nordic tourism futures. The project is led by GROUP NAO in collaboration with Happy42 and #DesignNation. Hanna Törmänen, Emil Gejrot, Thordur Reynisson, Marianna Lubanski, Lasse Chor, Emil Rømer Hansen, Signe Jungersted 喜娜
X Nordic Travel Contest genopslog dette
What does the first autism-certified destination in the world look like? How can the #Nordic #tourism industry to a larger extent embrace neurodiversity and develop more inclusive tourism solutions? Today, X Nordic Travel Contest - a project funded under Nordic Innovation's tourism initiative - hosted a session at TechBBQ on how technology can be used as a tool to create more neuro-inclusive tourism. The purpose of X Nordic Travel Contest is to create a more sustainable and competitive Nordic tourism industry and exploring #neuroinclusivity as a way to develop more accessible tourism products is an important step. Read more about the project: Thanks to our project partners GROUP NAO, Happy42 and Design Nation for turning the spotlight on a very important topic. Signe Jungersted 喜娜 Lasse Chor Emil Gejrot Hanna Törmänen Thordur Reynisson
Amazing to see so many sessions on tech for better tourism and travel at TechBBQ 2024! 👏 Hub for Innovation in Tourism 💡 We are beyond excited to have more than 40 people registered for our #XNTC session on Thursday at 12:30 - exploring how tech can help break down barriers for more neuroinclusive tourism and hospitality 💛🌻 Still a few seats left for our session. Register to secure your seat here: (please note that you need to have a ticket for TechBBQ to attend the session ;-))
TechBBQ2024: Kom med til Travel Tech Thursday💜🔥 Vi er vilde med, at #TravelTech fylder en så stor del af programmet på TechBBQ2024🙌 Glæd dig fx til disse sessions dag 2/torsdag 12. september 🎤🚀🔥: ⏱ 11.40 – 12.20: Garden Session: Green Garden Tent🟢: ’Boarding Now: Tourism – your first-class ticket to business growth’. Afholdes af Hub for Innovation in Tourism. I panelet er Anders Boelskifte Mogensen fra Founderment, Jannik Lawaetz fra LuggageHero, Sofie Nyholm fra DI Turisme, Kultur & Oplevelser, Christian Folden Lund fra Bellagroup og Christian Lythje Villum (moderator). ⏱12.30 – 14.00: Side Event: Lokomotivværkstedet 🚂 : Neuroinclusive Tourism with Tech Solutions. Afholdes af X Nordic Travel Contest – sign-up nødvendig) ⏱13.20- 14.00: Garden Session: Orange Garden Tent🟠 : ‘Innovation in Travel: Self-Service Solutions Transforming Hotel Stays’. Afholdes af LuggageHero med Nikolai Kronborg fra AeroGuest, Nikolas HALL fra N. Hall Consulting og Andreas Søgaard fra Dripdrop. Er du nysgerrig på, om turismen kunne være et marked for dig? Så er der altså her rig mulighed for at høre mere om, fx hvorfor turisme er det perfekte marked til at teste nye løsninger, hvordan tech kan forbedre hoteloplevelsen eller hvordan turismen beriges af udvikle nye neuroinclusive værktøjer. Hub for Innovation in Tourism er en national indsats, der styrker iværksætteri og innovation i dansk turisme. Projektet er et partnerskab mellem Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme, MeetDenmark og Dansk Storbyturisme (Wonderful Copenhagen, VisitAarhus, Destination Fyn og Destination NORD). Indsatsen er medfinansieret af EU-midler fra Socialfonden Plus og decentrale erhvervsfremmemidler udmøntet via Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse. #TechBBQ #TechBBQ2024 #innovation #innovationintourism #acceleratorintourism #startupaccelerator #accelerator #startup #community #networking #events #tourism #talentsintourism #startupsintourism
UPDATED TIME! In just two weeks, at TechBBQ in Copenhagen, X Nordic Travel Contest (#XNTC) is hosting a session on how technology can break down barriers in tourism and hospitality for neuro-divergent people. 💡 Did you know that 20-25% of the world’s population is considered neurodivergent? 💡And did you also know that according to a survey by EventWell® 85% of neurodivergent event attendees will opt out of attending an event for fear of becoming triggered, overwhelmed, or unwell? That is why X-Nordic Travel Contest is exploring #neuroinclusivity as part of making Nordic tourism futures more sustainable and competitive. Join us at #TechBBQ on September 12, 12:30 – 14:00 (#UpdatedTime), where we will be exploring questions like: 🏢 What does the first autism-certified destination in the world look like? With Alison Brooks from Visit Mesa 💼 What Nordic startups are already working to make the everyday easier and more comfortable for neurodivergent people – and how could this adapt to the tourism, travel and hospitality industry? With Nordic startups Helene Lassen Nørlem - Tiimo, Camilla Bøgh Erlang - #MentalAssistant, Daniel Viholm - Nuance. 🧠 How can different brain types enhance the success of a startup in tourism? With Carina Lomberg, DTU Entrepreneurship Buy your ticket to TechBBQ here: Sign up for our session on Sept 12 here: X-Nordic Travel Contest #XNTC is a programme by Nordic Innovation, led by GROUP NAO in collaboration with Happy42 and #DesignNation
At this year’s TechBBQ, X Nordic Travel Contest Contest (#XNTC) is hosting a session on how technology can break down barriers and hospitality for neuro-divergent people. Did you know that 20-25% of the world’s population is considered neurodivergent? And did you also know that according to a survey by EventWell®, 85% of neurodivergent event attendees will opt out of attending an event for fear of becoming triggered, overwhelmed, or unwell? That is the X-Nordic Travel Contest is exploring #neuroinclusivity as part of making Nordic tourism futures more sustainable and competitive. Join us at TechBBQ on September 12, 12:30 – 14:00 (#NewUpdatedTime), where we will be exploring questions like: 🏢 What does the first autism-certified destination in the world look like? With Alison Brooks from from Visit Mesa 💼 What Nordic startups are already working to make the everyday easier and more comfortable for neurodivergent people – and how could this adapt to the tourism, travel and hospitality industry? With Nordic startups Helene Lassen Nørlem - Tiimo, Camilla Bøgh Erlang - #MentalAssistant, Daniel Viholm - Nuance . 🧠 How can different brain types enhance the success of a startup in tourism? With Carina Lomberg, DTU Entrepreneurship Buy your ticket to TechBBQ here: Sign up for our session on Sept 12 here: X-Nordic Travel Contest #XNTC is a programme by Nordic Innovation, led by GROUP NAO in collaboration with Happy42 and #DesignNation
Launch of #XNTC’s community partnership with TechBBQ! TechBBQ is the largest meeting place for the startup eco-system in Denmark with +7500 participants, +2100 startups, +1100 investors, and +120 media representatives meeting once a year… And this year, the X Nordic Travel Contest will be an active part as TechBBQ community partner! #XNTC will host a session focused on how technology can break down barriers within tourism and hospitality for neuro-divergent people. The theme of TechBBQ this year is One Giant Leap – like the giant leap of faith in something you believe in. Whilst individual steps may seem small, together they can leap towards innovation, sustainability, and equity. Guiding #XNTC is the belief that through collaboration, every small idea and action can take us forward towards more sustainable and competitive tourism futures in the Nordics… We look forward to exchange experiences and ideas with you on September 12th, 10-11 AM! Find out more here: X-Nordic Travel Contest #XNTC is a programme by Nordic Innovation, led by GROUP NAO in collaboration with Happy42 and #DesignNation
Incoming! Launch of #XNTC’s first testbed: ‘Breaking Down Barriers: We Can Do Better.’ Designing tourism to accommodate and uplift all types of brains offers numerous advantages; by becoming more sensitive to others' needs, everyone benefits. With neurodivergent individuals comprising approximately 20% of the global population (some estimates suggest up to 30-40%) - ADHD, Autism, OCD, and other forms of neurodivergence are common. These individuals face challenges that affect their ability to travel and enjoy experiences like museums, festivals, conferences, and hotels, as they may experience anything from sensory sensitivities to a need for structured environments. We see a significant and important opportunity to make tourism universally accessible, even through small adaptations like quiet areas or staff training to better accommodates neurodiversity. Accessibility is not just important; it is a fundamental human right. This principle drives our commitment to launching the accessibility testbed. Together with, we will test their application on renowned Nordic entrepreneurs at TechBBQ. can assist participants in preparing for their visit and participation in this huge event, aiming to ensure they benefit fully from the event instead of not going at all. From planning and focus sessions to group coaching and community support, the is a space for inclusive learning, helping users with day planning, activities, and task completion. Watch this space… Two other tests on this topic are on the move as well – and we look forward to presenting the findings on September 12th at TechBBQ 2024. XNordic Travel Contest #XNTC is a programme by Nordic Innovation, led by GROUP NAO in collaboration with Happy42 and #DesignNation