Statistics Calculator

    Use this calculator to find the number of statistics measures like count, sum, standard deviation, variance calculator, mean, median, mode, geometric mean, arithmetic mean etc. for the defined set of numbers.

    Provide Data Series

    Find the number of statistics measures by typing in the data set values.

    • A population is an entire group that you want to draw conclusions about.
    • A sample is a specific group that you will collect data from. The size of the sample is always less than the total size of the population.
    • Please input values with comma separation example: 2,3,4,5,6


    Find the number of statistics measures by adding values in the calculator.

    Enter the data set by inputing the values with the help of key ‘ADD’


    Related Calculators

    Use this calculator to determine the mean, sum, standard deviation, variance, geometric mean, etc. of a data set.

    Or provide values separated by comma below
    Enter the data, where each individual value is separated by a comma, to calculate the sum, mean, median, mode, geometric mean, standard deviation, variance, etc.

    What is Statistics?
    Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection and analysis of quantitative data. The conclusions drawn from the analysis of the collected data are used for scientific research, testing theories, determining probability, finding desirable outcomes, etc.

    What is a Statistics Calculator?
    This statistics calculator is an online tool that can be used to compute various statistical metrics such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, etc. of a given data set. Users can input the required data into the calculator to determine the value of various statistical functions.

    How does this Statistics Calculator work?
    The calculators above are online tools that can be accessed from devices such as a smartphone, tablet or laptop with a working internet connection. There are two versions of the statistics calculator which serve the same purpose but differ in functionality. The functionality of both the calculators have been described below:

    1st Statistics Calculator
    This calculator looks more like a conventional calculator and has dedicated buttons for entering the required data as well as for applying various statistical functions to the given data. The calculator has buttons for entering numbers from 0 to 9, a button for entering a decimal and a button for entering negative values which can be used to provide the input. Users need to click on the ‘ADD’ button after entering an individual data and repeat the process to input the whole data set. After entering the whole data set, click on the appropriate statistical function to determine its value. The statistical functions available in the calculator are given below:

    • Click on the ‘x̄’ button to determine the mean or average of the data set provided
    • Click on the 'x2'button to determine the mean of the square of the values
    • The ‘Σx’ button is for calculating the sum of all the values provided
    • The ‘Σx2’ button is for calculating the sum of the square of the values
    • Clicking on the ‘σ’ button gives the population standard deviation of the data set
    • Clicking on the ‘σ2’ button gives the population standard variance of the data provided
    • The ‘s’ function determines the sample standard deviation of the data set
    • The ‘s2’ function determines the sample standard variance of the data provided
    • Click the ‘GM’ button to find out the geometric mean of the data set

    2nd Statistics Calculator
    In the second version of the statistics calculator, users just need to enter the whole data set into the input field provided. Here, each individual data/value needs to be separated by a comma. Next, when the ‘Calculate’ button is clicked, the result section displays a comprehensive list with the values of various statistical functions. The various metrics or functions that are shown in the results section are as follows:

    • The ‘count’ of the individual values provided in the data set is displayed at the top
    • Next is the ‘sum’ of all the values
    • Then, the ‘mean (average)’ of the data set is provided
    • Then comes the ‘median’ of the data provided
    • Displayed next is the ‘mode’ of the data set
    • Then, the ‘largest’ number in the data set is displayed
    • The ‘smallest’ number in the data set follows
    • The ‘range’ of the data set is displayed next
    • Next is the ‘geometric mean’ of the data provided
    • It is followed by the ‘standard deviation’ of the data set
    • The ‘variance’ of the data is displayed next
    • Then comes the ‘sample standard deviation’ of the data
    • Lastly, the ‘sample variance’ of the data set is displayed

    To enter a new data set, click on the ‘Clear’ button
    The Economic Times