häk agency

häk agency

Marketing Services

Tallinn, Harju maakond 1,030 followers

Strategic web and design agency that lifts you up so you can take off.

About us

Häk is a strategic web and design agency. As ambitious professionals, friends, and supportive companions, understanding customers, consumers, and each other is what guides us forward to creative and engaging solutions. We know that well-thought-through solutions and a systematic approach are the most effective when it comes to creative advertising. We come from Estonia, a country with 1,3 million people, where there are one of the world’s cleanest air and fullest forests. Creative inspiration abounds! And like little forest elves in the advertising world, we create something magical that people want to connect with. We initiate a three-step formula to deliver solutions: analyze + plan + act That’s it. Not only do we at häk know it, we execute it as well. We offer clients complete solutions and innovations as well as additions to existing materials. We: 1. create a strategy; 2. find the best channels; 3. produce the content and communication materials needed for the specific channels; 4. deliver the message to the target audience, analyze the results, pivot, and move further forward. At häk, we take the time to set up a systematic approach so you can stand out. Get in touch at hello@hak.ee

Marketing Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Tallinn, Harju maakond
Privately Held
Marketing, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Agency, Advertising, Websites, Print, Logos, Package design, Brand design, Brands, Logo design, UI, UX, Web Developement, and Web Design


Employees at häk agency


  • Kuidas sinu vundamendiga lood on? 🤔

    View profile for Einar Tiimla, graphic

    Unstoppable creative strategist | founder and director of häk agency | elevating brands through digital innovation

    Brändi nähtamatu osa loomiseks on vaja strateegiat, mis on vundamendiks kõigile su edasistele tegevustele.💡 Ilma strateegiata liigud nagu pimedas ⚫️ Võid küll samme astuda, aga sa ei tea, kas need viivad ka sihile. Võta häk agency ühendust, kui vundament logiseb või on puudulik. ;) #hakagency #häkagency #creativeagency #brandstrategy #brändiidentiteetti #bränding

  • häk agency reposted this

    View profile for Karoliina Parv, graphic

    Project Management | Branding | Creative solutions | Marketing | Strategic thinker

    Oleme häk agency AI-d kasutanud juba… nii kaua, et ei teagi, millal see alguse sai. Paremini vist ei saakski kokku võtta, mida AI meie jaoks teeb 👏🏻 Mida ta kindlasti ei tee – ei asenda meie inimesi 😉

    View profile for Ruben Hassid, graphic

    Master AI before it masters you.

    Nike is now using AI for their ads. 1. They generated 5,000 images with Midjourney. 2. Hybrid workflow with traditional VFX. 3. Project Directed by Gibson Hazard. This ad is a testament to the future of video production. ↳ AI enhances creativity, not replaces it. ↳ Could lead to more AI adoption in advertising. ↳ Speeds up development, exploring vast visual possibilities. AI and human talent together. Pushing boundaries and setting new standards. ♻️ Repost this if you think it's the future. ⚠️ This is NOT me, but my AI clone (using Synthesia).

  • häk agency reposted this

    View profile for Einar Tiimla, graphic

    Unstoppable creative strategist | founder and director of häk agency | elevating brands through digital innovation

    We create designer who think like engineers and engineers who think like designers! — Elon Musk Kuulan teist nädalat Elon Muski raamatut ja selle tsitaadi peale meenutasin TULI uuringut, et mida kliendid ootavad loov- ja/või turundusaegtuuridelt. Ootavad strateegilist partnerlust! Selleks, et päriselt olla strateegiline partner alates päev üks. Pead sa kliendi äri sama hästi mõistma nagu oleksid seal ettevõttes tööl. häk agency loovinimesed on koolitatud selliselt, et nad oskaksid struktureeritult saada võimalikult kiiresti ja efektiivselt kätte kliendi äri kohta detailid — brändi olemus, kõnetoon, tunne mida tekitab. Lõpptarbia persoonad, vajadused. Lisaks kliendi ärilised ja turunduslikud eesmärgid. Kui sa tead mida persoona vajab + ärilised eesmärgi = strateegiline loovidee. Jätkusuutlik ja strateegiline turundus algab siit! Kui teil on agentuur, kes selliselt ei oska mõelda, siis teate, et teil ei ole strateegilist partnerit 😉 Ilusta ja rahulikku jõuluaega kõigile turundajatele 🎄🎅😁 #strategicagency #brandstrategy #advertising #hakagency

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  • häk agency reposted this

    View profile for Einar Tiimla, graphic

    Unstoppable creative strategist | founder and director of häk agency | elevating brands through digital innovation

    Disaini ja veebiagentuuri juhina nõustun eelkõnelejatega. Eelkõige tulebki vaadata üle ärimudel, sest tihti see laev, mis tõi meid siia, ei vii meid enam edasi. Kahtlemata on kvaliteete ja läbimõeldud teenuse müümine Maarjamaal keeruline, kuna ostujõuliste klientide hulk on äärmiselt madal. Samuti täidavad paljude klientide baasvajadused ka madalamate oskustega spetsialistid. Kahjuks jätab see äri kasvule ja jätkusuutlikkusele selles kontekstis vähe ruumi. Siin jääb meil agentuuridena teha tevitustööd, mis kasu turundusjuhtidel ja brändidel üldse strateegilisest ning heast disainist on?! Olen ääretult tänulik, et meil on olnud tippagentuure, kes ka tegelikult, STRATEEGILISELT asju läbi mõtlevad. Veel rõõmsam ja tänulikum olen, et neid on turul veel alles ka. 🙂 Suur kummardus kõigile, kes pingutavad, et pakkuda head töökohta, tipptasemel ja mõtestatud disaini ning teenust klientidele! 🙏 Anname kõik koos ikkagi märkimisväärse panuse Eesti tööjõutule, lisaks disaini, turunduse ja veebimaailma! häk agency HABLE disainiagentuur Piia Poldmaa Velvet Tiia Vihand Eesti Disainikeskus / Estonian Design Centre Turundajate Liit / Estonian Marketing Association

    Aastaga on läinud hingusele kolm disainiagentuuri. “Ausalt öeldes on hinges suur kurbus." | Turundajate Liit

    Aastaga on läinud hingusele kolm disainiagentuuri. “Ausalt öeldes on hinges suur kurbus." | Turundajate Liit


  • We’re incredibly proud of our teammate Patrik Jõgeva for participating in Hackathon: Andmetorm 2024 with their innovative project, IlmaSeade! 🎉 Your dedication and creativity inspire us all. Here’s to celebrating this achievement and looking forward to many more Hackathons.

    View profile for Liubomyr Yavorskyi, graphic

    Orbital Mechanics Engineer | Software Engineer Student

    🌟 My First Hackathon: Andmetorm 2024 🌟 Last weekend, I participated in Andmetorm 2024, my very first hackathon, organized by the Keskkonnaagentuur / Estonian Environment Agency and Garage48. I didn’t know what to expect, but this turned out to be an unforgettable adventure full of learning, teamwork, and innovation. 🚀 I had the privilege of working with an incredible team: • Lukas Haavel (our amazing leader) • Patrik Jõgeva (the talented designer) • Kati Kraavi (who helped us with pitch planning and some important business-related questions) • Rain P. (who worked wonders on the front-end) • Kaarel Karolin (who delivered the final pitch with confidence and flair and offered valuable climate expertise) Our project, IlmaSeade, focused on extracting data from official services, structuring and validating it, and making it usable for future projects. 💻 My Role as the Back-End Developer: I was responsible for developing the part of the project that handled: • interaction with external resources, • data collection, • data validation, and • building a system to verify the reliability and accuracy of the collected data. This was a technically challenging but incredibly rewarding task, and I’m proud of the solution we created as a team! Although we didn’t place in the top 3, the feedback from Keskkonnaagentuur mentors was very positive, and this was an invaluable learning experience. I’m grateful to my team for their hard work, creativity, and collaboration throughout the event. 🌍 A huge thank you to Keskkonnaagentuur / Estonian Environment Agency, Garage48 and all the participants for making this hackathon such a fantastic event. Special thanks to photograph Tiit Tamme for capturing all the moments and making the event even more memorable.  And who knows — in the near future, you might just see IlmaSeade online! 😉 #Andmetorm2024 #IlmaSeade #ClimateAction #DataScience #HackathonExperience #TechForGood #SustainableInnovation #OpenData #DataValidation #BackEndDevelopment #ClimateTech #EnvironmentalImpact #InnovationInAction #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork

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  • häk agency reposted this

    View profile for Einar Tiimla, graphic

    Unstoppable creative strategist | founder and director of häk agency | elevating brands through digital innovation

    Testi oma teadmisi! Arva ära ja kirjuta kommentaaridesse, kelle reklaamiga on tegu? 🤔 Selleks korraks on suur ostupüha läbi saanud, aga juba traditsiooniks saanud arvamusmäng "Musta reede" reklaamidega on siin. Võtsin piltidel logod küljest ära. Tee enda pakkumised kommentaaridesse. Järgmises postituses avaldan need samad pildid koos brändidega. Kui tahad teada, kuidas bränd enda kasuks tööle panna, konsulteeri häk agency'ga! Proovi ka linnapildis tähele panna brände, kes enda visuaalse keelega on alati äratuntavad. The Coca-Cola Company ja McDonald's teevad näiteks ka jõulude ajal enda logotüübi või brändielementidega häid reklaame, kus ei pea päriselt logo peal olemagi, et aru saada, kellega on tegu. #branding #brandconsistency #brandstrategy #advertising #bränding #reklaamid #häkagentuur #hakagency

  • Brand strategy is a cornerstone of business. Presenting a unified brand message can increase profits by almost 25% (Forbes 2018). Successful companies invest in developing a functional brand strategy and update it year by year to stay on the right course. Those who neglect this aspect waste resources and need more certainty. Pretty CVI is not a brand strategy 😉 Here's a short insight into why your company might need a proper brand strategy: https://lnkd.in/drE3e4AF

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  • Häk x Citycon 🚀 Over the past year, we have focused on highlighting Citycon's globally renewed visual identity in the Rocca al Mare and Kristiine Shopping centres while maintaining brand continuity and enhancing the customer shopping experience. Rocca al Mare Shopping Center is one of the largest shopping centres in Estonia, offering commercial space to 148 tenants. The centre offers a unique theme-based layout of shops and, thanks to its innovations, will become the real heart of Western Tallinn in the coming years.
 Kristiine Keskus is a modern shopping centre where fashion meets entertainment. It offers approximately 130 stores and 14 excellent dining options. The shopping centre is located on the daily movement path of thousands of people and is at the centre of the transport connection. 🏆 Thanks to the consistent use of the updated visual identity in all the centres' campaigns, we have significantly increased the recognition of Rocca al Mare and the Kristiine Center. More people now recognize the brand behind the advertising campaigns even without seeing their logo, a testament to our successful strategy. Branding is one of our forte. If you need help with yours, we are just one email/call away 😉

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