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Design Services

#1 empathy-first design agency in the world!

About us

We are a team of around 20 designers, producers, developers and researchers dedicated to building the best, most useful design agency in the world. - Design services - Understanding user needs / values - Understanding business needs / opportunities - Building future vision / concept / strategy - Design brands & communication - Design / develop digital solutions and products 
 We handle the whole process, from concept to production-ready technical 
drawings and software development.

Design Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Privately Held
service design, brand creation & strategy, graphic design, web and interaction design, application development, UX, UI, digitaltransformation, branddesign, and webdesign


Employees at Velvet


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    Something beyond massive is complete! 💫 The new Wise office in Krulli kvartal Quarter, now home to thousands of employees, has officially opened its doors. Velvet had the exciting opportunity to contribute to creating a smart and dynamic environment – #ambient solutions and a #digitallayer throughout the space… Think of the coolest screens you’ve seen in an office space. Stay tuned for more! 👀 Made possible only with outstanding partners! 🤝

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    💚UUS💚 WISE Krulli kontor Keskkonnagraafika kui kommunikatsioonikiht ja dünaamilise brändi kandja. Kui hoone sisearhitektuur on julge ja bränd veel julgem, omandab keskkonnagraafika loome hoopis uued mõõtmed. WISE uusim ja suurim kontor sai kolmest kihist koosneva keskkonnagraafika, kus terviku moodustavad selge ja lakooniline navigeerimissüsteem, visuaalselt efektne funktsionaalne info kiht ning supermängulised ruumilised lahendused. Nimetasime nad functional – blend – ambient. Sama energia, mäng, graafiline süsteem ja julgus, mis WISE iseloomustab. 18 kuud protsessirõõmu, suurepäraseid partnereid ja sünergiat. Elagu WISE! Aitäh WISE, LÄVI sisearhitektid, Colliers, Velvet, Arle Reklaam, Digiprint, SaabSaab, Media Element. 📸 Tõnu Tunnel

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  • “In the age of AI and automation, it may seem that user experience is just data-driven optimization. However, humanity, thoughtful details, and the creation of moments of delight can make the e-shop experience unforgettable," says Grete Hints, Velvet’s UX/UI designer and Digital Designers’ lead. 🎤 To hear more, head to #Baltic e-Commerce forum 2025 #ecom2025 on March 18th where she will take the spotlight as a conference speaker. You can learn how simple but conscious UX solutions can be the new “customer service” and why they have a greater impact on buyer decision-making and loyalty than we think. 👏 Proud of you, Grete  👉 Find out more about the event: 👉 And take a look at Grete’s design work: 

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  • It doesn’t hurt to be reasonably self-aware – in today’s climate more than ever – but in creative industries we tend to be overly critical towards ourselves. The season for #Kuldmuna, one of our biggest creative competitions, has arrived. In the design #jury, led by Ionel Lehari, Velvet’s creative director Piia Tammelo is taking a seat at the table. If the number one recommendation is to be memorable and stand out, then the number one thing NOT to do, according to Piia, is this:  🗯️ “Don’t shy away from blowing your own horn. If there’s a detail in your work that deserves to be highlighted, make sure it gets the spotlight. Don’t just hope someone will notice it on their own." May the boldness be with you. Early bird deadline is March 12. Turundajate Liit / Estonian Marketing Association

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  • Something beyond massive is complete! 💫 The new Wise office in Krulli kvartal Quarter, now home to thousands of employees, has officially opened its doors. Velvet had the exciting opportunity to contribute to creating a smart and dynamic environment – #ambient solutions and a #digitallayer throughout the space… Think of the coolest screens you’ve seen in an office space. Stay tuned for more! 👀 Made possible only with outstanding partners! 🤝

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    💚UUS💚 WISE Krulli kontor Keskkonnagraafika kui kommunikatsioonikiht ja dünaamilise brändi kandja. Kui hoone sisearhitektuur on julge ja bränd veel julgem, omandab keskkonnagraafika loome hoopis uued mõõtmed. WISE uusim ja suurim kontor sai kolmest kihist koosneva keskkonnagraafika, kus terviku moodustavad selge ja lakooniline navigeerimissüsteem, visuaalselt efektne funktsionaalne info kiht ning supermängulised ruumilised lahendused. Nimetasime nad functional – blend – ambient. Sama energia, mäng, graafiline süsteem ja julgus, mis WISE iseloomustab. 18 kuud protsessirõõmu, suurepäraseid partnereid ja sünergiat. Elagu WISE! Aitäh WISE, LÄVI sisearhitektid, Colliers, Velvet, Arle Reklaam, Digiprint, SaabSaab, Media Element. 📸 Tõnu Tunnel

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    🔹 If you value the ability to apply knowledge rather than just memorizing information, then we think alike. And by we, we mean you, Emili School and us. Emili School is a forward-thinking private school located in Ülemiste City, #Tallinn. At the heart of the school’s approach is the well-being of the child—not just here and now, but ensuring that they grow into intelligent, adaptable, and happy young individuals. To better convey these ideas, we crafted a visual identity along with a brand story and messaging, including a unique typeface. The playful #typography, combined with block elements suitable for illustrations, is so easy to use that even students are involved in designing school materials. Grateful for the trust, Emili School! Silver Lume, Kairi Pauskar Design team: Andrus Lember, Keiu Grossberg, Filipp Rodtsenkov, Kerli Kehman

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    Innovation can thrive when the foundation is solid. Accelerate Estonia operates where there is a gap between legislation and progress. To drive faster solutions, the Accelerate program approaches change from the private sector’s perspective, tackling regulatory barriers that hinder innovative business models. Accelerate Estonia develops practical recommendations for both the Estonian government and the public sector, fostering innovation, economic growth, and, ultimately, societal well-being. To better support others, they needed a refresh themselves: 👉 An updated #styleguide and more user-friendly graphic brand tools, including a comprehensive #brandmanual. 👉 A redesigned and fully developed #website—not just with a fresh look but also with clear, intuitive navigation for users. Done and done! 🫶 Thank you, Joosep Kään, Anni Türkson and the whole Accelerate team for the trust! Velvet team: Grete Hints, Keiu Grossberg, Vahur Vogt, Hanna Reinkort. 👉 Go check it out: #brandrenewal #branddesign #webdesign #estoniandesign #accelerateestonia

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    The sweetest spot on a Venn diagram: #music + #design. The Estonian Music Entrepreneurship Awards celebrate the people who usually work behind the scenes but whose diligence, expertise and passion allow us to enjoy diverse and immersive musical experiences. Art director and music enthusiast Keiu Grossberg contributed as a member of the design jury, helping to select the best album artwork and music event design of the year. The jury set out to highlight designs that felt cohesive from cover to cover, delivered unexpected visual impact, and set a high standard for future music industry visuals. The competition takes place on March 5th, so soon we’ll see which works made the cut. 🫶 A big thank you to jury lead Kerstin Raidma for the opportunity and to Taavi Tulev, Joosep Volk, Kaarel Vahtramäe, Erkin Antov, Martin Veisman, Kadri-Maria Külaots, and Pauline Marie Korp for the conversations. Damn, what a cool crowd 😮💨 #musicentrepreneurship #musicindustry #designinmusic

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    A branding project is complete, when the story just begins to unfold. A circle is perfect – nothing is missing, nothing is excessive. 🟢 A circle symbolizes completeness: the circle of life, the cycle of the year, "coming full circle." Ravimiamet (Estonia State Agency of Medicines) contributes to ensuring that the life cycle of all people and animals in Estonia is as complete as possible. The goal of the brand renewal was to create a distinctive and approachable visual identity for the agency’s public communication. At the heart of the identity are illustrations composed of circles – assembled with the same precision and systematic approach that defines the agency’s daily work. The official tone is softened by warm and lively accent colors. 💛 Thank you to the Estonian State Agency of Medicines and Carmen Katariina Sikk. Waving from Velvet: Keiu Grossberg, Maris Teder. 💌 For collaborations, reach out at

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    Simplicity, effectiveness, and impact often go hand in hand, don’t they? Here’s a great example. What began in 2005 with Taavet+Sten has evolved into Skaala – a remarkable investment company committed to creating meaningful, long-term value. No unnecessary frills, just focus and clarity. That same approach guided the rebrand & web design as well. 🙏 A heartfelt thank you to Skaala – Kristina Siimar, Sten Tamkivi, and Diana Varik – for the meaningful collaboration. Your willingness to dive deep truly elevated the final result ☑️ #Rebrand & a new #website design 👏 Team: Janno Siimar, Keijo Kraus, Rainer Kull, Kerli Kehman, Kadri Ann Mikiver

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    If you're going to do something, do it right! 💪 You know the saying about the cobbler's shoes? To avoid falling into that trap, every project needs a thoughtful approach. That's why we decided that the Velvet merch design competition—an internal initiative but an important one—is no place for half-measures. 💛 Our jury was nothing short of stellar: top figures from Estonia’s design world and fresh perspectives from talented students. A huge thank you to Dan Mikkin, Kreet Käärma, Tajo Oja, Sienna Jääger, and Ines Pallon. We’re truly lucky to have such brilliant and generous friends willing to share their expertise. What did we come up with? Stay tuned.

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