منذ 27 يناير، يعود الغزيون إلى ديارهم، ليجدوا أن معاناتهم قد بدأت للتو فكيف يمكننا المساعدة؟ من خلال تكثيف الدعم الإنساني لـ 545,000 عائلة عائدة، تعمل منظمة الصحة العالمية على توفير الوقود والخيام والمعدات الضرورية، بالإضافة إلى إنشاء وحدتين لتثبيت الإصابات في شمال غزة للوصول إلى المزيد من الأشخاص بسرعة أكبر ساعدهم على الاستمرار؛ كل تبرع يُحدث فرقًا تبرّع الآن: https://bit.ly/4bseTV0
WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)
الإدارة الحكومية
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system.
نبذة عنا
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the directing and coordinating authority for public health within the United Nations system. The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is one of WHO’s 6 regional offices around the world. It serves the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, which comprises 21 Member States and occupied Palestinian territory (including East Jerusalem), with a population of nearly 745 million people.
- الموقع الإلكتروني
رابط خارجي لـ WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)
- المجال المهني
- الإدارة الحكومية
- حجم الشركة
- ٢٠١ - ٥٠٠ من الموظفين
- المقر الرئيسي
- Cairo
- النوع
- غير ربحي
المواقع الجغرافية
Nasr City
Cairo، EG
موظفين في WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)
ramez mahaini
Coordinator, Maternal and Child Health at World Health Organization
Ranin Soliman, DPhil
Evidence-based Healthcare | HEOR | Value-based Healthcare
Lamya Ahmed Elayat, MBA
Regional Strategic Partnerships Officer at World Health Organisation EMRO | D.B.A. Candidate,Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management | M.B.A. in…
Md SHARIFuzzaman
Technical Officer (EPI data management) at WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)
Since January 27, Gazans have been coming home, only to find that their struggles are just beginning. So how can we help? By stepping up humanitarian support for the 545,000 returning families, WHO is providing fuel, tents, and critical equipment—and setting up two trauma stabilization units in North Gaza to reach more people, more quickly. Help them keep going; every donation makes a difference. Donate now: https://bit.ly/43j6H7I
In a landmark step towards strengthening Afghanistan’s health care system, the Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) and WHO in Afghanistan, in collaboration with national health partners, have launched the National Health Policy (NHP) 2025–2030. The Policy encapsulates a new vision that seeks to ensure quality health care is accessible to all, regardless of location or financial means. In 2021, WHO began working with local partners to develop a comprehensive, data-driven health policy. Through extensive consultations with key stakeholders, including development partners, implementing organizations and the private sector, the process evolved and has now resulted in a policy that prioritizes governance, financing, workforce development, service delivery and access to essential medicines with the goal of building a resilient and sustainable health care system. “This policy is not just a document – it is a blueprint for a healthier Afghanistan,” says WHO Representative and Head of mission in Afghanistan Dr Edwin Ceniza Salvador. “By strengthening health governance, improving access to care and ensuring sustainable financing, we are laying the foundations for a system that will serve the Afghan people for generations to come. WHO is proud to stand alongside its national partners and counterparts on this journey towards universal health coverage.”
بعد عامين من الصراع، دُمّرت منظومة الرعاية الصحية في السودان في العام الماضي، وصلت تبرعاتكم إلى 7.4 مليون شخص من خلال حملات مكافحة الكوليرا التي تدعمها منظمة الصحة العالمية. هذه المرة، نهدف إلى تحقيق المزيد في غضون أسبوعين فقط، تلقى أكثر من ألف مريض الرعاية الطبية بعد نشر مستشفى ميداني للطوارئ في القضارف، ضمن مبادرة الفرق الطبية الطارئة (EMT) دعمكم المستمر يساعد منظمة الصحة العالمية على تقديم الأمل من فضلكم، لا تتوقفوا عن العطاء https://bit.ly/4bBfu71
After two years of conflict, Sudan’s healthcare has been levelled. Last year, your donations to WHO-supported cholera campaigns reached 7.4 million people. This time, we're aiming even further. In two weeks, more than a thousand patients received care following the deployment of an Emergency Field Hospital in Gedaref as part of the Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) initiative. Your support continues to help WHO provide hope. Please don't stop giving. https://bit.ly/4bBfuE3
No one should have to face cancer alone. The few cancer treatment centres available in Afghanistan are under resourced, overcrowded, and overwhelmed. Your donations allow WHO to expand access to essential health services, upgrade emergency trauma care, and train 6,021 health workers to help more people in more places. Your support ensures they’re seen. Let them know they’re not alone. https://bit.ly/4bsbmpW
لا ينبغي لأحد أن يواجه السرطان وحده مراكز علاج السرطان القليلة المتوفرة في أفغانستان تعاني من نقص الموارد، و الاكتظاظ، والضغط الهائل تتيح تبرعاتكم لمنظمة الصحة العالمية توسيع نطاق الوصول إلى الخدمات الصحية الأساسية، وتحسين رعاية الإصابات الطارئة، وتدريب 6,021 من العاملين الصحيين لمساعدة المزيد من الأشخاص في المزيد من الأماكن بدعمكم، لن يتم تجاهلهم أخبروهم أنهم ليسوا وحدهم https://bit.ly/4h9mwkC
لا ينبغي لأحد أن يواجه السرطان وحده مراكز علاج السرطان القليلة المتوفرة في أفغانستان تعاني من نقص الموارد، و الاكتظاظ، والضغط الهائل تتيح تبرعاتكم لمنظمة الصحة العالمية توسيع نطاق الوصول إلى الخدمات الصحية الأساسية، وتحسين رعاية الإصابات الطارئة، وتدريب 6,021 من العاملين الصحيين لمساعدة المزيد من الأشخاص في المزيد من الأماكن بدعمكم، لن يتم تجاهلهم أخبروهم أنهم ليسوا وحدهم https://bit.ly/4h9mwkC
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the World Health Organization signed a €10 million agreement at the EIB Group Forum in Luxembourg, to strengthen public health across Lebanon, including combating medicine scarcity and fragmented laboratory services. This agreement will support: ✅ rebuilding the country's Central Public Health Laboratory – which will enhance detection of infectious diseases, preventing outbreaks and ensuring safe blood transfusions. ✅ the provision of essential medicines – supporting over 50,000 patients with chronic illnesses like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. ✅ expert support to primary health care centres – restoring services, including reproductive health and gender-based violence prevention. Funded by the EIB’s Economic Resilience Initiative (ERI) Fund, this initiative is a crucial step toward resilient, inclusive health care in Lebanon.
Ramadan is a time of compassion, generosity, and solidarity. But for millions in Syria, fasting is not a choice—it is survival. Displaced families don’t have access to the medical care they desperately need. WHO is providing emergency healthcare, nutritional support, and disease prevention measures to people in need. But this Ramadan, we need your help. Your generosity can bring relief to families struggling to survive. Give today to provide food, clean water, and healthcare in Syria. https://bit.ly/3EXc42p