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CENIT - Innovation Unit in Transport at CIMNE

CENIT - Innovation Unit in Transport at CIMNE

Servicios de investigación

Barcelona, Cataluña 1505 seguidores

CIMNE's Innovation Unit in Transport: Generating knowledge on transportation and transferring it to society.

Sobre nosotros

The Centre for Innovation in Transport (CENIT) was established in 2001 as the first research center on transportation created in Spain. CENIT is focused on finding sustainable and innovative solutions for urban transportation and mobility. We specialize in research, development and technology transfer projects using big data and econometric analysis. The primary activity developed at CENIT is generating knowledge in transport, logistics and mobility, and its transmission to society through research, education and technology transfer, encompassing different areas of economy and transport engineering, while always trying to focus its research on social agents’ demands in specific lines of work, and especially with notable references to freight transport. With a wealth of experience from partnerships in our home city of Barcelona, Spain, we have proven expertise in the fields of transport economy, including transport economics, mobility and urban transport, travel behaviour, urban freight distribution, electro mobility, traffic modelling, demand analysis, port terminal operations and port management. The multidisciplinary, scientific, and systematic approach allows us to quantitatively analyze transport elements relating to service, behaviour, perception, functionality, sustainability, management, quality, reliability, risk and safety. CENIT is the transport specialist research group of The International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) - a research organization created in 1987 as a public consortium between the Regional Government of Catalonia and the UPC, in cooperation with UNESCO and accredited as a center of excellence “Severo Ochoa” since 2019.

Sitio web
Servicios de investigación
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
Barcelona, Cataluña
Empresa pública
transporte urbano, transporte marítimo, transporte ferroviario, logística, infraestructura de transporte, logística portuaria, transporte sostenible, analisis de la demanda, asistencia técnica, movilidad urbana, transporte público, gestión portuaria, estrategia marítima , estudios de viabilidad económica, estudios de impacto medioambiental, estudios de beneficio-coste, intelligent transport systems, transport economics, urban mobility, port logistics, sustainable transport y transport infrastructures


  • Principal

    Campus Nord UPC, Plaça Telecos, Building C3

    Barcelona, Cataluña 08034, ES

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