accendo groupe

accendo groupe

Services et conseil aux entreprises

Libérer Votre Potentiel (in English - Ignite Your Potential )

À propos

Accendo accompanies our customers from their dreams to reality, leveraging both people and technology. Based in Nice, France, with consulting team based in Sri Lanka, Germany, Pakistan, Europe & Africa we offer: - HR Management Consulting - Recruitment Solutions - On demand & interim leadership solutions - Transition Management solutions - ATS & HR Automation solutions - Women in Leadership consulting - Coaching and mentoring services - Business Research & Analysis

Services et conseil aux entreprises
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
transition management, human resources transformation, talent acquisition, people management, Applicant tracking systems & automation, recruitment process improvement, executive search, interim / timeshare HR leadership, diversity & inclusion, career coaching, career transition & mentoring, business consulting, DEI, executive management et leadership mentoring


Employés chez accendo groupe


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    446  abonnés

    grateful to MARLEQ team - the below offer (écrit en français) is also available to my global #anglophone network. Same 🫶15% reduction🫶 from my standard private pricing. I have some availability before the 1st three weeks of September when I return to teaching/coaching and leading workshops at IPAG Business School International University of Monaco and Université Côte d'Azur #écoledemédecine #biobanks and a bunch of days up in #Hungary with my friend and client Imre Takacs and his team. Availability opens up again after 21st sept. 🙏 Call me today. I love this journey of life and working alongside great people to open their eyes and minds to their own possibilities. Accendo Groupe Madalina Voiculescu Evrim A. Anne-Fabienne Raven Zoe Filippi Esther Lehmann-Sow Marie-Claire EBALE ABONG

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    Are you ready to boost your career and reveal your full potential? It's your journey, but you don't have to walk it alone. With Tim Biscaye, you can make your career goals a reality while nurturing work-life balance. Tim Biscaye is a Global Entrepreneur, People Management, Talent Acquisition, Transition Management Consultant, and Recruiter, who has worked in almost 40 countries. His expertise is in Career Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching, HR, Recruiting, and Consulting. He completed his BA in Philosophy and Psychology (USA) and is a certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR). Let's talk about it, and have a free 30 min discovery call with Tim. Let's schedule it today.

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    446  abonnés

    I absolutely love learning from and with this great person, Robert Baker; a male alley for women in business and a stellar voice for gender equity amongst his many of his endeavors. He distills so much truth, great knowledge from real life encounters, work and hands on learning. I am grateful to him. I'm reposting here and adding a bit from my life learning. These are and have been for me two of the three most impactful means of learning empathy. The real number one was trying to be a great life partner and a dad, and then becoming a single dad to my three wonderful human beings. The other two: 🎯1, learning cross culturally, from community members, clients and colleagues across 38 countries in my work life and 🎯2, building a 'cercle des anciens' (my circle of elders/eldresses) and being advised, mentored and sometimes corrected by them. I first constructed this circle of elders when in Dakar in the late 90s working in the Regional Office of WVI. The idea was suggested to me by Harry Clark in about 99 or so. Started building out in 2000 or so and I added my father (my hero to this day), my college shrink - Charles Lewis, Charlie Morton - a friend of my brother in law, Doug Feil - my family counselor in Denver. Later on in that time frame I added Kathleen Winsor-Games and Jon Gettings. Kept that group probably up until 2010 or so. Then it slowly lost life, my neglect I guess. 2 individuals have since passed on and I've moved another 3 times internationally. So took to rebuilding a new cercle of wise women (will have a token guy), to increase my sensitivities, empathy and understanding of how I can be the best damn male alley for women in business and leadership. This new group is composed of one of my longest life friends Lana Hansen, my two sisters Rachel Passante and #SaraBiscaye. I have one more fabulous female leader (ELS) who already plays a vital role, but I need to make a clear ask. There are a couple of other vital women collaborators with whom I'm constantly learning. So maybe four is good for now. My go to male mentor is Peter Harder my Hippie american, living 50 plus years in France. Can count on him for counsel. Empathy is so critical to being a better human, a kinder leader; and as we learn, suffer our own pain, loss, grief and frustrating obstacles, and if we permit life, the 'divine' (higher power) and humanity to mold us, we become more empathetic, more warmhearted (Dalai Lama's word) and compassionate. That is exactly the type of leader, parent, friend, human being and maybe eventually one day again, a life partner. peace and all good on your journey. Accendo Groupe Tim Biscaye Madalina Voiculescu Evrim A. be warmhearted, live big, dream bigger and love always, YES, YES YES

    Voir le profil de Robert Baker, visuel

    I advise companies and coach leaders on developing allyship programs to help build diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces.

    Empathy in Leadership: Why It Matters More Than Ever! Great leadership in organisations is rare, but it is a skill which is critical to helping organisations and their people thrive in an increasingly fast changing, volatile, uncertain and complex world. We probably all know from experience what poor leadership and poor leaders are like: how they impact negatively on our morale, engagement, job satisfaction and performance. Great leaders on the other hand inspire and motivate us: they build strong, psychologically safe cultures, founded on clear values which foster innovation, creativity and deliver superior results. But what makes a great leader? There have been many studies over time which have explored this, including Google’s classic Project Oxygen: see for more on this. One thing is clear from all of these studies. People oriented skills (aka emotional intelligence) are much more important in leaders than technical skills. And research shows that one of the key people skills is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings, thoughts and experiences of others, especially those different from ourselves. We talk about trying to “put ourselves in their position and see the world from their point of view.”  However, this can often be difficult to achieve effectively. One way I have found is to talk to others regularly about their experiences and perspectives and spend time with them in their world. I also try to read as much written by others as possible, for example LinkedIn posts by those from different backgrounds, cultures and intersections really help. As a man promoting gender equity, I’ve spent many hours talking with women from many different countries, across all diversity dimensions, about their experiences in the workplace and wider society. It has hugely informed my understanding of the challenges they face and the ways in which I as a man can do more to support them in the workplace and at home. One way I have shown support is to mentor (and be mentored by) women from very different backgrounds. My involvement with women’s and gender networks has also developed my empathy and helped bridge any gender perspective and communication gaps. Our workplaces today are diverse and employees from different circumstances want to feel heard and have their concerns actively addressed. So today, empathy matters even more in leadership. And as leaders, we need to understand that true empathy requires action! We must commit to using our power and privilege to be role models who promote change to a more accepting and inclusive society and workplace. #leadership #empathy #LIExperiment

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    Voir le profil de Tim Biscaye, visuel

    Conteur People, Femmes en Leadership Gen Z 🕯️| Executive Coach 💡 | Exec Search 🪄| Management de Transition RH | #libérervotrepotentiel 🏋️♀️ | 📞+33 6 88 88 55 00 🪬| 🧚♀️#accendogroupe 🪄

    I am humbled by the kind words and even moreso to be associated with this MARLEQ team. I want to give a big shout out to my digital marketing colleague and consultant with my company, Madalina Voiculescu. She takes my energy, my words, my vision and scripts into into media size, targeted sound bites. She is absolutely brilliant, I have had the great pleasure of leading teams, organisations and companies around our globe for close to 40 years now. I have learned and grown so profoundly by the individuals who entrusted me with being their leader and for many their mentor and coach. I would love to name so many of these brilliant individuals but I've learned so much along this journey. Please like and follow my activity on Accendo Groupe. 🙏🪬🙏Allah y barak fee kulhoum - my thanks, très sincèrement Tim 'Team' 🕯️🫶🕯️ #ingiteyourpotential I am also grateful to so many great and talented consultants with whom I have had and have the enormous pleasure of working for change, being a #maleally to #womenleaders and to #emergingtoptalent and being a #socialactivist for more global equality Kalani Jayasekara Maxence Van beneden Aurélie Salvaire (She/Her) Yassine Thiam Marie-Claire EBALE ABONG Ashish Tripathi Bhupinder Kunwar Thierry Serrano-Guerra Esther Lehmann-Sow Robert Baker Daniele Fiandaca Jazz Singh✨Thomas Rogge Mansour Fall Victor Kashosi Khaldon Evans

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    17 643  abonnés

    Are you ready to ignite your career path and reveal your full potential towards success? Together, we can make your career goals a reality, while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Please meet Tim Biscaye, an Executive Coach & Global HR Consultant. Profile: Seasoned international executive with over 40 years of experience across 38 countries and 5 continents. Specialised in personal, team, and corporate transformation, executive search, and HR transition management. Expertise: Executive Coaching, Career Transition, HR Strategy, Talent Acquisition, Women Leadership,  Building Top Talent, Cross-Cultural Leadership and Startup Consulting Core Competences: Executive Search, Career Coaching, Leadership Development, International Career Transition, French-Speaking Professionals, European Job Market Expert, Cross-Cultural Management, Expatriate career guidance, Bilingual Career Strategist, Global Talent Acquisition, French Corporate Culture, European Executive Placement, International HR Consulting, Francophone Business Coaching, European Career Development Education: BA in Philosophy & Psychology (USA), Certified Professional of Human Resources (PHR), Adjunct Faculty at IPAG Business School, Int’l University of Monaco and the University Côte D’Azur - Ecole de Médecine Countries: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Francophone West & Central Africa, North Africa and North America Remember! It's your journey, but you don't have to walk it alone. Let's talk about it, and have a free 30 min discovery call with Tim Biscaye. Let's book it today.

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    446  abonnés

    des pensées, mes reflexions de ce matin pendant notre #réuniondutribu des Biscayes ensemble à #Minneapolis @libérervotrepotential #poursuivrevosrêves #illuminervotrechemin #rechercherdubonheur #lovealways

    Voir le profil de Tim Biscaye, visuel

    Conteur People, Femmes en Leadership Gen Z 🕯️| Executive Coach 💡 | Exec Search 🪄| Management de Transition RH | #libérervotrepotentiel 🏋️♀️ | 📞+33 6 88 88 55 00 🪬| 🧚♀️#accendogroupe 🪄

    Un posting très personnel, avec beaucoup de joie et de gratitude: J'ai vu ces mots et cette image ce matin, pendant mes moments de silence,##contemplation et #meditation. Merci ma chère Nicole (je pense à toi, je t'♥️ ). Ces moments matinaux sont des clefs pour moi, afin de rester bien #centré, #équilibré et rempli de la# paix, du courage et d'une '#warmheartedness' (un mot du Dalai Lama ). Je suis ici à #Minneapolis chez mon fils Ange, avec mon tribu et ce matin je pleure des larmes de joie, de gratitude pour cette privilege d'avoir ces humains dans ma vie: 🫶Mon fils ainé Pierre Biscaye sa femme Linda Nguyen, leurs filles (mes pitchounettes) - Évelyne et Éloïse, ma fille, 🫶ma bibiche Lola Gabrielle, 🫶et d'être chez André Biscaye et Emily Biscaye et leurs Rémy Jacques. J'aimerais bien poster une photo de ce #tribu, mais nous gardons les images de nos petits hors ligne. Qui aurait cru que ce petit #JerseyBoy de #BerkeleySchool aurait eu cette vie magnifique de 62 ans, avec autant de voyages, #aventures, #défis, et une telle #bénédiction de ces trois êtres humains - #mesenfants. Je suis un papa, un papet qui est si heureux, si rempli de joie et d'amour Donc ce matin, je remercie notre univers, le/la divin/e, tabaarakaALLAH a leenah. (yup love my arabic blessings) ALLAH y ateenah alkhair et merci Patricia Ayite, malgré nous, nous avons réussi pas mal, surtout dans la cocréation de ces trois amours Accendo Groupe - #libérertonpotentiel #vivretespassions #livebig #dreambigger #lovealways #bewarmhearted Madalina Voiculescu Ali LIAGHAT Peter Harder

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    446  abonnés

    accendo groupe était présent avec une de nos clients. #illuminer #libérertonpotentiel #allumertespassions #buterlefeu #provoquer croissance

    Voir le profil de Stéphanie Char, visuel

    Directrice conseil stratégique (Technologie) | Executive MBA HEC Paris | Gestion de projet | Analyse stratégique | Etude de marché | Engagement parties prenantes | Développement du leadership | Public Speaking | RSE

    Une très belle soirée de gala du Club affaire #Potentieldefemmes, emmené par Sabrina Nabet. Avec de belles présentations sur le leadership, les erreurs qui nous servent de lessons, les réussites à célébrer et le chemin qui reste à parcourir. Retours d'expériences divers et variés: humoriste, chanteuse, miss France, champion sportif, chef d'entreprise, chef cuisinier. Et surtout, merci à toutes ces belles et fortes femmes, entrepreneuses, cheffes d'entreprises, coach, etc. pour votre énergie, vos projets et votre courage dans cette aventure. Merci Tim Biscaye pour m'avoir ouvert les portes de cette soirée.

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    Voir le profil de Tim Biscaye, visuel

    Conteur People, Femmes en Leadership Gen Z 🕯️| Executive Coach 💡 | Exec Search 🪄| Management de Transition RH | #libérervotrepotentiel 🏋️♀️ | 📞+33 6 88 88 55 00 🪬| 🧚♀️#accendogroupe 🪄

    Hier, j'ai eu, pour une première fois, le privilège à voter en France 🕯️🕯️🕯️ dans nos élections européenes dans mon quartier du Vallon Barla La Madonette de Terron. Bien sur je faisais d'autre chose en parallel - ma sortie en vélo à Bellet heureux d'être français et de vivre dans le CE - Rim GANNAR Sevan BADEM Madalina Voiculescu Peter Harder Anne Sattonnet CRT Côte d'Azur France cedric cirasa D'INTORNI CHRISTELLE Alain JOUY

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    446  abonnés

    à lire: un exemple d'un boss qui vois grand, qui est engagé à valoriser ses employées. #allumer et #illuminer et #instiguer la crosissance

    Voir le profil de Tim Biscaye, visuel

    Conteur People, Femmes en Leadership Gen Z 🕯️| Executive Coach 💡 | Exec Search 🪄| Management de Transition RH | #libérervotrepotentiel 🏋️♀️ | 📞+33 6 88 88 55 00 🪬| 🧚♀️#accendogroupe 🪄

    Voici le genre d'activité professionelle que j'adore voir réussir et cette optique de: Toujours investir dans vos gens #peopleinvestment Bravo pour l'initiative prise en 2015 de ce PDG Dan Price de Gravity Payments à #seattlewa. Nous avons besoin d'avantage de leaders qui prennent cette optique. Regardons les résultats positifs pour son #bottomline et ses #revenues, pour ses clients et aussi pour ses employées depuis 2015. Félicitations 🥁🥁 ; article sur FB: Souvenez-vous de Dan Price... ce PDG qui a pris une réduction de salaire pour pouvoir payer à tous ses employés un salaire annuel minimum de 70 000 $ ? Voici ce qui s'est passé ensuite : 🎯« Six ans plus tard, après la décision que d'autres disaient qu'elle détruirait son entreprise, 🎯Dan rapporte que les revenus ont triplé, 🎯que la clientèle a doublé, 🎯que 70 % de ses employés ont remboursé leurs dettes, 🎯que beaucoup ont acheté des maisons pour la première fois, 🎯que les cotisations 401(k) ont augmenté de 155 % et 🎯que Son entreprise est maintenant une étude de cas de Harvard Business School. ” Dans ses propres mots : « Il y a 6 ans aujourd'hui, j'ai augmenté le salaire annuel minimum de mon entreprise à 70 000 $. Fox News m'a traité de socialiste dont les employés seraient sur le pain. Depuis lors, nos revenus ont triplé, nous sommes une étude de cas de Harvard Business School et nos employés ont eu un boom 10x dans les maisons achetées. Toujours investir dans les gens. ” (à noter, depuis plusieurs années, il y a certains accusations et des investigations par rapport aux comportements de Dan Price (il a démissioné de son poste en mai 2022). Cependant cette action de valoriser et mieux payer ses employées est à louer.) #investirdansvosemployées #libérervotrepotentiel avec accendo groupe #socialactivist #feminist #socialist #lovewins

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    looking for peoples input ? part of our rebranding and reimaging new look, new work, same ole Tim Biscaye #changeagent #activist #feminist #nailbros #ignitingyourpotential #sparkinggrowth #illuminatingyourdiscovery

    Voir le profil de Tim Biscaye, visuel

    Conteur People, Femmes en Leadership Gen Z 🕯️| Executive Coach 💡 | Exec Search 🪄| Management de Transition RH | #libérervotrepotentiel 🏋️♀️ | 📞+33 6 88 88 55 00 🪬| 🧚♀️#accendogroupe 🪄

    accendo groupe is going through a #rebranding #reimagine and a #colormebeautiful moment. Many thanks to Madalina Voiculescu who works day and night to structure and transform the #newlook and capture this ole #PeopleandChange #Storyteller Would love to have your vote, on colors? I give you my 1st and 2nd choices. They match my #nails - what do you men think, my #nailbros Daniele Fiandaca Jeremy Stockdale Jazz Singh✨ Daniel Solomons Sam Conniff Patrick Penny-Annang, James Boyes, @matthew cook,Gabriel Novo, and Patrick McCann and you Robert Baker 🫶🪬🫶 Any to some of my influential #strongwomen crowd? Kristen Beveridge Rim GANNAR - my DRIMTIM partner RH, Yassine Thiam Kalani Jayasekara Hype Women

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    Voir le profil de Evrim A., visuel

    I help companies optimize and automate business processes | Verified ClickUP Consultant | Recruiter | Technical Recruiter | Process and Operations Management | Jira Architect | Airtable Architect |

    Exciting news! I have recently gained a Solution Partner status with ClickUp and am proud to announce that I am #openforbusiness. My main focus is on ClickUp Consultation, but I also offer a variety of services including 👉 Jira Consultation (especially helping with migration to ClickUp), 👉 Talent Acquisition, 👉 Business Process Consultation. If you or anyone you know could benefit from these services, please feel free to reach out to me. I am just one DM away! #projectmanagement #talentacquisition P.S. My side project, is also excitingly growing!

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