💚🙏 Face aux terribles intempéries qui ont frappé la région de Valence en Espagne, Iberdrola France tient à exprimer tout son soutien aux sinistrés. Plus de 500 techniciens Iberdrola se sont mobilisés sans relâche pour apporter leur soutien technique et rétablir l’électricité dans les zones les plus touchées. Merci et bravo à tous ceux sur le terrain pour leur solidarité et leur engagement ! 💚🙏
Huge thanks to the great professionals of our company for their commitment and efforts to ensure that no one lacks an essential service such as electricity after the tragedy suffered in Valencia, Spain. The Iberdrola group has been working since day one to restore the electricity supply almost in its entirety to those affected. We have mobilised more than 500 technicians from all over Spain to deal with the incidents, who have once again set a great example that fills us with pride. Our heart 💚 goes out to the victims and their families in these difficult times. All our encouragement to those affected.