Kering Foundation

Kering Foundation

Organisations civiques et sociales

Paris, Ile de France 577 abonnés

Since 2008, Kering Foundation has been working toward a world free from gender-based violence.

À propos

Worldwide, one in three women will experience violence in her lifetime. Violence affects all cultures and social classes. Since 2008, Kering Foundation has been working toward a world free from gender-based violence, where women and children can live safely, thrive, and reach their full potential. The Foundation supports local organizations that offer quality services to women survivors and children victims of abuse, and who work to prevent violence. It also engages Kering’s ecosystem to create safe and supportive workplaces for survivors. Finally, the Foundation influences new audiences to raise awareness and critical additional funds to end violence against women and children. In 2019, Kering Foundation began supporting programs that address the origins of gender-based violence, to break the cycle of abuse that is passed down from generation to generation. To maximize its impact, Kering Foundation works with a limited number of partners in six countries: the United States, France, Italy, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Korea. Over the past 15 years, Kering Foundation has supported 1 million women survivors and partnered with 100 nonprofit organizations.

Organisations civiques et sociales
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Paris, Ile de France
Non lucratif
Fondée en


Employés chez Kering Foundation


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    577  abonnés

    In an exclusive interview with CBS, Salma Hayek Pinault and François-Henri Pinault told Gayle King about the Kering Foundation and their commitment to combating gender-based violence. Watch the full interview ⤵️

    Salma Hayek Pinault and husband on their global efforts to support survivors of violence

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Kering Foundation, visuel

    577  abonnés

    3rd Caring for Women dinner in NYC Yesterday, we held our 3rd Caring for Women Dinner in New York to raise funds for 3 wonderful NGOs in their crucial work against gender-based violence, supporting survivors, and driving cultural change: - Girl EffectIt's On Us - The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) The event was co-hosted by Salma Hayek Pinault and François-Henri Pinault, Camila Alves McConaughey and Matthew McConaughey, Carmelo Anthony, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Urs Fischer, Kim Kardashian, Donatella Versace and Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup. 200 influential guests from the world of art, media, entertainment and fashion gathered for an intimate dinner, with a powerful keynote speech by the award-winning actor and activist Viola Davis and an auction of unique items and experiences from Kering's Houses. The evening was brilliantly emceed by the fantastic Gayle King and concluded with a vibrant performance by singer-songwriter Raye. Photos by Craig Barritt & German Larkin To learn more about this year’s supported NGOs’ work, head to the links below: Girl Effect: It’s On Us: NNEDV: #CaringForWomen

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    577  abonnés

    Collective action is essential to drive real change and effectively combat gender-based violence. Looking forward to contributing to this promising Italian initiative!

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Feltrinelli Education, visuel

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    Gender pay gap, child penality, omobitransfobia, femminicidio: sono definizioni di esperienze che preferiremmo non conoscere. Eppure queste parole continuano a raccontare le storie di tante, troppe persone. Vittime di stereotipi, violenza di genere e discriminazioni. La cultura può cambiare? Coordinato da Feltrinelli Education, nasce PARI. Un progetto multi-brand che riunisce, intorno allo stesso tavolo, 9 voci diverse di 9 brand eterogenei tra loro, per fare cultura e creare, insieme, un fronte comune contro la violenza di genere, di ogni genere. Perché oggi le aziende non sono soltanto attori economici, ma amplificatori sociali. Hanno un impatto su territori e comunità e possono – anzi, devono - fare la differenza e prendere posizione sulle grandi tematiche del contemporaneo. 1 indagine, 2 eventi, 3 tavoli di lavoro e 1 manifesto: PARI. vuole riscrivere la cultura radicata alla base di questo fenomeno. E vuole farlo in modo nuovo. PARI. è ascolto e cooperazione. PARI. è decostruzione e trasformazione. PARI. è azione e cambiamento. Segui PARI. sui canali di Feltrinelli Education e clicca qui per scoprirne di più: ATM - Azienda Trasporti Milanesi AstraZeneca Fastweb Generali Italia Gruppo Feltrinelli Kering Foundation Prysmian Snam Trenord

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    577  abonnés

    Creating a safe and supportive workplace for survivors Domestic violence is a workplace issue as it impacts the professional lives of women survivors, affecting their relationships with colleagues and their overall well-being at work. The workplace is often the only place where survivors of domestic violence can seek help, co-workers becoming their primary allies. In addition, it is essential for women to maintain their employment and financial independence. Since 2011, Kering Foundation has developed an internal program to create a safe and supportive work environment for survivors of domestic abuse. It includes: - internal trainings to explore the cycle and impact of domestic violence, deconstruct stereotypes and provide an understanding of the role a company can play in supporting survivors. These trainings are developed in partnership with national specialized organizations: 🇫🇷 Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes 🇮🇹 D.i.Re - Donne in Rete contro la violenza 🇬🇧 Women's Aid Organisation 🇺🇸 The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) - a 30-minute e-learning available in 7 languages for Kering employees, developed with the OneInThreeWomen network. - Kering's Global Policy on Domestic Violence, which offers all its employees who are victims of domestic violence a completely confidential package of support measures. Together, we can create a safer, more supportive professional environment for everyone. For more information 🔗

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    577  abonnés

    📣 Are you part of an organisation fighting online and technology facilitated gender-based violence?  The Laboratory for Women's Rights Online has launched an international #callforprojects open to different categories of non-profit organizations: non-governmental organization, civil society organization (association), research actor, private sector actor. 🔗Find out the chosen themes and terms and conditions to apply: 📅 Application deadline: September 23rd Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères Photo: Priscilla Du Preez

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    577  abonnés

    Today is #InternationalYouthDay - a day to celebrate the qualities of young people and recognize the challenges they face. Since 2018, Kering Foundation has been supporting the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault's Project DOT (Dream, Own, Tell). This innovative program aims to counter sexual violence through prevention campaigns by and for young people from disadvantaged communities, who are rarely reached by mainstream campaigns. Through education, research and advocacy, DOT empowers young people to become agents of change in their communities. At Kering Foundation, we firmly believe that ending violence requires addressing its root causes. In collaboration with our partners, we challenge gender stereotypes and actively engage younger generations, especially boys, to help shape their attitudes and behaviors. We know that educating young people can make a significant difference. Join us in celebrating #InternationalYouthDay and our efforts to empower youth to lead the change.

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    577  abonnés

    ☑️ Strengthening the capacities of grassroots organizations To increase our impact, we support local organizations and social entrepreneurs that contribute to community development. Through Women’s Funds, we finance and strengthen the capacity of feminist organizations and women leaders who work closely with local communities to build a more equitable society. In Mexico, gender-based and sexual violence – including rape, intimidation, sexual abuse of minors, and femicide – are systemic issues. On average, 11 women and girls are murdered every day. As the only Women’s Fund in Mexico, our partner Fondo Semillas works with 155 organizations across 32 states, providing funding and strengthening their organizational capacity. Through our latest impact report, we share the achievements we have made with our partners over the past 15 years, through 15 key impacts. Check out the full report here:

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    A report released this year by UNICEF, World Health Organization, Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) highlights the intersections between violence against children and violence against women. It echoes what we have heard from our partners based on their experiences on the ground. We believe that by addressing violence at an early age, the cycle of intergenerational violence can be broken. That is why, from 2023, we have expanded our commitment to include addressing violence against children. Find the report here: #endviolence

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    577  abonnés

    Kering Foundation is the endowment fund of the global luxury group Kering. We envision a world free from violence for women and children, in which they can lead safe lives, thrive and reach their full potential. Our mission is to contribute to ending violence across generations by: 🌎 resourcing partners in 6 countries; 🌐 engaging Kering’s ecosystem; 🤝 influencing collective action. Since 2008, Kering Foundation has supported 1 million women survivors and partnered with 100 nonprofit organizations.

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