The leading French daily, Le Parisien, has launched an engaging 4-step subscriber onboarding journey with Poool to increase retention and collect valuable data points in the first minutes after conversion! And what an engaging, beautifully designed journey it is: > Confirmation of purchase, an essential step to reassure the new subscriber > Newsletter sign up (and yes, you can sign up directly on this page in a single click! Once subscribed, or if a user is already subscribed, the button changes to blue) > App download, asking for phone number to send a download link > Data collection, with pre-filled fields More detail in our blog post: Interested in doing something similar with Poool Engage, giving your marketing & product team autonomy to develop audience engagement and retention? Let's chat!
Technologie, médias et télécommunications
Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine 2 773 abonnés
The Membership & Subscription Suite. The all-in-one audience conversion, management & retention platform.
À propos
✨ The Membership & Subscription Suite, c'est une seule suite d’outils pour convertir les audiences, gérer les abonnements et fidéliser les membres. The Membership & Subscription Suite embarque 4 briques complémentaires : - Poool Subscribe : Subscribe est une plateforme de gestion d’abonnements numériques, qui permet aux éditeurs de créer leurs offres, construire leurs landing pages, paramétrer leurs tunnels et formulaires, encaisser les paiements et gérer leurs abonnés, sans aucune intervention technique. - Poool Connect : Connect est une solution de log-in / SSO et de gestion de membres et utilisateurs, pour développer les audiences identifiées. - Nouveau Poool Engage : Engage propose une suite de widgets on et off-site pour engager les membres et abonnés, et limiter le désabonnement (actions “anti-churn”), rendant les équipes marketing autonomes dans leur fidélisation clients. Lancement en décembre 2022. - Poool Access : Access est une plateforme de conversion des audiences - Paywall, Registration Wall et Cookie wall. Sur le marché depuis 2016. Poool défend une vision technologique de simplicité et flexibilité, ouverte à l’écosystème client et facile d’utilisation pour les équipes métier, afin de les rendre autonomes et indépendantes des contraintes techniques. Réservez une démo de nos produits ici :
- Site web
Lien externe pour Poool
- Secteur
- Technologie, médias et télécommunications
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 11-50 employés
- Siège social
- Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
- Type
- Partenariat
- Fondée en
- 2016
- Domaines
- Média, Marketing et Digital
Logiciel de génération de leads
Poool Access est une plateforme de conversion des audiences, qui permet aux créateurs de contenu en ligne de convertir les visiteurs anonymes en leads, membres et abonnés, grâce à sa technologie de Paywall, Registration Wall et Cookie Wall - afin d'augmenter leur ARPU. • Segmentez vos audiences selon le type de contenu, le profil utilisateur, le device, la source de trafic, le pays… • Orchestrez vos scénarios de conversion en choisissant parmi notre catalogue de walls prêts à l’emploi : - Paywall pour générer des abonnements - Registration Wall pour construire une base de membres - Cookie Wall pour récupérer vos points de consentement - Et 7 autres widgets pré-paramétrés… • Maquettez des walls aux looks extraordinaires en quelques clics et sans code grâce à notre design builder • Modifiez vos scénarios de conversion via de simples drag & drop • A/B testez vos scénarios avec les bons textes, messages et parcours, sans prendre de risque • Analysez vos résultats, et itérez
2, Rue Marc Sangnier
33130 Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, FR
18 rue de Londres
75009 Paris, FR
Employés chez Poool
This week we're looking over to the Netherlands to congratulate the team at Nederlands Dagblad for launching with Poool! > An engaging soft conversion strategy to move readers through the funnel towards subscriptions > Metered registration to collect first-party data and increase propensity to subscribe by up to 40x > A sleek user experience with high web perfs The impressive strategy and enthusiasm has already been a huge pleasure to work with, and we're excited to see what we can do together next!
Mark your calendars, The Audiencers' Festival by Poool is back in London this June 24th in a very cool location! The agenda will be live soon but (as usual) you can expect plenty of expertise, insights and inspiration to better engage, convert and retain your audiences... Including subscription product optimization, how to (actually) be user-centric, AI for reader revenue models and newsletter best practices from across the Atlantic 👀 And so excited to welcome such great partners to this Festival! Chargebee, & WordPress VIP
We're excited to announce that another publisher is live with Poool - this time The Irish News, a brilliant team who have already been a pleasure to work with! The strategy at launch: soft conversion with a metered registration model and engaging paywall promoting their annual offer for high retention Congratulations on the team for this work - we're excited to continue to build on this model with you! Paul Donnelly Flore Bayle Ludivine Paquet Edward Craggs
Congratulations to our clients, The Kyiv Independent, for their successful membership and donation model, reaching 14,500 members in January 2025. > Large homepage banners, smaller banners on articles, mid- and end-of-article modules, some targeted to certain reader contexts such as location (for readers in the US for instance) > Regularly changing banner design and messaging to reignite conversion rates > A unique, niche proposition and strong mission that's reflected throughout all messaging Read the full interview with Zakhar Protsiuk, Chief Operating Officer, on The Audiencers:
We're proud to have held our spot as top paywall solution in France in this year's Tech Stack Study by Sciences Po / Sciences Po Executive Education -> N°1 for Poool Access, the dynamic paywall solution, with high satisfaction rate -> Poool Engage, the versatile solution for targeted on-site engagement, onboarding and retention modules, released last year, is already leading the charts, with 7.9 satisfaction rate -> And many innovative publishers have used Poool Engage for dynamic subscription landing pages, now moving its way up the charts in this category (check out how Jeune Afrique doubled conversion rates with this strategy: Thank you to our partners already using Poool's suite of tools for your ongoing support and impressive use of our products! And congratulations to the Poool product and customer success teams for this achievement! You can download the full report in French here: Or read a summary in English on The Audiencers:
We're excited to officially announce that both Poool Access and Poool Engage, already used by over 150 publishers around the world, are now available for your iOS and Android apps! App downloads, subscription conversions and in-app purchases have been on a significant growth curve over recent years, and they've proven to be super sticky in terms of time spent and frequency of visits, key engagement metrics that correlate with high retention. With this huge shift from desktop to mobile, optimizing reader engagement, conversion and retention strategies on-app has never been more important! And today, thanks to our brilliant product team, you can use Poool's dynamic wall's and targeted engagement, onboarding and retention modules on iOS and Android to make the most of your on-app audience! Find out more in our blog post ( or contact our team for more information on how you can benefit (
The latest Conversion Funnel Benchmark Report for Q3 2024 is now live for Poool clients! > Break conversion rate down into 4 KPIs to better understand where you're losing readers > Compare performance to others in the market > Have a better understanding of where you need to put resources in 2025 to optimize conversion rates Just log into you account on The Audiencers, make sure your Poool account is connected too and you'll have full access to the benchmarks: Don't hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Success team if you have any questions!
The stage is set and the room is full, ready for The Audiencers' Festival in Paris! A full day of expertise and inspiration on everything engagement, conversion and retention!
The Audiencers' Festival Paris, our biggest event of the year bringing together over 200 clients and partners from across France, is happening tomorrow! We'll be discussing everything from reader revenue team structure and conversion strategies, to retaining subscribers and how AI can support growth. Looking forward to seeing you all there!