

Services de conseil en environnement

Aubervilliers, Île-de-France 580 104 abonnés

Veolia is the benchmark company for ecological transformation.

À propos

Veolia group aims to be the benchmark company for ecological transformation. With nearly 220,000 employees worldwide, the Group designs and provides game-changing solutions that are both useful and practical for water, waste and energy management. Through its three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, preserve available resources, and replenish them. In 2021, the Veolia group supplied 79 million people with drinking water and 61 million people with wastewater service, produced nearly 48 million megawatt hours of energy and treated 48 million metric tons of waste. Veolia Environnement (listed on Paris Euronext: VIE) recorded consolidated revenue of €28.508 billion in 2021. ---- Le groupe Veolia a pour ambition de devenir l’entreprise de référence de la transformation écologique. Présent sur les cinq continents avec près de 220 000 salariés, le Groupe conçoit et déploie des solutions utiles et concrètes pour la gestion de l’eau, des déchets et de l’énergie qui participent à changer radicalement la donne. Au travers de ses trois activités complémentaires, Veolia contribue à développer l’accès aux ressources, à préserver les ressources disponibles et à les renouveler. En 2021, le groupe Veolia a servi 79 millions d’habitants en eau potable et 61 millions en assainissement, produit près de 48 millions de mégawattheures et valorisé 48 millions de tonnes de déchets. Veolia Environnement (Paris Euronext : VIE) a réalisé en 2021 un chiffre d’affaires consolidé de 28,508 milliards d’euros.

Services de conseil en environnement
Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Siège social
Aubervilliers, Île-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
services à l'environnement


Employés chez Veolia


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    580 104  abonnés

    📢 Live from the world's largest ultrafiltration membrane manufacturing plant, located in Oroszlány (#Hungary), Estelle Brachlianoff, Veolia’s Chief Executive Officer, together with the Group’s Executives and key water technologies’ experts, will present major trends in global demand for #water technologies and Veolia’s proposed solutions. The development of innovative technologies and solutions in the water sector is crucial to various sectors of the global #economy, which are facing a number of challenges relating to the quality and quantity of water resources. 💧 ➡ Follow the live presentation on October 17th at 9:30 am (CET). 🔗

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Veolia, visuel

    580 104  abonnés

    Communiqué de Presse | Veolia et ELABE ont mené une enquête d’opinion nationale inédite auprès des agriculteurs, axée sur leur perception du changement climatique et leur acceptabilité des solutions écologiques. 🌾 L’étude montre que, loin d’être insensibles à la question écologique, les #agriculteurs sont convaincus que c’est pour eux un sujet vital et qu’il y a urgence à agir. 🚨 ➡ Contrairement aux idées reçues, les agriculteurs ont un rapport pragmatique aux normes : loin de les rejeter par principe, ils les jugent utiles pour protéger le consommateur, le milieu naturel et eux-mêmes, mais inadaptées aux réalités de leurs métiers. Lire le communiqué de presse ⬇️ 🔗

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Veolia, visuel

    580 104  abonnés

    Water reuse allows us to improve how we manage #water resources. 💧 ➡️ With the right treatments, it can #recycle and provide water of the highest quality, perfectly fit for human consumption, or the ultrapure water required for specialized industrial uses. ➡️ With less sophisticated facilities, requiring less #investments, it can also help conserve potable water for human consumption, while employing recycled water for other purposes that do not require the same level of #quality. Technologies are mature, and we have all the required expertise to accelerate their implementation as well. The real challenge now is to establish the right framework and invest. 🚀 👉 Investing in R&D is essential to stay at the forefront of a highly technological field like water management. There are still many things to learn in order to understand more precisely the impact of our activities on complex ecological balances. The challenges ahead are immense, and in the coming years, the technologies showcased in these references will be leveraged even more extensively. Veolia is deeply committed to accelerating their deployment worldwide, providing both industries and municipalities with the solutions required to make water available where and when it is needed. 🌎 Learn more about some of our water #reuse facilities across the globe with Anne LE GUENNEC, Christophe M. and Jean-François NOGRETTE ⬇️ 🔗 🔗 #EcologicalTransformation

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    580 104  abonnés

    Efforts must be collective in order to achieve #EcologicalTransformation. 👫 To do so, we need to: ➡️ Have a long-term vision for #solutions and investments to promote ecological transformation; 🌱 ➡️ Update laws and regulations to support the transition; 🧑⚖️ ➡️ Innovate to invent new and less polluting ways of doing things; ♻ ➡️ Inform and explain the risks and dangers for the #climate and the #environment to everyone; 🧑🏫 ➡️ Support the adoption of behaviors and lifestyles that are less polluting. 🌿 Discover and download the second edition of the ecological transformation Barometer 👇 🔗

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    580 104  abonnés

    Veolia is constructing a new district heating network in #London that will deliver heat from the Group’s SELCHP Energy Recovery Facility (ERF), working in partnership with Southwark Council. ⚡ By using 75GWh per year of low carbon heat from the #electricity generating process that treats non recyclable #waste, this network will supply nearly 5,000 homes across 11 social housing and schools. 🏘️ Once operational, the infrastructure project will provide heat #energy with around a 60% renewable content due to the biogenic component of the treated waste and will save 14,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year compared to the current natural #gas or #oil boiler derived heat supplies. 🌿 🗣️ “Developing local #decarbonisation helps to break the dependence on fossil fuels and provide reliable heat to support communities and address energy price volatility. Our new district heating network in London will enable the #UK to make further progress towards its decarbonisation targets by 2035.”’ - Estelle Brachlianoff, CEO of Veolia Read the press release ⬇️ 🔗

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    580 104  abonnés

    Veolia designs and provides game-changing solutions that are both useful and practical for #water, #waste and #energy management. Through its three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, preserve available resources, and replenish them. 🌱 How do we treat and reuse #wastewater? 💧 How do we #recycle waste into new materials? ♻️ How do we produce local and renewable energy? ⚡ Dive into our solutions for #EcologicalTransformation on this interactive technomap 👇 🔗

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    580 104  abonnés

    Water reuse is a #sustainable water management practice that helps conserve freshwater resources, protect aquatic ecosystems, and enhance resilience against water scarcity and drought. 💧 ➡️ It can be beneficial in any situation where there is pressure on natural #water resources and alternative sources are needed. It is a reliable alternative that is already available and can be applied in most situations. The deployment of water #reuse technologies is set to accelerate in the coming months and years. The technology is mature and proven, with decades of successful track record, and there is a growing global awareness of the urgency to implement solutions that strengthen water management systems and improve their resilience. 🚀 Discover the interview between Anne LE GUENNEC, Glenn Vicevic and Yvan Poussade ⬇️ 🔗 #EcologicalTransformation

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    580 104  abonnés

    Let’s break the routine to work towards zero #incidents! Veolia, strongly committed to workplace #health and #safety, celebrated its 10th annual International Health and Safety Week last week. 🦺🚧 This year’s edition was another success, with teams across the world engaging in activities from wild animal wrangling to escape games as they shared and reinforced best practices. 🗺️👷🏿♀️ Since the inaugural edition of the event, there has been a 60% drop in the lost time accident frequency rate, demonstrating the seriousness of Veolia teams to protecting their work environments and colleagues. 🧑🤝🧑 Safety is our priority and it is non negotiable. Veolia cares about you and your health! Read the news here 👇 🔗

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Veolia, visuel

    580 104  abonnés

    #ClimateChange has become impossible to ignore. Is the world ready to do things differently? 🌍 Communities around the world are experiencing the direct impact of a warming world. The year 2023 was the hottest on record. One-third of Europe’s river network exceeded the “high” flood threshold, swamping homes and crops. Meanwhile, storms caused record-breaking damage in the U.S. But now the data is showing that people around the world want change. 🧑🤝🧑 According to Veolia’s 2024 Barometer of #EcologicalTransformation survey: 👉 75 percent of people around the world feel climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity. 🗣 “Often, the debate around climate action sees people argue that most of society can’t afford ecological transformation and that it’s only for the wealthiest. But the survey shows this isn’t the case — people around the world view ecological solutions as a way to protect the cost of living.” - Estelle Brachlianoff, CEO of Veolia ➡ What needs to change to save the planet? Will people pay more for #energy? Will health benefits motivate change? Will people use recycled and reused #water? Discover the answers to these questions in this article on The New York Times 👇 🔗

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    How do our digital innovations speed up #EcologicalTransformation? 🍃 At Veolia, we deploy digital solutions for territories, to help them #decarbonize, depollute and regenerate their vital resources. These solutions allow for the secure capture of infrastructure #data, which is then interpreted by our analysts using artificial intelligence (#AI) to monitor, predict, and plan operational processes. 📊 Discover more in this video 👇

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