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À propos

A global player in construction, born from the merger with Eurovia, VINCI Construction brings together more than 1,000 companies and 119,000 employees in over 100 countries. Its expertise covers all aspects of building, civil engineering works, infrastructure, and specialized activities related to construction and public works. VINCI Construction is characterized not only by the breadth of its expertise but also by an economic model structured around three complementary components. A network of local businesses, in France and internationally, that bring together all expertise in both public works and building construction; Specialized trades carried out worldwide by the entities of Soletanche Freyssinet (Soletanche Bachy and Ménard for foundations and ground technologies, Terre Armée and Freyssinet for structures, Nuvia for nuclear, Sixense for digital solutions); A division dedicated to the management and execution of complex projects, with VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Spiecapag, and Dodin Campenon Bernard, which operate in the market for large-scale civil engineering and construction projects, both in France and internationally. VINCI Construction is the incubator of the entrepreneurial culture of the VINCI Group and its management framework, which combines decentralization, networking, autonomy, and individual responsibility of management, employee development, and organizational responsiveness.

Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Siège social
Société cotée en bourse
Construction, Grands Projets, Génie civil spécialisé, Dragage, travaux maritimes et fluviaux, dépollution des sols, activités offshore et éoliennes et Fondations et technologies du sol, structures, nucléaire


Employés chez VINCI Construction


  • ⚡ Charging on the way: revolutionizing the future of electric vehicles 🛣️ A world-first is happening on the A10 - the major highway connecting Paris and Bordeaux! Our teams are installing inductive charging coils under the roadway, allowing vehicles—including trucks—to recharge while driving. This pioneering project, in collaboration with VINCI Autoroutes Electreon, Université Gustave Eiffel, and Hutchinson takes a giant step towards sustainable transport. This innovation is reducing CO₂ emissions and paving the way for cleaner, more efficient mobility. We look forward to seeing this project coming to light. Congratulations to everyone involved! 👏 #VINCIConstruction #BuildBetterTogether

    Voir la Page de l’organisation de VINCI Construction en France

    224 021  abonnés

    #ProjetEnCours🏗️ L'innovation au service de la décarbonation des transports. 🛣️ Une nouvelle étape a été franchie dans l'expérimentation de la recharge dynamique par induction des véhicules électriques sur l’A10. 👷♀️👷 Nos équipes travaillent actuellement à l’installation de bobines à induction sous la chaussée. 🤝Ce projet, mené aux côtés de VINCI Autoroutes et d’autres partenaires, représente une première mondiale. ➡️Une fois opérationnel, il permettra à des véhicules, comme les poids lourds, de se recharger en roulant, ouvrant ainsi la voie à des solutions concrètes pour réduire les émissions de CO₂ dans le secteur des transports et de la logistique. #Route #Innovation 

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  • 🏛️ Honoring craftsmanship and passion Meet Paul MARIE, a stonemason with 14 years of experience, embodying our commitment to renovating historical buildings in France. 🎥 In this video, Paul works meticulously, shaping and cutting stone to restore historical monuments. Using natural materials and techniques handed down through generations, Paul embodies the dedication and excellence that drives our teams. This is the essence of our work at VINCI Construction: preserving tradition, embracing innovation, and delivering excellence. #VINCIConstruction #BuildBetterTogether

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    #Build 👷♀ À la rencontre de nos Compagnons Aujourd’hui, nous mettons à l’honneur Paul MARIE, tailleur de pierre depuis 14 ans, qui incarne notre engagement pour préserver et transmettre un savoir-faire d’exception. Parce que chez VINCI Construction, construire, c’est bien plus qu’un métier : c’est une passion partagée et une aventure humaine. 🎥 Dans cette capsule, plongez dans l’univers de Paul, au cœur de l’atelier où il taille, façonne et débite la pierre pour restaurer des monuments historiques. Avec des matériaux naturels et des gestes transmis depuis des générations, Paul illustre parfaitement la passion et l’excellence qui animent nos équipes au quotidien. #BuildBetterTogether #Compagnons 

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    #EqualityInConstruction International Women's Rights Day ♀️ We want to thank all the awareness initiatives that have taken place to promote gender equality. At VINCI Construction, we believe these efforts must continue throughout the year. Here are some initiatives taken by our companies: 🔹 EUROVIA CZ has launched a leadership program for their female employees 🔹 In France, our subsidiaries collaborate with Elles Bougent to encourage young women to pursue careers in construction through events and hands-on experiences. 🔹 NUVIA is a partner of the Women In Nuclear network to raise awareness among women about joining the nuclear sector. 🔹 VINCI Construction Grands Projets has adhered to the Women's Empowerment Principles to support women's empowerment. A big thank you also to all our female employees who take the time to tell their stories to spark vocation. Together, let's continue to build a more inclusive and equitable future. To learn more about inclusion initiatives, visit the link in our comments. #VINCIConstruction #BuildBetterTogether

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    🗓 THE LATEST NEWS: February edition Building smarter, stronger, and more sustainable: from expanding highways to modernizing hospitals and securing water access, our teams are taking on key global challenges! Blythe Construction, Inc. - Bachy Balineau Antilles Guyane - Taylor Woodrow - NUVIA - Bachy Balineau Antilles Guyane - GTM Ouest - DODIN CAMPENON BERNARD - Eurovia - Warbud S.A. #BuildBetterTogether #VINCIConstruction

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    Hydrogen-powered innovation in action 🚜💨 As part of the Transport for West Midlands project, our Taylor Woodrow Civils North teams successfully trialed the hydrogen-powered JCB Loadall telehandler. This equipment helped with material transport and supported the creation of a zero-emission bus route from the airport into the city. ✔️ This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to reduce carbon emissions—aiming for a 40% cut by 2030. 👷🌱 #BuildBetterTogether #VINCIConstruction

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    24 506  abonnés

    We’re excited to share the success of our week-long trial of JCB’s hydrogen-powered Loadall telehandler on our Sprint - Phase 2 project which is being carried out by the Taylor Woodrow Civils North team! The team are carrying out works on a bus route, which is being built for Transport for West Midlands and the West Midlands Combined Authority, it will be used in part by zero-emission hydrogen-powered buses, that will take passengers from the airport, into the city and beyond.   Stuart Townsend, Operations Manager for Taylor Woodrow Civils North shared: “The hydrogen Loadall has been doing everything, from loading our vehicles, taking materials that are required to our sites and unloading deliveries. It’s a huge step forward for us. Our goal is by 2030 for a 40% reduction in carbon emissions and we’re well on the way. We’ve gone from electric cars and now our commercial vehicles are upgrading to electric. We have solar power on the site for our CCTV and our lighting. Zero carbon machinery is 100% the way we need to be.”   This innovation is a huge step forward in our commitment to reducing carbon emissions. Together, we’re building a sustainable future!   #Sustainability #HydrogenPower #GreenerFuture #NetZero #Innovation

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    🚨 New contract alert! Our teams from Sogea-Satom will renovate, restructure, and extend the water supply network in the Kampala metropolitan region. This project, financed by AFD - Agence Française de Développement, will improve access to treated water for 1.5 million people. Key highlights: 🚰 70 km of pipelines installed and large concrete reservoirs built ⚡ Two new pumping stations and two renovated 🏗 3-meter-deep trenches dug in urban areas, with network relocations 👷 500 people mobilized until August 2027 💡 With completion set for August 2027, this initiative builds on Sogea-Satom’s long-standing presence in Uganda, having delivered major water treatment plants in Ggaba, Katosi, and Karuma. A strong commitment to sustainable and resilient water infrastructure! Congratulations to our teams. #VINCIConstruction #BuildBetterTogether

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    616 820  abonnés

    [Nouveau contrat ✍️🚰] VINCI remporte un contrat pour l'amélioration d’un réseau de distribution d'eau en Ouganda - Modernisation et extension du réseau de distribution d’eau de la région de Kampala - Augmentation de la capacité de l’usine de traitement de l’eau de Katosi - Contrat d’une valeur de 92,4 millions d’euros Sogea-Satom, filiale de VINCI Construction, a été retenu par National Water & Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) pour réaliser la réhabilitation, la restructuration et l’extension du réseau d'approvisionnement en eau de la région métropolitaine de Kampala en Ouganda. Dans ce cadre, elle aura également en charge d’augmenter la capacité de l'usine de traitement de l'eau de Katosi. Les travaux vont mobiliser jusqu’à 500 personnes et s'achèveront en août 2027. Ils recouvrent l'installation de 70 km de conduites en fonte ainsi que la construction de réservoirs de grande capacité en béton armé. Il s’y ajoute la construction de deux nouvelles stations de pompage et la rénovation de deux stations existantes. Menés dans des zones urbaines denses, ces travaux nécessiteront des tranchées de trois mètres de profondeur et la relocalisation de certains réseaux. Financé par l'AFD - Agence Française de Développement, ce projet de 92,4 millions d’euros améliorera l’accès à l’eau traitée pour 1,5 million d’habitants. Présent depuis 1990 en Ouganda, Sogea-Satom a notamment réalisé ces dernières années les stations de traitement d'eau potable de Ggaba, de Katosi et de Karuma, tandis que celle de Kagera est en cours. La filiale bénéficiera de l’expertise du groupe VINCI en matière d’infrastructures hydrauliques et de son expérience dans le développement de l’accès à l’eau potable.

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    Sustainable materials for the Onetai Bridge replacement (New-Zealand) Our teams from HEB Construction will use glulam, an engineered timber product sourced from responsibly managed forests. This solution improves the bridge’s structural integrity and enhances its eco-friendliness by reducing carbon footprints. The new design will make the bridge wider and safer, contributing to long-term benefits for the local community. ✔️ This project aligns with our commitment to integrating sustainable practices into every phase of our projects! 👏 Congratulations to everyone involved! #VINCIConstruction #BuildBetterTogether

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    30 523  abonnés

    Excited to start works on the Onetai Bridge Replacement! Our team will replace the SH26 bridge between Paeroa and Kopu with the first timber state highway bridge in 50 years 🛣️ The new bridge will be wider and safer. It will be built with glulam, an engineered timber product made from layers of responsibly-sourced pine glued together🌲The layers make it incredibly strong, and it's lighter and easier to install. Visit for more info Samuel Couch, Tolstoy Hardie Alexandria Mullane, Robert P., Prashant Padarath #Timber #SustainableConstruction #HarderBetterFasterStronger

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    🚢 Keeping trade and transport afloat! 🌊 When a damaged lock halts 72 cargo ships, the stakes are high for logistics and the economy. That’s where the expertise of EUROVIA Deutschland comes in. Working non-stop, our teams have been leading critical repairs on the Mosel lock in Müden, ensuring that freight can soon flow freely again. 🔧 Beyond urgency, this project highlights: ✅ Cutting-edge engineering to restore key infrastructure ✅ Sustainable waterway transport as an alternative to road congestion ✅ A commitment to efficiency—delivering ahead of schedule Mission accomplished! Congratulations to the teams involved. 👏 #BuildBetterTogether

    Voir la Page de l’organisation de EUROVIA Deutschland

    4 391  abonnés

    ❗ Nahezu rund um die Uhr haben unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen der TKP vor Ort in Müden gearbeitet, um die Reparatur der Schleuse voranzutreiben und damit erstaunliche Höchstleistungen in kurzer Zeit vollbracht. 💡Hintergrund: Am 8. Dezember 2024 rammte ein Schiff die Moselschleuse und beschädigte sie so stark, dass sie nicht mehr ihren Betrieb fortsetzen konnte. Die Folge: 72 Frachtschiffe konnten nicht weiterfahren. Für die Wirtschaft entstanden Schäden in Millionenhöhe. 👷♂️ Unsere Tochtergesellschaft TKP wurde vom Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt Mosel-Saar-Lahn für die Reparaturen beauftragt und hat sofort reagiert. Über die Weihnachtstage hat die TKP mit dem Auftraggeber die notwendigen Arbeiten besprochen, Materialien und Personal organisiert. Nach der Begutachtung der Schäden und der Erstellung eines Arbeitsplans wurden unter der Leitung der TKP zahlreiche Arbeiten durchgeführt – zu Beginn mit vier Teams, gebaut wurde 24/7. 🛠️Zunächst wurde der beschädigte Beton in der Schleusenkammer links und rechts des zerstörten Tors mit Hochdruckwasserstrahlern entfernt. Die alten Schienen mussten herausgetrennt und in transportable Stücke zerlegt werden. Die TKP hat anschließend die 12 Meter hohen Toranschlagsschienen eingebaut und ca. 400 Verbundanker gebohrt und gesetzt. 📋 Wie geht es nun weiter? Ab dem 14. Januar 2025 werden die beiden neuen Schleusentorflügel von Trier nach Müden transportiert und dann am 24. Januar eingesetzt. 👉 Markus Kiefer, Geschäftsführer der TKP: „Die Umsetzung war ein gutes Stück Arbeit. Wir haben sehr viele Gespräche geführt, intensiv geplant und die Baustelle quasi minutengenau vorbereitet. Das hat dazu geführt, dass die Arbeiten schneller erledigt werden konnten als ursprünglich geplant. Läuft alles nach Plan, kann die Schleuse am 31. Januar in Betrieb genommen werden. Dann könnte auch das erste Schiff wieder geschleust werden. Dennoch bleibt die Baustelle bis zum Schluss extrem spannend und herausfordernd.“ Wir danken dem #Team für den tollen Einsatz und wünschen weiterhin gutes Gelingen! 👏🍀

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    🏰 Preserving cultural heritage: the Castle of Orange 👇 For the past 5 months, our Girard teams have been restoring the Château Médiéval in Ville d'Orange. They’ve helped breathe new life into this iconic historical site overlooking the Roman Theatre. Over 150 m³ of stone was carefully recovered, restoring the beauty of the castle's northern wall and two towers. Every step was carried out with incredible attention to detail, showcasing our team's commitment to preserving history. 👏 Congratulations to everyone involved in this project. We're proud to contribute to maintaining these historic landmarks for future generations! #VINCIConstruction #BuildBetterTogether

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    #ProjetEnCours 🏗 Restauration du château médiéval d'Orange : un patrimoine sublimé 🏰 👷 Pendant 5 mois, nos équipes Girard ont œuvré aux côtés de l'entreprise SMBR, mandataire du groupement, de la Ville d’Orange et du cabinet RL&A, architectes du patrimoine en charge du projet, pour redonner vie à la courtine Nord et aux deux tours du château médiéval, perchés sur la colline Saint-Eutrope et surplombant le théâtre antique d'Orange. 🪨 Une opération minutieuse avec plus de 150 m³ de pierres récupérées, triées, nettoyées et soigneusement reposées pour redonner tout son éclat à ce site. Grâce à leur savoir-faire, nos experts, préservent ce patrimoine, témoignant de notre engagement pour la conservation des monuments emblématiques. #Bâtiment #Patrimoine

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    Overview of our technical centres around the world Our organisation, by business and geography, enables us to deliver the best expertise to our customers as closely as possible. Spotlight on VINCI Construction GeoInfrastructure Technical Centre in Morangis (France)! 1️⃣ Geotechnical laboratory: expertise in materials and earth structures 2️⃣ Topography: large-scale surveys and machine guidance 3️⃣ Data management: managing project data with Linaster 4️⃣ IUR engineering: specialized in earthworks design and drainage By fostering R&D, ongoing training, and collaboration, the Technical Centre empowers our teams to innovate and confidently deliver ambitious projects! #BuildBetterTogether

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    [💡Highlight on...our technical centre] A multi-disciplinary facility to ensure the success of our projects! 🏢 Our technical centre in Morangis is a unique asset and strategically important to the overall management of our projects. The result of the merger of several departments, the technical centre was created in 2011 and is proving to be a major resource for our projects. It houses 4 main activities: 1️⃣ The central geotechnical laboratory, a true materials centre, providing expertise to characterise, identify and develop project resources and provide the geotechnical inputs needed to design earth structures and control risks. 2️⃣ Topography, which carries out large-scale topographic surveys, contributes its expertise in geodesy and provides projects with a fleet of equipment for topographers and machine guidance. 3️⃣ Data Management, which develops and deploys our production monitoring and project management tool: Linaster 4️⃣ The IUR engineering office, which provides all its skills in geometry and drainage of earthworks, from design to execution studies. 👨🔬 Complementarity, synergy and sharing are the watchwords of the Morangis technical centre, which develops joint R&D and innovation programmes and is a training centre for our collaborators. The technical centre is located near Agrinature, an ecological demonstrator concentrating our know-how in ecological engineering applicable to our worksites. #VINCI #VINCIConstruction #TechnicalCentre #Geotechnics #Topography #DataManagement #IUR

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