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AXA Research Fund

AXA Research Fund

Services de recherche

Because science is at the heart of human progress

À propos

Because science is at the heart of human progess In line with AXA’s purpose to act for human progress by protecting what matters, the AXA Research Fund’s support is directed towards accelerating research around risk in the areas of health, climate & environment, and socio-economy & new technologies. We seek to address the most important issues facing our society and our planet by funding transformative research, disseminating findings and promoting collaboration among relevant stakeholders.

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501-1 000 employés
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    🙏 Merci à Veolia Institute pour la mise en avant des travaux de Choo-yoon Yi et Chengzhi Peng, chercheurs soutenus par le AXA Research Fund engagés dans l’étude des impacts de la chaleur intérieure sur les populations vulnérables. 🔍 Dans cet article publié dans la revue FACTS Santé et Environnement de Veolia Institute, ils explorent comment le changement climatique intensifie les vagues de chaleur extrême, affectant particulièrement les nourrissons, jeunes enfants, personnes âgées ou atteintes d’affections respiratoires, surtout dans des logements mal isolés ou mal ventilés. 🏠💡 Choo-yoon et Chengzhi partagent des perspectives innovantes sur les solutions à développer pour réduire la température intérieure des bâtiments et mettre en place des systèmes d’alerte spécifiques pour protéger les plus exposés. L'article complet est à découvrir ici 👇🏻 Eloi Astier Julia D. Martin Powell Ulrike Decoene

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    📖  [REVUE FACTS SANTÉ ET ENVIRONNEMENT] 📚🌱 🌍🔥Le changement climatique intensifie les vagues de chaleur extrême, mettant en danger la santé des populations vulnérables. Les nourrissons, personnes âgées et malades chroniques sont particulièrement exposés, surtout dans des logements mal isolés ou ventilés. 👶🧓 🌡️Nous nous concentrons souvent sur les dangers liés à la hausse des températures extérieures. Pourtant, pour beaucoup de personnes, la température intérieure est encore plus cruciale pour la santé et le bien-être. La température intérieure d’un bâtiment reflète souvent mieux l’exposition à la chaleur que les conditions extérieures. 🏠💨 C’est le sujet du deuxième article de la semaine, rédigé par Choo-yoon Yi, chercheur en physique du bâtiment et en habitabilité, et chercheur postdoctorant du AXA Research Fund et Chengzhi Peng, Maître de conférences et directeur de recherche à l’école d’architecture de Sheffield publié dans la nouvelle revue de l’Institut Veolia  “Santé et environnement : comprendre, anticiper, agir face au dérèglement climatique”, en partenariat avec Wavestone. 💡📢Dans leur article “Chaleur intérieure et populations vulnérables : Vers des systèmes d’alerte spécifiques”, ils discutent des solutions innovantes à développer pour réduire la température interne des bâtiments, et créer des systèmes d’alerte efficaces. 🔗 Pour en savoir plus, découvrez l’article complet ci-dessous. 🇬🇧 Version anglaise : CC : Dinah Louda, Nicolas Renard, Katialine Burgorgue, Raphaella E., Cyrielle Dubois, Cedric Baecher, Bérénice Bourgeois, Nastassia Lagaude Wavestone #RevueFACTS #TransformationÉcologique #InstitutVeolia #SantéEnvironnementale #Santé #Environnement #Climat 

  • 🙏 Merci Veolia Institute pour cette belle mise en avant des travaux d'Emmanouil Proestakis, chercheur post-doctorant que nous soutenons, et qui consacre ses recherches à l'impact des possières atmosphériques sur la santé humaine. 🔍 Emmanouil partage dans la nouvelle revue de l'Institut Véolia des perspectives à travers le prisme d'initiatives internationales en cours, et les progrès récents, en vue de prendre des mesures d'adaptation, d'atténuation et de gestion des risques. L'article complet est à découvrir ici 👇🏻 Eloi Astier Julia D. Martin Powell Ulrike Decoene

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    📖  [REVUE FACTS SANTÉ ET ENVIRONNEMENT] 📚🌱 Saviez-vous que la masse globale de poussière dans l’atmosphère a augmenté de 55 à 85% au cours du dernier siècle? 🌍🌪️ Cette hausse est principalement due à la dégradation des terres et aux changements climatiques. 🌳🌡️ Les conséquences sur notre santé sont alarmantes: les particules de poussière peuvent pénétrer profondément dans les poumons, provoquant des réactions allergiques, des problèmes cardiovasculaires et respiratoires et même des cancers. 😷 Emmanouil Proestakis, chercheur postdoctorant à l’unité de recherche Remote sensing of Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases (ReACT) de l’Observatoire national d’Athènes (NOA - ReACT) et chercheur postdoctorant du Fonds AXA pour la Recherche (AXA Research Fund), nous éclaire sur ce sujet dans la nouvelle revue de l’Institut Veolia “Santé et environnement : comprendre, anticiper, agir face au dérèglement climatique”, en partenariat avec Wavestone. 🔬📊 🌪️🌍 Dans son article “Le risque des poussières atmosphériques pour la santé humaine”, il décrit les immenses tempêtes de poussières qui ont frappé le monde ces dernières années, posant des défis considérables pour la santé publique et humaine. 🔗 Pour en savoir plus, découvrez l’article complet ci-dessous. 🇬🇧 Version anglaise : CC : Dinah Louda, Nicolas Renard, Katialine Burgorgue, Raphaella E., Cyrielle Dubois, Cedric Baecher, Bérénice Bourgeois, Nastassia Lagaude Wavestone #RevueFACTS #TransformationÉcologique #InstitutVeolia #SantéEnvironnementale #Santé #Environnement #ChangementClimatique #QualitéDeLAir #RechercheScientifique #Innovation

  • 🌍 How Can We Insure the World of Tomorrow? 🌍 As we witness the devastating impacts of climate extremes - from wildfires in California to floods in Europe - it’s clear that the insurers and public sector are looking for new solutions. A recent panel discussion at the Collège de France, featuring experts from AXA and the AXA Research Fund, highlighted the urgent need to address the growing gaps in insurance coverage and foster resilience against escalating climate risks. Today Ulrike Decoene and Beatrice Weder di Mauro summarize the discussion as part of a VOX EU column (read full article 👇🏻): Together, they raised the main challenges we face in terms of risk exposure and losses, and had the occasion to review the solutions and opportunities that lie ahead of us, among them: 1️⃣ The Rising Cost of Climate Disasters: Economic losses from extreme weather events soared to approximately $320 billion in 2024. Alarmingly, only about 25% of these losses are insured in Europe, with some regions covering as little as 5%. This leaves a staggering 75% of losses unprotected. 2️⃣ Market Failures & Government Role: The complexities of insurance often leave vulnerable populations uninsured. Should insurance be mandatory in high-risk areas? The balance between risk-based pricing and solidarity-based schemes is crucial to ensure accessibility and affordability. 3️⃣ Focus on Prevention & Risk-Sharing: Greater investment in preventive measures is essential. Innovative approaches like impact underwriting can incentivize risk-reducing actions. However, public education on climate risk remains a significant barrier to effective risk management. The path forward requires collaboration among insurers, governments, and communities. We must ask ourselves: How can we create a sustainable insurance model that protects everyone? 🤝💡 At AXA, we constantly adapt our risk management strategy to this uncertain landscape. We know that the cost of inaction could be catastrophic. Our convictions are that multidisciplinary alliances can close the protection gaps and will help us build a resilient future! 🌱✨ #ClimateChange #Insurance #Resilience #Sustainability #RiskManagement #Collaboration #CEPR Martin Powell Julia D. Gilles Moec Mathieu Godart Lisanne Raderschall

  • 🌍 Championing Gender Equality for a fairer world ⚖️   Gender equality is not just a fundamental right, it’s a powerful driver of economic growth and business success. Despite some progress, gender gaps and the under-representation of women in the labor market continue to be significant challenges worldwide.   There is a consensus among stakeholders—firms, institutions, associations, and the media—that we need robust policy interventions to bridge these gaps. in economics and politics. Progressive gender policies can create a virtuous cycle: empowering women to decision-making roles fosters actions that further promote gender equality.   At AXA, we take action to understand and address these issues through the AXA Research Lab on Gender Equality in collaboration with Università Bocconi and AXA Italia. Under the leadership of Professor Paola Profeta, this multidisciplinary team has focused on 3 key research streams: 1️⃣  Quantitative Analysis: Investigating women’s under-representation in STEM and the cultural influences on their academic choices. 2️⃣  Policy Evaluation: Analyzing the impact women have on policy outcomes and examining leadership style differences. 3️⃣  Developing Solutions: Crafting effective measures and policies to close the gender gap.   On the occasion of #IWD, let’s take time to zoom on some of their key learnings and solutions to reduce gender gap 👇🏻   Even though gender equality is far from being achieved, their research brings tangible results and hope. It enhances the value of gender-balanced leadership, promote a culture of equality, and create measurable progress towards a more equitable society and economy. 💪✨   Visit our website if you want to know more 👉🏻   #GenderEquality #WomenInLeadership #ResearchForChange

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    Women [& Girls] in Science 2025 – Oona Freudenthal, R&T Scientist in Chemicals policies Curiosity, determination, and perseverance—these qualities define Oona F., a Research & Technology scientist at LIST. Oona has navigated her #researchcareer with unwavering resilience and courage. Now, she's inspiring the next gen of women scientists to adopt this empowering mindset. Oona's journey is showcased in the final episode of the Women [& Girls] in Science 2025 series, a collaborative initiative by Research Luxembourg, the Ministry for Gender Equality and Diversity, Luxembourg, and the Ministry of Research and Higher Education (MESR). 📽️ Discover Oona's story and the entire series here: 🎬 Videos produced by Super8 Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) | European Chemicals Agency | Chemicals & Environment Luxembourg | AXA Research Fund | Finland Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg

  • 📣 We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the AXA XL Valuing Nature Award, in collaboration with AXA XL !   🌍 Nature is the foundation of our economies, with nearly 50% of the world’s GDP relying on its resources. Disruption to our natural ecosystems poses a significant risk across various sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, and real estate. This €50,000 award is looking to recognize innovative, transdisciplinary research, that highlights the value of nature and its ecosystem services to strengthen resilience and mitigate the impacts of climate change.   🌱 Nominations open on Tuesday March 4th, 4pm CEST until Tuesday, April 1st 2025. To learn more about the Award and entry criteria, click here 👉 Suzanne Scatliffe Monika Henn Louis S. Julia D. Eloi Astier Martin Powell Ulrike Decoene Julien Guénot

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    🤢Alarming news on this #worldobesityday By 2050, more than half of all adults and a third of children, teenagers and young adults around the world are predicted to be #overweight or obese. These findings are based on a recent study published in #TheLancet journal, analyzing data from more than 200 countries. Researchers warn that #obesity rates are expected to rise sharply throughout the rest of this decade, particularly in lower income nations. This is exactly the subject AXA Chair professor Lara Dugas at University of Cape Town and Loyola University Chicago is discussing in her #MasterScience masterclass. We invite you to have a look at this instructive video, where she deep dives into the causes and health impacts, and what we can do to change the trend. 🎬 Watch the video Julia D. Ulrike Decoene Clément Rouxel

  • 🌍 #ActionableResearch on #ClimateChangeRisks in #Africa Succeeding Prof Mark New as new holder of the #AXAChair in African Climate Risk at University of Cape Town, Research and Innovation, Associate Professor Christopher Trisos is working with his team to develop actionable research on climate change risks. ⚙️ Their focus is building tools that predict where and when climate change risks appear, and how society can adapt to reduce these risks.   🤝 Chris has intensive collaboration with public and private organizations to manage climate risks and has widely cited research featured in renowned publications.    A Coordinating Lead Author for #IPCC and advisor to institutions like The World Bank and #UNEP, Chris leads the #ClimateRiskLab ( at the African Climate & Development Initiative at the University of Cape Town and ASCEND, the African Synthesis Centre for Climate Change, Environment and Development ( that integrates environmental and social sciences for rapid, just and equitable climate action.    🧒 Additionally, to improve climate awareness Chris co-authored an adventure game about how the choices we make today shape our climate-changed future, used in classrooms around the world. Read more about the project : Julia D. Martin Powell Debra Roberts Hassan El-Shabrawishi

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