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Conditions Properties

Floogen edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 63 revisions

What are Conditions?

Conditions allow frames to be skipped or only played when certain criteria are met.

If a frame's condition(s) fails to pass, then the frame will be skipped.


Property Required Description Default
Name true The logical condition to check against
See the section below for more details.
GroupName true The conditional group to check against
See this page for more details.
Value true The value to check against, based on Name.
This can utilize the random function.
Operator false Accepts a comparison operator, which allows for comparisons against the Value property. N/A
Independent false If false, this condition will require all other conditions to be true.

If true, this condition will return true so long as it evaluates as true, regardless of the other conditions


Conditions List

Name Description Expected Value Example Value
GameStateQuery A game state query which determines if the condition is valid string N/A
MovementSpeed The speed which the player is moving at. Affected by terrain, buffs and horse riding.

Note: Is true if the given input is greater than or equal to the player's current speed.
long 5
MovementSpeedLogical The speed which the player is moving at. Affected by terrain, buffs and horse riding.

Unlike MovementSpeed, this condition can make use of the Operator logic.
long 5
MovementDuration Duration (milliseconds) that the player has been moving.
The duration resets when the player stops moving.

Note: Is true if the given input is greater than or equal to the player's current movement duration.
long 1000
MovementDurationLogical Duration (milliseconds) that the player has been moving.
The duration resets when the player stops moving.

Unlike MovementDuration, this condition can make use of the Operator logic.
long 1000
IsElapsedTimeMultipleOf Duration (milliseconds) that has passed since this frame has been played.

The duration resets after the frame is played.
long 1000
DidPreviousFrameDisplay Whether or not the frame before this one played successfully (i.e. passed its conditions) bool true
RidingHorse If the player is currently riding a horse boolean false
InventoryItemCount The current amount of items in the player's inventory int 12
IsInventoryFull If the player's inventory is currently full boolean false
IsDarkOut If the current location is dark or raining or if the current mine location is dark boolean false
IsRaining If the current location is raining boolean false
IsSnowing If the current location is snowing boolean false
IsWalking If the player is performing the walking animation boolean false
IsRunning If the player is performing the running animation boolean false
IsSitting If the player is currently sitting boolean false
IsEating If the player is performing the eating animation boolean false
IsDrinking If the player is performing the drinking animation boolean false
IsCasting If the player is casting a line out while fishing boolean false
IsFishing If the player is performing the waiting fishing animation boolean false
IsNibbling If the player is fishing and there is a fish nibbling on the line boolean false
IsReeling If the player is currently reeling in a fish boolean false
IsPullingFishOutOfWater If the player is currently pulling a fish out of water (after the minigame) boolean false
ToolChargeLevel The current tool charge level, which starts at 0.

This increases when the player is "charging" the upgraded tool (the hoe / watering can / axe) by holding the use action.
int 0
IsUsingHeavyTool If the player is currently using the hoe / pickaxe / axe boolean false
IsUsingMilkPail If the player is currently using the milk pail boolean false
IsUsingShears If the player is currently using the shears boolean false
IsUsingPan If the player is currently using the pan boolean false
IsUsingScythe If the player is currently using the scythe boolean false
IsWatering If the player is currently using the watering can boolean false
IsUsingMeleeWeapon If the player is currently using a melee weapon boolean false
IsUsingSlingshot If the player is currently using a slingshot boolean false
IsUsingDagger If the player is currently using a dagger boolean false
IsHarvesting If the player is performing the harvesting animation (plucking crop from the ground) boolean false
IsInMines If the current location is within the mines boolean false
IsOutdoors If the current location is outdoors boolean false
HealthLevel The player's current health int 100
StaminaLevel The player's current stamina int 100
IsCarrying If the player is currently holding an item above their head boolean false
IsSwimming If the player is currently swimming boolean false
IsInBathingSuit If the player is currently wearing their bathing suit boolean false
IsSick If the player is currently playing the "sick" animation boolean false
IsPassingOut If the player is currently passing out boolean false
CurrentFarmerFrame The current FarmerSprite.CurrentFrame of the player int false
RandomChance The percentage value to be checked against the framework float 0.0


Comparison Operators

Name Description
GreaterThan Returns true if the Value is greater than the Condition's current value
EqualTo Returns true if the Value is equal to the Condition's current value
LessThan Returns true if the Value is less than the Condition's current value

Comparison Usage Example

  "Name": "Accessory Which Changes Sprite Based On Player's Inventory Space",
  "BackAccessory": {
    "DrawAfterPlayer": true,
    "StartingPosition": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": 0
    "HeadPosition": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": -12
    "AccessorySize": {
      "Width": 16,
      "Length": 16
    "UniformAnimation": [
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 100,
        "OverrideStartingIndex": true,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "InventoryItemCount",
            "Operator": "GreaterThan",
            "Value": 0
            "Name": "InventoryItemCount",
            "Operator": "LessThan",
            "Value": 12
        "Frame": 1,
        "Duration": 100,
        "OverrideStartingIndex": true,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "InventoryItemCount",
            "Operator": "GreaterThan",
            "Value": 11
            "Name": "InventoryItemCount",
            "Operator": "LessThan",
            "Value": 24
        "Frame": 2,
        "Duration": 100,
        "OverrideStartingIndex": true,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "InventoryItemCount",
            "Operator": "GreaterThan",
            "Value": 23


Random Function

Random values can be generated or selected for the Value property of conditions.

Note: Random values are recalculated after the frame that requests them is played successfully.


Selects a random integer value between Min and Max.

Note: This does not accept decimal values (1.0, 1.1, etc.)

Example usage

"Conditions": [
    "Name": "IsElapsedTimeMultipleOf",
    "Value": {
      "RandomRange": {
        "Min": 1000,
        "Max": 5000


Selects a random value from a given list.

Note: This does accept decimal values (1.0, 1.1, etc.) and other values such as strings ("test", "123", etc.)

Example usage

"Conditions": [
    "Name": "IsElapsedTimeMultipleOf",
    "Value": {
      "RandomValue": [ 1000, 2500, 5000 ]


Example Condition Usage

  "Name": "Long Hair",
  "RightHair": {
    "DisableGrayscale": true,
    "StartingPosition": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": 0
    "HeadPosition": {
      "X": 16,
      "Y": 0
    "HairSize": {
      "Width": 48,
      "Length": 32
    "IdleAnimation": [
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 100
    "RequireAnimationToFinish": true,
    "MovementAnimation": [
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 100
        "Frame": 1,
        "Duration": 100
        "Frame": 2,
        "Duration": 100
        "Frame": 3,
        "Duration": 100,
        "OverrideStartingIndex": true,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "MovementDuration",
            "Value": 500
            "Name": "MovementSpeed",
            "Value": 4
        "Frame": 4,
        "Duration": 100,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "MovementDuration",
            "Value": 500
            "Name": "MovementSpeed",
            "Value": 4
        "Frame": 5,
        "Duration": 100,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "RidingHorse",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 6,
        "Duration": 100,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "RidingHorse",
            "Value": true
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