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Hat Model Properties

Floogen edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 17 revisions
Property Required Description Default
StartingPosition true Used to determine where the starting point is (top-left most pixel for the HatModel) N/A
HeadPosition true Where the player's head would be in relation to the hats in hat.png N/A
HatSize true Specifies how width and long the hats sprite is in pixels N/A
Flipped false Flips the hats sprite if true, which is useful for LeftHat / RightHat false
Scale false Determines how the hat's size is scaled when drawn 4.0
DrawOrderOverride false Overrides the default draw order for this appearance.
See this page for more details.
UseBaldHead false If true, the farmer's sprite will be replaced with the game's bald variation false
HidePlayerBase false If true, hides the player's base sprite false
HideWhileSwimming false If true and the player is swimming, hides the hat sprite false
HideWhileWearingBathingSuit false If true and the player is wearing a bathing suit, hides the hat sprite false
HideWaterLine false If true and the player is swimming, hides water line sprite that appears while swimming false
HideSleeves false If true, hides the player's sleeves / arms false
HideHair false Hides the player's hair false
RequireAnimationToFinish false Prevents the movement animation from finishing early, even if the player has stopped moving false
DisableGrayscale false Disables the player's hat color choice and uses the sprite's native color instead false
DisableSkinGrayscale false If true, prevents the hat's SkinToneMasks from being affected by the player's color choice false
IsPrismatic false Causes the sprite to change colors, similar to the prismatic slime false
PrismaticAnimationSpeedMultiplier false Determines how quickly the prismatic colors change 1.0
ColorMasks false List of RGB colors to use as a color mask.
Any color given will be replaced by the player's color choice or by a prismatic color (if IsPrismatic is set to true).
See this page for more details.
ColorMaskLayers false List of color mask layers, which can be used to create multiple colorable sections.
Any color given will be replaced by the player's color choice, unless IgnoreUserColorChoice is set to true).
See this page for more details.
SkinToneMasks false Three RGB colors to use as a color mask for the player's skin.
The colors given will be replaced by the player's skin tone which consists of three shades (darkest, medium and lightest).
See this page for more details.
UniformAnimation false Animation to always play, regardless of player movement.
This is ignored if IdleAnimation or MovementAnimation are given.
See this page for more details.
IdleAnimation false Animation to play while the player is standing still.
See this page for more details.
MovementAnimation false Animation to play while the player is moving.
See this page for more details.
Tags false A list of keywords that can be searched against in the appearance search menu []


All Four Hat Models Example

  "Name": "Animated Pumpkin Head",
  "FrontHat": {
    "HideHair": true,
    "DisableGrayscale": true,
    "StartingPosition": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": 0
    "HeadPosition": {
      "X": -2,
      "Y": -2
    "HatSize": {
      "Width": 16,
      "Length": 16
    "UniformAnimation": [
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 200
        "Frame": 1,
        "Duration": 200
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 167
        "Frame": 2,
        "Duration": 200
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 2000
        "Frame": 3,
        "Duration": 167
        "Frame": 4,
        "Duration": 167
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 2000
  "RightHat": {
    "HideHair": true,
    "DisableGrayscale": true,
    "StartingPosition": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": 16
    "HeadPosition": {
      "X": -2,
      "Y": -2
    "HatSize": {
      "Width": 16,
      "Length": 16
  "LeftHat": {
    "HideHair": true,
    "DisableGrayscale": true,
    "StartingPosition": {
      "X": 16,
      "Y": 16
    "HeadPosition": {
      "X": -2,
      "Y": -2
    "HatSize": {
      "Width": 16,
      "Length": 16
  "BackHat": {
    "HideHair": true,
    "DisableGrayscale": true,
    "StartingPosition": {
      "X": 32,
      "Y": 16
    "HeadPosition": {
      "X": -2,
      "Y": -2
    "HatSize": {
      "Width": 16,
      "Length": 16
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