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Light Properties

Floogen edited this page Nov 28, 2021 · 8 revisions
Property Required Description Default
TextureID true Determines which texture the light will use.
See here for a list of light textures.
Color false The RGBA color to use for the light. [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ]
Radius true Determines how wide the light appears.
This can utilize the random function.
Position true Where the light appears relative to the player. null


Light Textures

  • 1: Lantern
  • 2: Window
  • 3: Not used by Stardew Valley, framework will use window texture (2)
  • 4: Sconce
  • 5: Cauldron
  • 6: Indoor Window
  • 7: Projector
  • 8: Fish Tank


Example Accessory Using a Light

  "Name": "Light That Only Appears When Dark Outside",
  "FrontAccessory": {
    "DrawAfterPlayer": true,
    "StartingPosition": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": 30
    "HeadPosition": {
      "X": 7,
      "Y": -5
    "AccessorySize": {
      "Width": 32,
      "Length": 20
    "UniformAnimation": [
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 100,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsDarkOut",
            "Value": false
        "Frame": 1,
        "Duration": 100,
        "Light": {
          "Color": [ 255, 255, 255 ],
          "Radius": {
            "RandomValue": [ 0.4, 0.42, 0.43, 0.44]
          "Position": {
            "X": 0,
            "Y": 8
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsDarkOut",
            "Value": true
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