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ShinyHobo edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the BG3 Modder's Multitool wiki!

Baldur's Gate 3 Modder's Multitool

The Modder's Multitool is the Swiss Army Knife of Modding utilities for Baldur's Gate 3. Aiming at making modder's lives easier, the Multitool implements a variety of automated tools to simplify the modding process: From unpacking and searching game files all the way to simplifying the packaging process and enabling more organized workspaces, if you're a modder, you need the Multitool.

What Tools Can I Expect to See?

The modding process for Baldur's Gate 3 can be tough to get into for prospective modders - navigating the game files, finding the Mods folder, even creating proper Localization handles can be difficult. The Multitool has several useful features to ease the process:

  • Game File Unpacker
  • Mod Folder Packager
  • Index Search
  • GameObject Explorer
  • UUID/Localization Handle Generation
  • Atlas Converter
  • Shortcuts to Important Game-Related Folders
  • Links to Useful Resources and Guides


To use the Multitool model conversion and viewing features, you'll need a copy of granny2.dll. Older versions of lslib may have a copy of this.

How do I use these tools?

Excited to work with the Multitool's help, but unsure how to use it? See the sidebar for guides on how to use specific features of the Multitool, or look below for the ideal steps to learn the Multitool.

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. General Usage
  4. Updating the Multitool

Learning to Mod

Check out the BG3 Community Library for detailed instructions on how to make various mods.

Getting Involved

The Multitool was created by ShinyHobo, and has incorporated several smaller-scale automation scripts over time. If you'd like to support the project, feature requests and bug reports are generally useful. Providing Localization information so that it can be implemented is also handy. PRs are closed at this time, but if you have a tool or idea for a tool that could be useful to the Multitool, contact ShinyHobo, or file a feature request. If you'd like to support the project, but can't think of any features or bugs, feel free to buy Shiny a coffee.
