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ShinyHobo edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Updating the Multitool

Screenshot of the Multitool's Upper-Right hand side, showing text in the menubar and an icon, both indicating an Update is available

Every once in a while, you'll notice a green refresh icon on the upper-right hand side of the Multitool's main window, and text on the right side of the Multitool indicating that there are updates available. It may look something like the image to the right:

Clicking on the green icon will open up a dialog window, displaying the details of the new update, and providing options to Update or Cancel. If you click Cancel, it will close the window, and let you use the Multitool as-is.

If you choose to update the Multitool, click on the Update button. This will close the Multitool, and re-open it once it detects a successful installation. Note that this may not always succeed. Sometimes you'll need to make multiple attempts. If you're having trouble getting the functionality to work, your best bet will be to follow the Installation steps again. Depending on the update, you may have to reconfigure or unpack your files again, but this is not a common requirement.

Screenshot of the 'Updates Available' dialog window when attempting to update the Multitool within the application
