Patronage request

The activities below have received the patronage of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The reports received by the Secretariat of the Convention on these activities are sometimes accompanied by additional information (press releases, etc..), which can be requested from Secretariat at

Whitsun Heritage estival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
28/05/2023 - 29/05/2023Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary)
Eszter Csonka-Takács

The Hungarian Open Museum organizes the International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the eleventh time. Apart from celebrating the elements of intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the National Inventory in Hungary, the Festival welcomes dancers, and anthropologists from different countries, such as Colombia, Spain, India, Costa Rica, Brazil, Indonesia … This event also gives the opportunity for exchange the experiences about safeguarding of ICH.

Patronage report : English 
Whitsun Heritage Festival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
04/06/2022 - 06/06/2022Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary)

Whitsun Festivities is a part of the Hungarian Open Museum’s annual festivals for a long time. In 2010 the council on scientific affairs of the Museum according to the proposal of the Directorate of ICH decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of awareness raising, visibility, accessibility and also safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.
This year festival invites communities from neighbour countries such as Romania, Slovakia and Croatia.

Patronage report : English 
Whitsun Heritage Festival, International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
18/09/2020 - 20/09/2020Szentendre
Hungarian Air Open Museum, Szentendre (Hungary)

The Whitsun Festivities’ weekend is a part of the Hungarian Open Air Museum’s annual festivals for a long time. In 2010 the council of scientific affairs of the Museum according to the proposal of the Directorate of ICH decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of awareness raising, visibility, accessibility and also safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. Presentations, performances, workshops and dance houses of Whitsunday and Whit-Monday serve for ensuring viability of all the elements, celebrating their diversity, presenting the communities and their heritage to the visitors of the museum and the media. The event serves also as an opportunity for the exchanges of experiences regarding the safeguarding of ICH.

Patronage report : English 
Intercontinental bridges for safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity
03/06/2019 - 10/06/2019Szentendre, Budapest
Hungarian Open Air Museum, Szentendre (Hungary)

The first part of the project ‘Intercontinental bridges for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity’ is a capacity-building seminar for intangible heritage experts from sub-Saharan African countries. This seminar is an opportunity to get acquainted with two safeguarding models selected for the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices : ‘Táncház method: a Hungarian model for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage’ and ‘Safeguarding of the folk music heritage by the Kodály concept’.

Related element(s) :
Táncház method: a Hungarian model for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage
Safeguarding of the folk music heritage by the Kodály concept

Patronage report : English/Hungarian 
Pont Festival
12/04/2019 - 14/04/2019Budapest, Castle Garden Bazaar
angveto Ltd. (Hungary)

PONT Festival was born in 2017 from the cooperation of Hangveto Ltd. and Budapest Spring Festival. It brings the wonders of the world to Budapest. The programmes of the festival are centered on diversity and tradition, through the prism of UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Interactive family programmes and concerts bring cultural treasures from across the globe.The aim is to get visitors acquainted with intangible cultural heritage in a local and universal sense, in line with UNESCO’s mission.

Whitsun Heritage Festival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
19/05/2018 - 21/03/2018Szentendre, Hungary
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary)

The Hungarian Open Air Museum (Szentendre, Hungary) is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the eighth time. Presentations, performances, workshops and dancehouses of Whitsunday and Whitsunday serve for ensuring viability of all the elements, celebrating their diversity, presenting the communities and their heritage to the visitors of the museum and the media. The event serves also as an opportunity for the exchange of experiences regarding the safeguarding of ICH.

Patronage report : English/Hungarian 
Pont Festival
30/03/2018 - 01/04/2018Castle Garden Bazaar, Budapest
Hangveto Ltd. (Hungary)

Pont Festival, born in 2017 from the cooperation of Hangveto Ltd. and the Budapest Spring Festival, brings the wonders of the world to Budapest. The programme of the festival centers on diversity and tradition, through the prism of the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
In addition to Hungarian good practices selected on the Register, such as the Kodály concept and the Tanchaz method, Pont Festival showcases the heritage, customs and crafts from other countries. Traditions and crafts such as Aubusson tapestry, the violin craftsmanship in Cremona, the Mediterranean diet, the Serbian kolo, Bećarac singing and playing from Eastern Croatia and flamenco will feature among other cultural heritage elements.
The aim is to get visitors acquainted with heritage in a local and universal sense, in line with UNESCO’s mission.

Patronage report : English/Hungarian 
Whitsun Festivities - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
04/06/2017 - 06/06/2017Hungarian Open Air Museum, Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary)

The Hungarian Open Air Museum is organizing an International Gathering of ICH for the seventh time on the Whitsun weekend. Apart from celebrating those elements of intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the National Inventory of Hungary, the organizers like to feature again some ICH elements of UNESCO’s Representative List.
The Whitsun Festivities’ weekend is part of the Hungarian Open Air Museum’s annual festivals for a long time. In 2010 according to the proposal of the Directorate of the ICH, the council of scientific affairs of the Museum decided to raise awareness on the annual event, make visible and also safeguard the intangible cultural heritage.

Patronage report : English 
Whitsun Heritage Festival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
14/05/2016 - 16/05/2016Szentendre, Hungary
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary)
Eszter Csonka-Takács

The Hungarian Open Air Museum (Szentendre, Hungary) is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) for the sixth time on Whitsun weekend, from 14 to 16 May 2016. The weekend of Whitsun Festivities has been part of the Hungarian Open Air Museum’s annual festivals for a long time. In 2010, in accordance with the proposal by the Department of ICH, the Museum’s council on scientific affairs decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of raising awareness about the safeguarding of ICH. We plan to present ICH elements related to the topic of folk dance and singing; a bearer community from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will be invited to participate in the festivities held at the premises of the Hungarian Open Air Museum.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Hungary’s ratification of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO and the Hungarian Open Air Museum are planning to organize a meeting on the first day for experts from other countries of Europe in order to create a transnational platform to ensure the free flow of information through the mutual coverage of the elements on the national inventories.

Patronage report : English/Hungarian 
Whitsun Heritage Festival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
23/05/2015 - 25/05/2015Szentendre, Hungary
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary)
Ibolya Bereczki, Director General

The Hungarian Open Air Museum is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the fifth time on the Whitsun weekend, May 23-25 2015. Apart from celebrating those elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage inscribed on the National Inventory in Hungary, we would like to feature again some ICH elements of UNESCO’s Representative list.
The Whitsun Heritage Festival’s weekend is a part of the Hungarian Open Air Museum’s annual festivals for a long time.
In 2010, the council on scientific affairs of the Museum according to the proposal of the Department of ICH decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage. We would like to present ICH elements related to the topic of folk dance and singing. We plan to invite a bearer community from Portugal (Cante Alentejano), and Republic of Macedonia (Kopachkata) to participate in the festivities.
The main aim of the event is to foster a long-term cooperation among participating communities and to celebrate cultural diversity. As the event is held on the Whitsun weekend, similarly to year 2014, 200 local children will also be participating. This year we would like to also draw the attention to the UNESCO’s 70th anniversary.

Patronage report : English/Hungarian 
Busó Festivities in Mohács
12/02/2015 - 17/02/2015Mohács, Hungary

The Busó Festivities at Mohacs take place at the end of the Carnival period. It is a six-day-long masked ritual tradition of transformation, an end-of-winter custom with essential participation of dancers and musicians, the town’s inhabitants, and the Busó groups as well as the craftsmen.
The numerous visitors of the festivities are often actively involved in the events, so that they become a part of the programs which run simultaneously at several venues in the town. Every year, the government of the town and the Busó groups organize the Busó Festivities in close collaboration.
Beyond the events concentrated in these six days, the Busó groups function as active communities throughout the whole year.
At the moment there are 40 communities of Busó groups in Mobiles with more or less 1100 members. The element’s inscription in 2009 on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was a useful and honorific moment and step in order to preserve and promote the end-of-winter carnival custom.

Related element(s) :
Busó festivities at Mohács: masked end-of-winter carnival custom 
Whitsun Festivities - International Gathering of Intangible Heritage
07/06/2014 - 09/06/2014Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary)
Eszter Csonka-Takács

The Hungarian Open Air Museum is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the fourth time on the Whitsun weekend, June 7-9, 2014.
In 2010, the council on scientific affairs of the Museum according to the proposal of the Department of ICH decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of raising awareness of the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
As the year 2014 is dedicated to sheep farming and pastoral life at the Hungarian Open Air Museum, we plan to invite and present ICH elements related to this topic.
The main aim of the event is to foster a long-term cooperation among participating communities and to celebrate cultural diversity.
As the event is held on the Whitsun weekend, similarly to year 2013, 200 local children will also be participating, presenting the rich Hungarian Whitsun customs to the visitors of the Museum.

‛Peacock Variations’ Gala Evening
10/06/2013 - 10/06/2013Paris, France

The Gala Evening was organized on the occasion of the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hungary has been an active participant and promoter of Intangible Cultural Heritage ever since the inception of the Convention. The aim of the activity was to contribute to the worldwide celebrations of this special anniversary, as well as to promote and raise awareness about the Convention’s spirits and values.
Various Hungarian elements of the Representative List and a best practice was showcased to the audience. The winners of a well-known folk music and dance TV competition (“Fölszállott a páva”) were the main protagonists of the evening, thus receiving a very wide range of media presence, mainly in the Hungarian press (printed, radio, TV, Internet, social media).

Patronage report : English 
Whitsun Festivities - Resubmission
17/05/2013 - 20/05/2013Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary)

The Hungarian Open Air Museum (Szentendre, Hungary) is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the third time on the Whitsun weekend, 17-20 May, 2013. Apart from celebrating those elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage inscribed on the National Inventory in Hungary, we would like to feature again some ICH elements of UNESCO’s Representative list.
This year we would like to dedicate our festival to the celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the Convention.

Patronage report : English 
Whilsun Festivities
26/05/2012 - 28/05/2012Hunganan Open Air Museum. Szentendre. Hungary
Hunganan Open Air Museum (Hungary)
Patronage report : English
soon available
soon available 