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AHRP Law Firm

AHRP Law Firm

Jasa Hukum

South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 7.114 pengikut

"Building Legal Solutions - Protecting Innovation"

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"Leveraging legal expertise to support and enable innovation within a framework that ensures legal compliance and mitigates legal risks associated with novel business ideas and technological advancements" AHRP Law Firm adopts a progressive and proactive approach to the practice of law. AHRP is committed to offer a wide range of legal services and advice of the highest professional standard focus on its client’s best interests. From intricate corporate matters to navigating complex legal disputes, our team's unwavering dedication and depth of knowledge ensure that every client receives top-tier representation and strategic solutions. AHRP lawyers undertake high-level legal work for Indonesian and foreign top companies and are involved in numbers of the largest and most complex commercial transactions in Indonesia. We are able to provide clients with legal, commercial and strategic solutions that are built on experience and the desire to understand the commercial context in which a business operates. It is AHRP ability to establish close relationships and develop creative approaches to meeting each individual client's needs and business requirements that made it possible to accomplish such progress and success.

Jasa Hukum
Ukuran perusahaan
11-50 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Tahun Pendirian
Infrastructure, Construction, Capital Market, Tax, General Corporate, Project Finance, Arbitration, Public & Administrative Law, Litigation, Dispute Resolution & Risk Management, Mergers & Acquisitions, Government Contracts, Compliance & Investigations, Antitrust & Competition, International Commercial & Trade, Banking & Finance, Intellectual Property, Shipping & Admiralty, Oil and Gas, Technology & Media, Telecommunications


Karyawan di AHRP Law Firm


  • Through Decision Number 150/PUU-XXII/2024 which is issued on 3 January 2025, the Constitutional Court has partially granted the petition for judicial review of Article 3(1)(c) and Article 20(2) Law Number 18 of 2003 on Advocates. The Court held that Civil Servant Lecturers from both public and private universities are permitted to practice as Advocates on a limited basis, provided that such practice constitutes a form of community service as part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Accordingly, it is essential to examine the applicable laws and regulations governing Advocates, Civil Servants, and the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in order to accurately understand the legal implications and consequences of Constitutional Court Decision 150/2024 on legal profession. Find out more our insights about this topic in our Legal Brief publication. #Litigation #Public-Administrative

  • Danantara emerges as Indonesia’s latest Sovereign Wealth Fund, designed to optimize state assets and drive strategic investments. As outlined in Law Number 1 of 2025 on the Third Amendment to Law Number 19 of 2003 on State-Owned Enterprises and Government Regulation Number 10 of 2025 on the Organization and Governance of the Daya Anagata Nusantara Investment Management Body, Danantara plays a pivotal role as a key investment catalyst in managing state-owned enterprise dividends and enhancing economic value. With the business judgment rule principle in place, Danantara is granted autonomy in decision-making, ensuring that investment strategies align with commercial viability while remaining shielded from state loss classifications. However, further enhancement at the regulatory level is necessary to fully refine Danantara’s functions and ensure effective implementation. Find out more our insights about this topic in our Legal Brief publication. #Danantara #SovereignWealthFund #Investment #SOE

  • One of the key strategies to strengthen economic resilience and unlock business opportunities is addressing the challenges posed by non-compliance with regulations. Under Government Regulation 36/2023 as lastly amended by Government Regulation 8/2025, the management of Natural Resources Export Proceeds is crucial to ensuring sustainable economic growth. These regulations aim to safeguard national interest and promote fair trade. Find out more our insights about this topic in our Legal Brief publication. #CommercialTrade #TaxandCustoms #Corporate

  • We are proud to announce that our Senior Partner, Abdul Haris M. Rum, has been recognized in the List of The 200 Club: Indonesia's Most Influential Lawyers by Hukumonline. This recognition is a testament to his outstanding legal expertise, unwavering dedication, and significant contributions to the legal profession, solidifying his position as one of Indonesia’s most influential legal minds. His achievement underscores our firm’s commitment to excellence and leadership in shaping the future of the legal industry. For more details, visit: #Hukumonline200Club #MostInfluentialLawyers #LegalExcellence #LeadershipInLaw #FutureOfLaw

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  • On January 14, 2025, the Indonesian Government enacted National Public Procurement Agency (NPPA) Regulation Number 1 of 2025 on Procurement Procedures for Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Provision. This regulation consolidates and replaces previous frameworks (NPPA Regulation Number 19 of 2015 and NPPA Regulation Number 29 of 2018), aligning closely with Minister of National Development Planning Regulation Number 7 of 2023. By integrating and streamlining existing regulations into a unified framework, this new regulation enhances clarity, efficiency, and transparency, reinforcing the government’s commitment to fostering effective public-private collaborations for sustainable infrastructure growth. Find out more our insights about this topic in our Legal Brief publication. #Infrastructure #PublicPrivatePartnership #ProjectDevelopmentandFinance

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    Ketidakpatuhan terhadap APU-PPT dapat berujung pada sanksi berat, mulai dari denda administratif, pembekuan atau pencabutan izin usaha, hingga pertanggungjawaban pidana bagi direksi dan pejabat yang lalai dalam menjalankan kewajiban kepatuhan. Dengan pengawasan yang semakin ketat, memahami indikator transaksi mencurigakan, kewajiban pelaporan, serta risiko hukum bukan lagi pilihan, melainkan kebutuhan strategis untuk menjaga integritas bisnis. Pastikan perusahaan Anda selalu selangkah lebih maju dalam menghadapi tantangan regulasi dengan mengikuti Workshop Hukumonline 2025: Manajemen Kepatuhan Penerapan Program APU, PPT, dan PPPSPM dan Tanggung Jawab Korporasi Jasa Keuangan. Diselenggarakan pada: Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 18 Maret 2025 Pukul : 13.30 – 17.30 WIB Tempat : Fraser Place Setiabudi, Jakarta   Narasumber: Aryangga P. Febrianto - Partner, AHRP Law Firm M. Sakti Tambunan - Partner, AHRP Law Firm Merina Elfian - Associate, AHRP Law Firm Fasilitas: Workshop Kit Soft File Materi Workshop Sertifikat Notulensi Buka Puasa Bersama Informasi pendaftaran: Sarah Haderizqi (+62) 852-8086-5865 E-mail: Link Registrasi:

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  • We are pleased to announce that our Partner, Muhammad Sakti Hasudungan Tambunan, has been recognized as one of ALB Indonesia Rising Stars 2025 by Asian Legal Business (ALB). This recognition highlights his exceptional legal expertise, dedication, and contributions to the profession, positioning him among Indonesia’s most promising lawyers of the next generation. His achievement reflects our firm’s commitment to excellence and the development of future leaders in the legal industry. For more details, visit: #AHRPLawFirm #ALBIndonesiaRisingStars2025 #LegalExcellence #FutureOfLaw

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  • Our Partner, Fadra Heryndra, led an insightful session on "Merger & Acquisition in Practice" in collaboration with ET-Asia. This session provided a comprehensive overview of M&A transactions, covering key legal frameworks, strategic structuring, and risk mitigation to help professionals navigate the complexities of corporate deals. In particular, the session underscored the critical role of representations and warranties outlined in transaction documents, which serve as fundamental safeguards to ensure legal security and mitigate risks in M&A transactions. Through this engagement, AHRP Law Firm remains committed to supporting businesses in executing successful transactions, ensuring regulatory compliance, and driving sustainable corporate growth. We look forward to more discussions on corporate law and M&A best practices. #AHRPLawFirm #ETAsia #MergersAndAcquisitions #CorporateLaw #LegalInsights

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  • As a way to provide legal certainty in the implementation of write-off of tax receivables, including its review of list of the proposal for write-off of Tax Receivables, adjustment to provisions regarding decree of joint agreement as a basis for tax collection, as well as simplification of regulation of write-off of tax receivable, the government has issued the new Ministry of Finance Regulation Number 117 of 2024 on Procedures for the Write-Off of Tax Receivables. Find out more our insights about this topic in our Legal Brief publication. #Taxandcustoms #AHRPLawFirm

  • Our Partner, Zaka Hadisupani Oemang, S.H., M.E., LLM.,MCIArb.,AIIArb.,CIM, and Of Counsel, Maulana Syarif led a sharing session on "The Implementation of Data Privacy" for MIND ID in collaboration with Xapiens. This session covered key regulatory and technical aspects of Personal Data Protection (PDP), providing industry leaders with essential legal and strategic insights to navigate evolving compliance landscapes. Through this engagement, AHRP continues to support businesses in strengthening data governance, mitigating privacy risks, and ensuring regulatory compliance in the digital era. We look forward to more meaningful discussions on data protection and legal compliance. #AHRPLawFirm #DataPrivacy #LegalCompliance #PDP #MindID

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