NHPC Limited

NHPC Limited

Renewable Energy Power Generation

Faridabad, Haryana 22,349 followers

Power Behind Green Power

About us

NHPC Limited is India's premier green energy NAVRATNA Company under Ministry of Power, Government of India. NHPC champions clean, renewable energy with minimal carbon footprints, supporting the national grid and integrating solar and wind energy into the power system. Currently, NHPC's total installed capacity is 7144.20 MW and the company is presently engaged in the construction of projects aggregating to 10492.70 MW. At present, NHPC is working on more than 50000 MW capacity projects and it spearheads 60% of all hydro projects under construction in India. Among its flagship endeavours, the 2000 MW Subansiri Lower project stands as a testament to NHPC's prowess, representing one of India's largest hydroelectric projects. Similarly, the 2880 MW Dibang Multi-purpose project underlines NHPC's commitment to pioneering initiatives in power generation and flood moderation. As of December 31st 2023, NHPC boasts an authorized share capital of Rs. 15,000 crore and total investment base of Rs. 79789.87 crore. Having successfully concluded its IPO in 2009, NHPC is listed on both the NSE and BSE. NHPC's is a financially robust company which has consistently shown strong financial performance since its inception. The company registered a Profit after Tax (PAT) of Rs. 3744 crore for FY 2023-24. In line with the Government of India's clean energy transition objectives, NHPC is steadfastly working towards achieving an installed capacity of 23000 MW by 2032 and 50000 MW by 2047. This trajectory will elevate NHPC amongst the world's top 10 hydropower companies. NHPC is not only playing a crucial role in India’s energy security but is also empowering the people at large with its CSR initiatives aiming at overall socio-economic development of the common masses.

Renewable Energy Power Generation
Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
Faridabad, Haryana
Public Company
Hydropower, Solar Power, Renewable Energy, Wind Power, Pumped Storage Hydro Projects, and Floating Solar


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    NHPC Corporate Office Complex

    Sector- 33

    Faridabad, Haryana 121003, IN

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Employees at NHPC Limited


  • The Boxing Up of Unit#3 of #NHPC's 2000 MW Subansiri Lower HE Project has been completed on 05.02.2025 in the presence of Shri R.K. Chaudhary, CMD, NHPC, ED (O&M and DEM) & other senior NHPC officers. CMD, NHPC congratulated the NHPC Subansiri team led by ED/HOP, Subansiri Lower HEP & executing agency M/s GE Vernova. This will facilitate early completion & commissioning of the Project as per schedule. #hydropower #RenewableEnergy #GreenEnergy #Sustainability

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  • #एनएचपीसी ने राजभाषा हिंदी के प्रचार-प्रसार के उद्देश्य से 30 जनवरी 2025 को निगम मुख्यालय में हिंदी कवि सम्मेलन का भव्य आयोजन किया। इस कवि सम्मेलन में श्री राजकुमार चौधरी, अध्यक्ष व प्रबंध निदेशक; श्री आर.पी. गोयल, निदेशक (वित्त); श्री उत्तम लाल, निदेशक (कार्मिक); श्री संजय कुमार सिंह, निदेशक (परियोजनाएं एवं तकनीकी); श्री संतोष कुमार, मुख्य सतर्कता अधिकारी, सपरिवार तथा सभी वरिष्ठ अधिकारीगण और एनएचपीसी परिवार के सदस्य उपस्थित थे। मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में अपने संबोधन में माननीय अध्यक्ष व प्रबंध निदेशक ने कहा कि मैं मानता हूँ कि हिंदी कवि सम्मेलनों का हिंदी को लोकप्रिय बनाने में बहुत बड़ा योगदान रहा है। उन्होंने आशा व्यक्त की कि इस कवि सम्मेलन के आयोजन से जहां हिंदी के प्रचार-प्रसार में मदद मिलेगी वहीं इससे हमें नई ऊर्जा और आनंद भी मिलेगा। कवि सम्मेलन में डॉ. हरिओम पंवार, श्री अरूण जैमिनी, श्री सुदीप भोला, सुश्री पद्मिनी शर्मा, डॉ. भुवन मोहिनी, श्री राजेश अग्रवाल और श्री केशर मारवाड़ी जैसे देश के प्रख्यात 07 कवियों ने हिंदी के विभिन्न रस से उपस्थित श्रोताओं को मंत्रमुग्ध कर दिया। #kavisammelan #hindi #poetry #rajbhasha #NHPC

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    श्री पादी रिचो, पूर्व माननीय मंत्री (अरुणाचल प्रदेश) व श्री तपांग तालो, पूर्व माननीय मंत्री (अरुणाचल प्रदेश) ने एनएचपीसी निगम मुख्यालय, फरीदाबाद में श्री आर. के. चौधरी, सीएमडी, एनएचपीसी के साथ बैठक की। बैठक के दौरान अरुणाचल प्रदेश के सियांग बेसिन में स्थित अपर सियांग बहुद्देशीय परियोजना और लोअर सियांग जलविद्युत परियोजना के सफलतापूर्वक क्रियान्वयन हेतु चर्चा की गई। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने इन क्षेत्रों में एनएचपीसी व भारत सरकार द्वारा विकासात्मक कार्य करने हेतु अनुरोध किया। #hydropower #RenewableEnergy #GreenEnergy #Sustainability #NHPC

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  • डॉ. संजय जायसवाल, माननीय सांसद एवं अध्यक्ष, संसदीय अनुमान समिति ने दिनांक 30.01.2025 को एनएचपीसी निगम मुख्यालय, फरीदाबाद का दौरा किया। श्री आर. के. चौधरी, सीएमडी, एनएचपीसी ने पौधा भेंट कर उनका स्वागत और अभिनन्दन किया। इस अवसर पर माननीय अध्यक्ष, संसदीय अनुमान समिति ने एनएचपीसी की चल रही विभिन्न परियोजनाओं की समीक्षा की। साथ ही उन्होंने बिहार राज्य में एनएचपीसी की ग्रीन हाइड्रोजन ई-मोबिलिटी पायलट परियोजना, प्रस्तावित सौर ऊर्जा परियोजनाओं पर चर्चा की तथा इन परियोजनाओं के सफलतापूर्वक क्रियान्वयन हेतु अपना पूर्ण सहयोग देने का आश्वासन दिया। #hydropower #RenewableEnergy #GreenEnergy #sustainability #NHPC

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  • In a step toward achieving India’s renewable energy goals, the ‘Bhoomi Pujan ceremony’ of #NHPC’s largest 600 MW Solar PV Project at Khavda, Bhuj, Gujarat was performed by Shri R.K. Chaudhary, CMD, NHPC on 29.01.2025. Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh, Director (Projects & Technical), NHPC alongwith ED (RE & GH), NHPC and senior officials of NHPC & Adani Green Energy limited were also present on the occasion. #hydropower #RenewableEnergy #GreenEnergy #sustainability

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  • #NHPC celebrated India’s 76th Republic Day on 26th January 2025 at its all locations with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. National Flag was unfurled by Shri R.K. Chaudhary, CMD, NHPC at Corporate Office, Faridabad. Shri R.P. Goyal, Director (Finance), Shri Uttam Lal, Director (Personnel) and Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh, Director (Projects & Technical) were present on the occasion alongwith other senior NHPC officers, employees and their family members. During his address, Shri R.K. Chaudhary, CMD, NHPC extended his greetings to the entire NHPC family on Republic Day. Speaking on the occasion, Shri Chaudhary urged all NHPC employees to remain fully dedicated, perform their responsibilities with unwavering determination and contribute actively to nation-building. He further added that NHPC has been serving the nation for over five decades and has made a remarkable journey in contributing to the nation's energy security and development. He also said that it is all due to hard work by our employees that NHPC is poised to commission 3 units of Subansiri HEP, Parbati – II HEP, Rangit – IV HEP & Bikaner Solar Power Project in scheduled time during this year. Shri Chaudhary informed about signing of MOU with Government of Rajasthan and Government of Bihar for investment in Renewable Energy Projects and formation of JV Company (ANGEL) with Andhra Pradesh for development of PSPs in the state. He also congratulated BSUL team for record highest ever generation on 25.01.2025 by Kalpi Solar Power Project. The Republic Day programme was also telecast live at all NHPC locations in the country through web casting. #RepublicDay #RepublicDay2025 #nationfirst #NHPC

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