Wrapping up an extraordinary journey at Geo-Aakarshan 4.0! 🌍✨ A huge thank you to our esteemed speakers, participants, and dedicated organizers for their invaluable contributions in making this event a remarkable success. Your passion, energy, and commitment have made every moment truly memorable. As we close with the valedictory ceremony, we celebrate the spirit of discovery, innovation, and collaboration that united us all. Until next time, stay curious, keep exploring, and continue to push the boundaries of knowledge! #GeoAakarshan4.0 #BHU #Geophysics #EarthSciences #Gratitude #Inspiration #Innovation #Learning #Success #Celebration #SeeYouNextYear SEG SPG India Jessica Dostal IGU KUK Geophysical Society, IIT ISM Dhanbad Banaras Hindu University Geophysical Society AEG BHU STUDENT CHAPTER