Consea Group

Consea Group

Servizi risorse umane

TORINO, TO 36.882 follower

Passion for People

Chi siamo

We are a consulting company that develops and manages Human Resources projects in a highly customized way. Our goal is to find the best solutions for the growth of our clients while sharing their business strategies. We operate in head hunting services, HR consultancy, and development, as well as women’s empowerment and development projects. Headquartered in Turin (Italy), Consea's offices are also located in Milan, Bologna, Kraków, Shanghai, Singapore, São Paulo, Mexico City, New York, and Chicago. Autoriz. Minist. Definit. Prot.13/I/0008939

Servizi risorse umane
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Recruiting, Human Resources, Executive Search e HR Consulting


Dipendenti presso Consea Group


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    At the end of July, our team from the Polish office had the opportunity to participate in a unique event called "Painting with Wine" in Kraków. It was such an incredibly inspiring evening. The event took place in a beautiful historic building where everyone could feel at ease, regardless of their painting skills. The instructors were truly helpful and patient. Thanks to their guidance and the pleasant atmosphere, we felt encouraged to freely experiment with paints and techniques. The glass of wine added to the good mood and gave us the confidence to try new things creatively. We felt that it wasn’t just about painting, but also about relaxing and spending time in great company. During breaks, we could chat with other participants, exchange impressions, and share ideas. The evening ended with a group photo. Proud of what we had created, we took our paintings back to the office to remind us of this wonderful day. The entire event was well-organized, and the atmosphere was incredibly friendly. It was one of those evenings that will stay with us for a long time. We are already planning another opportunity to spend time together! #consea #teambuilding #teamwork #workplaceculture

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    Dal sondaggio che abbiamo condotto su LinkedIn in tema di smart working, sono emerse riflessioni molto interessanti. La maggior parte dei partecipanti ha evidenziato un punto cruciale: il successo o l'eventuale penalizzazione del lavoro da remoto dipendono fortemente dalle politiche aziendali e dalla cultura organizzativa. Questo sottolinea quanto sia fondamentale il contesto lavorativo per determinare l'efficacia dello smart working. Non a caso, quasi il 20% dei rispondenti percepisce il lavoro da remoto come un possibile svantaggio. I risultati parlano chiaro: per far sì che lo smart working funzioni davvero, le aziende devono adottare politiche inclusive ed eque, capaci di valorizzare tutti i dipendenti, indipendentemente dalla modalità di lavoro. #consea #smartworking #remotework #worklifebalance #workplaceculture

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    Employee engagement is key to promoting productivity, innovation and overall business success. Gallup's latest report shows that North America and Latin America lead the way in promoting employee engagement, with percentages above 30%. This suggests that organisations are successfully implementing strategies to create more engaging workplaces. In contrast, low levels of engagement in Asia and especially in Europe indicate a critical need for companies to reassess their approaches. Investing in leadership development, improving communication and promoting a positive work culture could be key strategies to increase engagement in these regions. #consea #hr #employeeengagement

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    🌟 We are proud to be partner of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast, Inc. and to be featured as a valued member of their esteemed network! At Consea, we are committed to bridging talent and opportunity across borders, driving success for our clients through tailored HR and consulting solutions. Thank you, IACCSE, for the partnership and a special thank to our colleague Antonella Cerabona, our trusted point of reference in US! #consea #IACCSE #hrconsulting #talentmanagement

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    Un onboarding efficace è fondamentale per favorire un’integrazione rapida e produttiva. Ecco alcuni suggerimenti chiave per chi lavora nelle risorse umane: 1. Accesso alle risorse: assicurati che i nuovi arrivati abbiano subito accesso a strumenti, documenti e informazioni essenziali 2. Formazione: pianifica sessioni di formazione iniziale per presentare ai nuovi colleghi la cultura aziendale, le procedure e i software 3. Mentoring: assegna un mentore per offrire un punto di riferimento prezioso alle nuove risorse 4. Integrazione: organizza momenti di team building e incoraggia la reciproca conoscenza per favorire la coesione del gruppo 5. Feedback continuo: crea canali di comunicazione aperti per raccogliere feedback e supportare i nuovi colleghi durante i loro primi mesi in azienda. 🤝 Investire tempo ed energie nell'onboarding non è solo una questione di accoglienza, ma un passo strategico per costruire un team coeso e motivato. #consea #hr #onboarding #hiring

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    The concept of "workation" has recently gained popularity, blending work with the freedom to travel. Workation can boost productivity and allow a healthier work-life integration. It can also stimulate creativity and foster innovative thinking, leading to fresh perspectives and ideas. However, it presents lots of challenges, such as connection issue in remote areas and difficulties in maintaining a structured work schedule. Additionally, it may blur the boundaries between work and leisure, making it harder to disconnect and fully recharge. Share your thoughts on workation! Do you think it’s a sustainable way to work and travel? #consea #workation #smartworking #workculture

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    Suit and ties era is behind us! Today, an increasing number of companies is embracing more casual dress codes, which not only are more practical but also have often a positive impact on employees. Comfortable attire can be a confidence booster, as employees feel at ease, and they tend to perform better. In fact, formal and business attire can be stressful for some people, especially if they are not accustomed to it. With less restriction on dress code, the workplace environment feels more relaxed, thus conducive to better performance. Moreover, the rise of remote work has loosened many traditional workplace practices, including dress codes. This shift underlines the importance of skills over suits, highlighting that an individual's abilities and contributions matter far more than their attire. #consea #hr #dresscode

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    Il periodo delle vacanze si avvicina e cresce la voglia di prendersi una pausa dalla frenesia quotidiana e dedicarsi al relax. Dopo mesi di lavoro intenso, è importante concedersi una pausa per rigenerare mente e corpo. E quale luogo migliore per farlo se non immersi nella natura? Ecco alcuni dei principali benefici di una vacanza a contatto con la natura! #consea #ferie #worklifebalance

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    Hai mai pensato che lavorare in smart working possa influenzare la tua carriera? In che modo? Mentre molti vedono il lavoro da remoto come una grande opportunità per bilanciare vita e lavoro, altri temono che l'assenza dall'ufficio possa penalizzare la propria crescita professionale. E tu cosa ne pensi? Rispondi al sondaggio e faccelo sapere! #consea #smartworking #worklifebalance

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