⚡It's finally time to give you this great announcement!⚡ Daze has recently closed a Series A investment round of €15M, thanks to our partners CDP Venture Capital SGR, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), Founders Future, #035investimenti, PranaVentures and SIMEST Spa FVC. This sets a breaching point for our growth and development, allowing us to focus on big picture projects and pursue our mission to the fullest. Thanks to everyone that has made this possible, inside and outside Daze!
Fabbricazione di apparecchi elettrici, materiali elettrici e componenti elettronici
Almenno San Bartolomeo, Lombardia 10.049 follower
Making daily charging of EVs comfortable, simple and smart.
Chi siamo
Making daily charging of EVs comfortable, simple and smart. This is the mission since 2016 of Daze, the first company in the world marketing an automatic conductive charging system: DazePlug. In addition to DazePlug, Daze offers a range of products and services for charging electric vehicles in private sector and, to a lesser extent, public EV charging applications. For the classic EV charging Daze developed DazeBox, a smart wallbox targeted to design and simplicity of use. All charging systems of Daze are made in Italy and share the same refined design.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Daze
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di apparecchi elettrici, materiali elettrici e componenti elettronici
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Almenno San Bartolomeo, Lombardia
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2016
- Settori di competenza
- Ingegneria, Tecnologia, Automazione, Consulenza, Engineering, Autonomous Vehicles, Autonomous Charging, Electric Mobility, Electric Vehicles, Power Transfer e EV
Via Aldo Moro
Almenno San Bartolomeo, Lombardia 24030, IT
Avenida de Somosierra, 12
San Sebastián de los Reyes, Community of Madrid 28703, ES
Dipendenti presso Daze
Benoit Amiens
EV Charging & Fleet Management | IRVE Expert | Sustainable Mobility & Charging Infrastructure |
Alessandro Caliaro
Mobile application developer at Daze
Paolo Di Genova
Rappresentanze Elettrotecniche per Abruzzo e Molise
Alessandro Binarelli
Software Department Team Lead @ Daze
Daze e Autotorino: insieme per la mobilità elettrica. Unire innovazione e sostenibilità per rendere la ricarica EV più accessibile e integrata: questo è l'obiettivo della nuova partnership tra noi di Daze e Autotorino. Grazie a questa collaborazione, chi acquista un veicolo elettrico presso le concessionarie Autotorino potrà ottenere uno dei nostri caricatori smart Dazebox Home, integrando sin da subito la ricarica nella propria esperienza di mobilità. Cosa significa questa partnership? - Una ricarica più semplice e immediata per i clienti EV. - Un passo avanti verso un futuro più sostenibile. - La valorizzazione del Made in Italy. "Siamo partiti dove gli altri si fermano, con l’energia di chi vuole cambiare il modo di muoversi." – Andrea Daminelli e Giacomo Zenoni, Co-Founders di Daze. Un grande traguardo per noi, ma anche un nuovo punto di partenza. Trovate tutti i dettagli nell’articolo linkato nel primo commento 👇 #daze #dazebox #autotorino
Daze in Zurich: are you coming too? On March 11, we’ll be at the e-mobile Lade Forum by Electrosuisse in Zurich, 📍Stand 11. It’s the perfect chance to talk about electric mobility, innovation and check out our smart charging solutions up close. You can find all the information at the link in the first comment. See you there 🚀 #daze #dazebox #greenmobility #innovation #emobility
The Rimini Key - The Energy Transition Expo kicks off today, the leading event in Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean region for the future of energy. Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming a special guest: Matteo Valenza. 📍 You can find us at Stand 420 - Hall A3, showcasing our top products and some exciting new developments. KEY - Italian Exhibition Group #daze #dazebox #KEY25
Thanks to the recent integration of Dazebox with Reduxi - AI Electricity Control, our users can now manage charging energy through this advanced Energy Management System. Another way to maximize efficiency, reduce peaks and make consumption even smarter. Daze is always open to the best solutions, and compatibility with Reduxi is another step toward smarter, more sustainable energy. #daze #dazebox #evchargingstation #EVs #sustainability #greenmobility #partnership
The words of our customers speak louder than any description. To us, being serious means providing reliable, fast, and seamless service from start to finish. Thank you to everyone who shares their experience. It inspires us every day to keep raising the bar. We look forward to receiving more of your valuable feedback. Link in the first comment 👇 #daze #dazebox #evchargingstation #EVs #sustainability #greenmobility #trustpilot
Join Daze at Key Energy in Rimini from March 5 to 7 🚀 You’ll find us in Hall A3, Stand 420, where we’ll be showcasing our EV charging solutions designed to make energy more accessible, efficient and intelligent. E-mobility and smart energy management are key to a more sustainable future, and we’re excited to share our innovations with you. P.S. We have some surprises, but we can’t reveal too much just yet! #daze #dazebox #KeyEnergy #evchargingstation #EVs #greenmobility
According to a study by the Global EV Alliance, 92% of electric car owners would choose to buy another EV. The survey was conducted between August 27 and November 20, 2024, across 18 countries, including the United States, Canada, Brazil, India, and France, and surveyed 23,000 zero-emission vehicle owners. Only 1% expressed an interest in returning to a combustion engine vehicle, while 4% said they would consider switching to a plug-in hybrid. The reasons for choosing electric cars are clear: 45% cited fuel cost savings, 40% highlighted the desire to protect the environment, and 32% appreciated the absence of local emissions. Additionally, 21% noted an improved driving experience, and 18% valued the lower maintenance costs. Despite these positive indicators, the adoption of electric vehicles remains slow, prompting many manufacturers to adjust their strategies. However, the introduction of more affordable models is expected to boost demand in the coming months, paving the way for a more promising future in sustainable mobility. #daze #dazebox #EVs #electicvehicles #chargingpoints #evchargingstation #greenmobility #sustainability #TGdaze
We are proud to partner with Western CO., a company founded in 1984 in San Benedetto del Tronto, now a leader in off-grid solar energy. Driven by a shared vision of a renewable-powered future, Western CO. brings decades of expertise and innovation to the table. Together, we are dedicated to building a cleaner future by advancing sustainable energy solutions and promoting electric mobility. #daze #dazebox #evchargingstation #EVs #sustainability #greenmobility #partnership #CPO #CPMS
On January 29, 2025, we took part in Future of Work Trends 2025, the flagship event organized by the Osservatorio sul Future of Work at Radical HR. It was a unique opportunity to explore the trends reshaping the world of work and gather concrete insights to tackle the challenges ahead. Strategy, innovation, and transformation were at the heart of the discussion, providing us with valuable perspectives to support companies—and our own organization at the forefront—in making strategic decisions for 2025. Key topics included corporate culture, continuous learning, and the integration of AI into business processes. Attracting and retaining the right people means building the future of the company today.
Le tendenze del mondo del lavoro non si possono scegliere. Ma si possono conoscere, comprendere e tradurre in azioni strategiche, come abbiamo fatto ieri sera durante Future of Work Trends 2025 👇 Una serata densa di ispirazione, condivisione e insight che le più di 200 persone che hanno partecipato potranno portare con loro durante l’anno appena iniziato. Realizzata con l’aiuto di 47 Expert provenienti dall’Italia e dall’estero, la ricerca che abbiamo presentato ieri è molto più di un semplice documento: è una roadmap per guidare il cambiamento in azienda. Perché, come ha ricordato Marzia Giulia Borganti, Chief Human Resources and Organization del Gruppo Humanitas, la trasformazione - aziendale, tecnologica e soprattutto umana - funziona solo se le persone sanno in che direzione andare e come possono contribuire. Grazie quindi a tutte le persone che hanno partecipato ieri sera, e in particolare agli e alle speaker (Marzia Giulia Borganti, Alessia Borrelli, Mauro Ghilardi, Elisa Cavedagna, Luca Solari, Marco Mottolese, Luca Ciannamea, Marco Ogliengo, Riccardo Suardi, Nicolo Mazzocchi e Nicole Cerruti) e ai partner dell’evento Foorban, Jet HR e Skillvue. Se non hai partecipato, da oggi puoi scaricare gratis un estratto della ricerca o prenotare una call con il nostro team Learning & Transformation per ricevere una presentazione personalizzata qui 👉https://lnkd.in/ds9ZuVrc P.S. RADICAL HR non si ferma: a breve apriremo le iscrizioni per un nuovo evento verticale sul trend Learning Organization: stay tuned!
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