Ermes Browser Security

Ermes Browser Security

Sicurezza informatica e delle reti

Torino, Piem. 5.499 follower

Here to secure your next click. Web and Browser protection made effective for you and your company 🌐

Chi siamo

Ermes Cyber Security is a leading italian company recognized as one of the most influentials worldwide in the AI-powered cybersecurity sector and founded by a team of Web Security experts and Artificial Intelligent researchers. We believe that an informed online navigation is a social asset that can generate multiple values: to individuals, to communities and to the companies. Therefore, our mission is to protect professionals who navigate and engage online by implementing strategies and making information accessible. That's not easy, as such we are working hard on two main roads. On one side, we are helping companies by providing them top-notch solutions that effectively secure them against web threats. Through patented algorithms we analyse web services behaviours in order to proactively block threats or tackle issues in real time. On the other side, we recently undertook a great challenge: we want to build an enviroment where professionals and businesses can stay up-to-date, share value, learn, influence each other and get new information everyday about cyber and online security, in order to build a much-more informed culture inside companies. We do so by sharing what we know and what we learn day-to-day. We welcome you on Ermes, here to secure your next click on way or another.

Sito Web
Sicurezza informatica e delle reti
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Torino, Piem.
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Cybersecurity, Cyber, Artificial Intelligence, Web Protection, Startup, Scaleup, Intelligenza Artificiale, AI, Protection, Browser Protection, Mobile Security, Security, Best Workplace, Great Place to Work e Hybrid Work



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    🚨 Why monitoring Browser Extensions is crucial for enterprise security 🚨   Browser extensions have become indispensable for productivity and convenience. However, they represent a significant security risk that enterprises cannot afford to overlook. Here are three key reasons why monitoring and controlling browser extensions is paramount:   1️⃣ Extensions: The Most Dangerous Software in Your Browser While they enhance functionality, extensions have deep access to sensitive data and browser activities. Malicious or compromised extensions can lead to severe security breaches, data theft, and unauthorized access. Shockingly, over 30 malicious extensions with a combined total of 75 million downloads were identified on the Chrome Web Store in 2023 alone (    2️⃣ Uncontrolled Usage Fuels Shadow IT Threats Unmonitored browser extensions contribute to Shadow IT, where unauthorized applications bypass IT control and governance. This not only creates security vulnerabilities but also complicates compliance and data protection efforts.   3️⃣ Traditional Security Tools Cannot Monitor Usage Browser Extensions Traditional security tools fall short in managing the specific threats posed by browser extensions. Only dedicated browser security solutions such as Ermes Browser Security Suite can provide the visibility and control needed to manage these risks effectively.   🔒 Take Action Now! Implement comprehensive browser security solutions to monitor and control browser extensions across your enterprise. Safeguard your data, maintain compliance, and protect your organization from the hidden dangers lurking in seemingly harmless extensions.   #CyberSecurity #EnterpriseSecurity #BrowserExtensions #ShadowIT #DataProtection #ITGovernance #CyberThreats #SecuritySolutions

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    🔹🏐🌞 Team spirit and fun in the sun with Ermes! 🌞🏐🔹 At Ermes Browser Security, our weekly beach volleyball games have become a cherished tradition! It's more than just a game; it's a unique moment for colleagues to bond, unwind, and strengthen team alliances. The sand between our toes, the sun on our faces, and the cheers of support from teammates create an unforgettable atmosphere. These gatherings are the perfect blend of fun and camaraderie, bringing out the best in everyone and reinforcing our collaborative spirit. Join us in celebrating these moments that make Ermes not just a workplace, but a community where team spirit thrives! #TeamErmes #BeachVolleyball #WorkLifeBalance #TeamBuilding #CompanyCulture #FunAtWork

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    🚀 The crucial role of monitoring and sanitizing Business Credentials at the Browser Level for Enterprises 🚀   In today's digital age, the security of #businesscredentials is paramount. One of the most effective ways to ensure this is by monitoring and sanitizing the usage of these credentials at the browser level. Here’s why this approach is vital for your enterprise:   🔍 Full Visibility on user interactions: by implementing security measures at the browser level, enterprises gain comprehensive visibility into user interactions with web pages. This enables precise monitoring and control over how business credentials are used, ensuring they are not misused or exposed.   🔒 Prevent Shadow IT Threats: uncontrolled usage of business credentials is a significant source of threats from Shadow IT. When employees use unauthorized tools and services, they often bypass IT policies, creating security vulnerabilities. Monitoring how and where corporate credentials are used helps identify and prevent these unauthorized activities.   🌐 Real-Time Protection: Browser-level monitoring allows for real-time detection and sanitization of credential usage. This immediate response capability is crucial for preventing credential theft and mitigating potential data breaches before they escalate.   ⚙️ User behavior analytics: understanding how users interact with web services helps in identifying abnormal behaviors that could indicate a security threat. This proactive approach aids in preventing potential breaches and ensuring compliance with security policies. Moreover, Ermes Business Credentials Protection integrates with tools for assessing risky behavior as done by Ermes' Risky Profiles, as well with SIEMs and SOARs.   💼 Enhance compliance and policy enforcement: ensuring that business credentials are used appropriately is essential for compliance with regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others, as well as for certifications such as, e.g., ISO 27001. Browser-level monitoring helps enforce these policies consistently across the organization.   🛡️ Boost Security-Usability Trade-off: By focusing on the browser level, enterprises can implement security measures that are less intrusive and more effective. This approach helps in maintaining a balance between robust security and user convenience.   Investing in browser-level monitoring and sanitization of business credentials is a strategic move to enhance your enterprise’s cybersecurity posture. It’s time to take control and protect your business from potential threats stemming from unauthorized and uncontrolled credential usage.   🔐 Secure your enterprise with advanced browser-level security solutions today! #CyberSecurity #BusinessCredentials #ShadowIT #BrowserSecurity #DataProtection #RealTimeMonitoring #UserBehaviorAnalytics #Compliance   Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with browser-level security in the comments below! ⬇️  

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    🌟 Yesterday was a remarkable day for the Ermes Browser Security team! 🌟 We gathered for an inspiring all-hands meeting in a stunning location nestled in the hills of Turin. The serene environment not only provided breathtaking views but also fueled our discussions and collaborations. From insightful presentations to productive brainstorming sessions, it was a day filled with energy and innovation. A huge thank you to everyone who made this event possible and to our team for their unwavering dedication and passion. Here’s to many more successful gatherings and continued growth! 🚀 #TeamErmes #AllHandsMeeting #Collaboration #Innovation #TurinHills

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    🔒 Supply Chain Attack Alert: Domain Compromise 🔒 In recent days, a significant web supply chain attack has impacted over 100,000 websites. The domain polyfill[.]io, previously used as a CDN to distribute JavaScript libraries, has changed ownership and started distributing malware. As Ermes Browser Security, we immediately took action to protect our clients by blocking access to the malicious domain. Key details: • Thanks to our Browser Security solution, we have been blocking over 20,000 connection attempts to this domain for thousands of Ermes Browser Security users. • We have identified lots of websites that are still fetching scripts and resources form the compromised domain. For more information, you can read the detailed reports here: • Sansec Research on Polyfill Supply Chain Attack ( • The Hacker News Report ( 🚨 Action Required: 1. Review and update your website’s dependencies to ensure they are not referencing the compromised polyfill[.]io domain. 2. Engage with us directly if you have any concerns about your site’s security. Let's stay vigilant and protect our web environments from such threats. #cybersecurity #browsersecurity #supplychainattack #malware #polyfill

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    🚀 The Crucial Role of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) at the Browser Level for Enterprises 🚀 In today’s digital age, safeguarding sensitive data is paramount for enterprises. #DataLossPrevention (DLP) is an essential strategy, especially when implemented at the browser level. Here's why browser-level DLP is a game-changer:   🔍 Full Visibility: Browser-level DLP provides unparalleled visibility into user interactions with web pages. It can monitor, control, and protect data at the point of interaction, ensuring sensitive information doesn't leave the enterprise boundary unintentionally.   🔒 Enhanced Security: Unlike centralized solutions like Security Web Gateways, browser-level DLP can directly oversee and regulate data flow within the user's browser. This localized control prevents data breaches and unauthorized data transfers more effectively.   🧠 Gen AI Platform Protection: Generative AI platforms represent a novel source of data leaking, as they are often misused by users and they inadvertently capture and expose sensitive information. Browser-level DLP helps mitigate these risks by monitoring and controlling interactions with AI tools, ensuring data integrity.   📊 Comprehensive Data Protection: Browser-level DLP covers all interactions, including form submissions, uploads, downloads, and copy-paste actions. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive protection of sensitive data across all web activities.   🌐 Real-Time Monitoring: By implementing DLP at the browser level, enterprises can perform real-time monitoring and enforce policies immediately. This ensures that any attempts to leak sensitive information are thwarted instantaneously.   ⚙️ Shadow IT Protection: With detailed insights into user behavior, browser-level DLP can identify suspicious activities and potential insider threats. This proactive approach enables enterprises to mitigate risks before they escalate.   💡 Seamless Integration: Implementing DLP at the browser level is less intrusive and integrates seamlessly with existing security frameworks. It provides an additional layer of security without compromising user experience or productivity.   Investing in browser-level DLP is a #strategic move for any enterprise aiming to protect sensitive data and maintain robust security. It's time to elevate your data protection strategy and ensure your enterprise's critical information remains secure.   🔐 Secure your enterprise with advanced browser-level DLP solutions today!  Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with browser-level DLP in the comments below! ⬇️ #CyberSecurity #DataLossPrevention #DLP #EnterpriseSecurity #BrowserLevelDLP #DataProtection #RealTimeMonitoring #UserBehaviorAnalytics #GenAI #DataLeakPrevention

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    📣 National Conference for the creation of a Cyber Capacity Building Ecosystem  📣 Today, Ermes Browser Security is honored to participate in the National Conference for the Creation of a Cyber Capacity Building Ecosystem at the Farnesina in Rome. This significant event, inaugurated by Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Antonio Tajani, along with Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency Prefect Bruno Frattasi, aims to foster discussions on strengthening our cybersecurity capabilities. We're thrilled to engage with industry leaders and contribute to the international projection and promotion of Italian know-how. Together, we are paving the way for a secure digital future through public-private partnerships and international collaborations. Stay tuned for updates and key takeaways from the conference! #CyberSecurity #CapacityBuilding #Ermes #Innovation #DigitalFuture #CyberConference2024

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    🌪 Google Cloud Summit Milan! ⚡ Yesterday, our team had the big opportunity to attend the #GoogleCloudSummit in Milan. The event was a hub of innovation, collaboration, and inspiration, bringing together industry leaders and cloud enthusiasts from around the globe. We were thrilled to delve into the latest advancements in cloud technology, explore groundbreaking solutions, and discuss how these innovations can drive our projects forward. The sessions on AI, machine learning, and data analytics were particularly enlightening, providing us with fresh insights and strategies to leverage in our ongoing initiatives. A huge thank you to #Google Cloud for hosting such a fantastic event and to all the speakers and participants who made it so engaging and informative. We are more motivated than ever to implement these new ideas and continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible with cloud technology. Looking forward to the next summit and to all the exciting developments ahead! #GoogleCloudSummit #Milan #CloudComputing #Innovation #TechConference

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    In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, timing is key. Businesses today face an unprecedented number of cyber threats, with #phishing websites being one of the most common and dangerous. According to IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, 16% of data breaches are caused by phishing as the initial attack vector, with an average cost of $4.76M. Moreover, 80% of phishing campaigns are highly targeted and have a lifespan shorter than a few hours since attackers have no interest in keeping them live once the attack has succeeded. For this reason, staying protected against phishing websites as soon as they are created is crucial for your business: 🔒 Immediate threat detection and prevention: Phishing websites are designed to look like legitimate sites to steal sensitive information from users. By adopting Ermes' Zero-day Anti-Phishing protection, businesses can block these malicious sites before they trick employees or customers into divulging confidential information. 🌐 Minimize data breach risks: data breaches resulting from phishing attacks can have devastating financial and reputational consequences. Proactive phishing protection helps prevent these costly incidents. 📉 Reduce downtime and operational disruption: phishing attacks can lead to significant downtime, disrupting business operations. With Ermes' Zero-day Anti-Phishing protection, businesses can ensure continuity and maintain productivity by preventing these attacks from causing harm. 🔍 Stay ahead of evolving threats: cybercriminals continuously develop new phishing techniques. Ermes Browser Security' Zero-day Anti-Phishing uses AI and machine learning to detect and block new phishing sites as they emerge, keeping your defenses one step ahead. 📈 Compliance and regulatory adherence: many industries have strict data protection regulations (e.g., Healthcare and Finance). Ermes' Zero-day Anti-Phishing protection helps businesses comply with these regulations (EU DORA, NIS2, GDPR, etc.) by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data. Integrating phishing protection from the moment these malicious sites are created is not just a best practice; it's a necessity in today's digital landscape. Protect your business, employees, and customers by staying vigilant and proactive against phishing threats. 🔐 Secure your enterprise with Ermes' Zero-day Anti-Phishing protection today! It can be deployed either via Ermes Browser Security Suite or via Ermes CTI. #CyberSecurity #PhishingProtection #EnterpriseSecurity #DataProtection #RealTimeSecurity #CustomerTrust

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    🚀 The Crucial Role of Content Filtering in Enterprise Security 🚀 In the ever-evolving digital landscape, enterprises face a multitude of cyber threats daily. One essential measure for bolstering security is content filtering, particularly when implemented at the browser level with URL granularity. Here’s why your organization should prioritize this practice:   🔒 Enhanced Security: Content filtering at the browser level helps block access to unauthorised websites. By filtering content based on URL granularity, enterprises can ensure that only safe and approved websites are accessible, significantly reducing the risk of malware infections and data breaches.   🌐 Granular Control: URL-based filtering allows IT administrators to apply precise controls over which websites can be accessed. This means that specific pages within a domain can be blocked while still allowing access to other safe parts of the site. Such granularity is vital for maintaining productivity while ensuring robust security.   🚫 Compliance and Policy Enforcement: Many industries have strict compliance requirements for data protection and internet usage. Content filtering helps enforce these policies by restricting access to non-compliant or inappropriate websites, thus aiding in adherence to regulatory standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others.   💸 Cost-Effective Solution: Implementing browser-level URL filtering helps avoid the need for SSL inspection, which is notoriously costly and resource-intensive. SSL inspection requires decrypting and re-encrypting traffic, demanding significant computational power and potentially introducing latency. By filtering URLs directly at the browser level, enterprises can achieve high security without incurring these additional costs.   📈 Productivity Improvement: By blocking distracting and non-work-related sites, content filtering helps improve employee productivity. Employees stay focused on their tasks without the temptation of browsing social media, entertainment, or other non-essential websites during work hours.   Implementing content filtering at the browser level with URL granularity is a strategic move for any enterprise aiming to enhance security, ensure compliance, and boost productivity. It's a simple yet effective layer of defense in your cybersecurity arsenal.   🔐 Secure your enterprise with robust content filtering solutions today! #CyberSecurity #ContentFiltering #EnterpriseSecurity #URLGranularity #DataProtection #Productivity #Compliance   Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with content filtering in the comments below! ⬇️

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