Il Gruppo American Heart of Poland (Ahp), parte del Gruppo San Donato e di Gksd, operativo nel sistema sanitario pubblico, ha concluso l’acquisizione del Gruppo Scanmed, il quale include oltre 30 strutture sanitarie, tra cui: 4 ospedali multispecialistici, 3 cliniche specialistiche, reparti di cardiologia e una rete di ambulatori di medicina primaria e di assistenza specialistica. Leggi l’intero articolo 👉🏻
GKSD Investment Holding
Servizi finanziari
Milano, Lombardia 3.613 follower
A Trusted Investment Company. Turning Vision into Reality
Chi siamo
Born from the union of two leading companies, GKSD is a joint venture between GK Investment Holding, founded and chaired by Kamel Ghribi, and Gruppo San Donato, the leading private hospital Group in Italy. GKSD is active in business and government advisory, global investments and construction, healthcare and medical research, and aims to boost the core activities of the two founding Groups.
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- Servizi finanziari
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Milano, Lombardia
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
Via Senato, 12
Milano, Lombardia 20121, IT
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Very pleased for GKSD Investment Holding - Gruppo San Donato being awarded for its Excellence in High Growth Investment Strategies in the EMEA region in Healthcare in 2024 by Capital Finance International. GKSD Investment Holding Group – Gruppo San Donato in Italy exemplifies a strategic focus on elevating advanced healthcare through investment in cutting-edge medical research, technology, and professional training. Under the leadership of Kamel Ghribi, the group prioritises making quality, compassionate healthcare accessible to all, not just the wealthy. Its integrated model includes education through Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, renowned for its master’s and PhD programs, thereby addressing the global need for qualified healthcare professionals. The group’s pioneering work in gene and stem cell therapy, along with notable firsts in robot-assisted operations, underscores a commitment to innovation. Additionally, the GKSD provides sustainable infrastructure solutions, highlighted by projects like the off-grid IRCSS Ospedale Galeazzi Hospital in Milan. The group’s strategic expansion is evident in its operations across Italy, Poland, Romania, and Iraq. A key partnership with Generali Insurance in Italy aims to establish 70 plus smart outpatient clinics, enhancing healthcare coverage nationwide. Significant takeovers, such as acquiring The American Heart of Poland and ScanMed Group, further solidify its influence. Humanitarian efforts extend to Syria and Lebanon, while GKSD also manages hospital concessions in Iraq and is expanding organically in Romania. GKSD’s commitment to sustainable healthcare incorporates state-of-the-art technology and continuous research investment. Its environmental initiatives include waste-to-energy projects and comprehensive waste and water treatment programmes. The 360-degree value chain created around the healthcare component, from services to educational and environmental initiatives, reflects core values of professionalism, integrity, teamwork, innovation, and dedication to a better future for humanity and the planet. The Judging Panel congratulates GKSD Investment Holding Group – Gruppo San Donato on winning the 2024 award for Excellence in High-Growth Investment Strategies (EMEA).
Behind every great group is a team of talented people who make the impossible possible. People who work day in day out to bring a vision into life. GKSD and GSD are much more than companies – we are Italy’s first Hospital Group and leaders in medical and operational excellence. We are defined by our strength and the rich background of our employees who come from all around the world. With every new team member we become stronger. Unleash the power of your potential. Bring your unique talent to GSD &GKSD and join us in our quest to redefine the art of healthcare by bringing our excellence to every corner of the globe. Click here 👉🏻
On September the 3rd, 2024, at the World Economic Forum Head Quarters in Geneva, Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum and Mr. Kamel Ghribi, Founder and President of GKSD Investment Holding, joined forces to sign a groundbreaking partnership agreement! The agreement marks a collaboration that will enhance efforts in crucial sectors such as Healthcare, Environmental Technologies, Energy, Trade, and Geopolitics. The partnership will also focus on transformative initiatives, including Health Equity, Women’s Health, Energy Transition, and Foreign Direct Investment, in alignment with the EU Green Deal. GKSD is proud of its mission to help build a brighter, healthier, and more sustainable future for all! #PartnershipForChange #WEF #GKSD #Healthcare #Sustainability #WomenHealth #EnergyTransition #GreenDeal #Geneva2024 #KamelGhribi #GKSDHolding #GruppoSanDonato #PartnershipForChange #WEF #GKSD #Healthcare #Sustainability #WomenHealth #EnergyTransition #GreenDeal #Geneva2024
True leaders can only lead by example. At GKSD/GSD our word is our bond. We promised the Iraqi Government, led by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, that we would transform the Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Teaching Hospital into a world-class healthcare facility using GSD medical excellence and Italian engineering and design expertise. Following months of hard work and collaboration with our Iraqi counterparts in the field, we have delivered exactly what we said we would in the first MoU signed in late 2023. GKSD/GSD – Together we can make a difference!
#GKSD Chairman Kamel Ghribi and Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani were accompanied by a host of Iraqi and Italian officials in Najaf today for the inauguration ceremony of the new Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Teaching Hospital. The transformation of the hospital is testament to the power of collaboration and innovation and marks a significant milestone in the #healthcare sector of #Iraq. In his push to achieve a modern, world-class healthcare facility for the people of Najaf, Prime Minister Sudani knew that GKSD and GSD would bring their knowledge and resources to the table to help turn his vision into a reality. Today’s inauguration #ceremony is a powerful reminder that with determination, hard work, and a shared vision, anything is possible. The Najaf Teaching hospital stands as a testament to the power of teamwork and the ability to create positive change when we come together for a common purpose. Together, we can make a difference, and the Najaf Teaching hospital is proof of that.
Il team GKSD-GSD è arrivato a Baghdad per l'apertura ufficiale di Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Teaching Hospital in programma il 29 luglio. Il team, composto da medici e sanitari, ingegneri ed esperti di diversi settori, supporterà lo sviluppo di servizi sanitari di qualità che mirano a migliorare le capacità sanitarie dell'Iraq, sostenendo l'iniziativa del Primo Ministro iracheno S.E. Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani per una migliore assistenza a tutti i cittadini. Il dottor Kamel Ghribi ha espresso la sua gratitudine e si è congratulato con il team GKSD-GSD per l'importante traguardo raggiunto nel lavoro di adeguamento dell'ospedale universitario Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf in vista dell'apertura ufficiale. Il gruppo GKSD-GSD è impegnato a migliorare il sistema sanitario iracheno e a aggiornare i suoi standard di assistenza in linea con gli standard internazionali.
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L’accordo con Gruppo San Donato e GKSD Investment Holding costituisce un passo importante verso un Sistema Salute più sostenibile nel nostro Paese e rientra appieno nella nostra strategia #PartnerDiVita, che ha come pilastro proprio la protezione della #Salute delle persone. La nuova società, Smart Clinic S.p.A., basata su un moderno ecosistema integrato sanità-assicurazione, frutto della sinergia tra il know-how dei due leader nazionali nei rispettivi ambiti, prevede lo sviluppo di una rete che comprenderà un centinaio di strutture entro il 2030. Attraverso questa joint venture vogliamo offrire una proposta innovativa per il panorama italiano basata sui principi dell’elevata qualità sanitaria, dell’accessibilità e della vicinanza a territori e comunità. Un’iniziativa che rivolgiamo non solo ai nostri clienti, ma a tutti i cittadini italiani, per rispondere al loro crescente bisogno di prevenzione, servizi, tecnologia e protezione. Ringrazio tutte le persone che hanno reso possibile questo accordo e faccio le mie congratulazioni a Vito Cozzoli, che presiederà questa nuova realtà sotto la guida dell’Amministratore Delegato Bonifacio Moroni e dei consiglieri, Francesco Galli, Francesco Bardelli e Gavino Arrica. Generali Italia
GKSD Investment Holding ha diffuso questo post
Firmato il closing dell’accordo strategico tra Gruppo San Donato, GKSD Investment Holding e Generali Italia: nasce Smart Clinic S.p.A., la società joint venture che ha come obiettivo la realizzazione, entro il 2030, di un network di circa 100 strutture sanitarie sull’intero territorio italiano. La nuova società rappresenta una risposta innovativa alla crescente richiesta di cura e prevenzione della popolazione e alla progressiva evoluzione verso una sanità basata su servizi di cura personalizzati e con standard elevati. Un contributo concreto alla sostenibilità del Sistema Salute del Paese, con l’obiettivo di favorire l’efficienza e l’efficacia dei percorsi di cura. Smart Clinic presenta, infatti, un’innovativa proposta sul mercato italiano che integra le cure in tutte le specialità mediche con un’importante focalizzazione su prevenzione e benessere, attenzione alla customer experience, accessibilità alle prestazioni, elevati standard qualitativi e utilizzo delle migliori tecnologie. Tutti i dettagli dell’accordo sono disponibili qui: #PartnerDiVita
GKSD Investment Holding ha diffuso questo post
Firmato il closing dell’accordo strategico tra Gruppo San Donato, GKSD Investment Holding e Generali Italia: nasce Smart Clinic S.p.A., la società joint venture che ha come obiettivo la realizzazione, entro il 2030, di un network di circa 100 strutture sanitarie sull’intero territorio italiano. La nuova realtà sarà presieduta da Vito Cozzoli, sotto la guida dell’Amministratore Delegato Bonifacio Moroni e dei consiglieri, Francesco Galli, Francesco Bardelli e Gavino Arrica, nominati dai soci. 🔹 Leggi la news: