mHealth Technologies

mHealth Technologies

Servizi benessere e fitness

Movement analysis in one touch

Chi siamo

mHealth Technologies s.r.l. is a spin-off of the University of Bologna. We were born in July 2014 following successful experiences matured in national and international research activities in the field of active and healthy ageing and in the field of movement disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease. We are a team of expert researchers in the fields of movement analysis, signal processing, algorithm development, wearable sensors, and data mining. We propose wearable solutions for monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of the motor function. We address the needs of an ageing population and of people with motor impairments. mHT solutions provide relevant outcomes to the clinician and effective feedback to the users. Users become proactive in their health management. mHT solutions are easy-to-use systems. Depending on the specific motor impairment, we use smartphones, tablet and ad hoc sensors. We can also fully customize our systems in order to answer your specific needs, and we can provide support and data analysis service. The ambitious objective of mHT is to take healthcare out of the hospital and to embed it into people’s lives.

Sito Web
Servizi benessere e fitness
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
wearable sensors, monitoring, assessment, rehabilitation, data analysis, motion analysis, signal processing e inertial sensors


Dipendenti presso mHealth Technologies


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