Fabbricazione di prodotti chimici

We make sustainable technology solutions to inspire the energy transition.

Chi siamo

NextChem, a MAIRE company. Lead by our group's purpose, we are working on developing and providing technology solutions, processes & basic engineering design, and proprietary equipment & catalyst, to propel the world towards decarbonization. Hydrogen & Circular Carbon We enable the decarbonization of industries through the valorization and utilization of captured CO2 and the implementation of technologies to produce cost-effective, clean and green hydrogen. Fuels & Chemicals As long-term leaders in hydrotreating and hydrocracking, we are now applying our expertise to develop bio-based fuel and SAF as well as Syngas for methanol, ethanol and e-Fuel. Polymers Our technology offering in Sustainable Polymers is extensive and comprehensive: Plastic Upcycling, Chemical Recycling, and Biodegradable and compostable polymers.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di prodotti chimici
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione

Dipendenti presso NEXTCHEM


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