
Leading Logistics Real Estate development company in Italy

Chi siamo

SEGRO is a leading owner, manager and developer of modern warehouses and industrial property, with 10.8 million square metres of space across the UK and Continental Europe. In Italy we began operations in Milan in 2007. In 2015 we acquired Vailog S.r.l., a leading Italian developer, which had developed 1.5M sq m of space since its foundation in 2003. This paved the way for us to grow scale in the Italian development and investment markets. Since the acquisition, SEGRO has developed over 2 M sq m of logistics properties across Northern, Central and Southern Italy, including Big Box warehouses, City Logistics and Urban warehouses.

Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Assago - Milan
Società quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso SEGRO Italy


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    As a creator of exceptional buildings we rely on exceptional people to lead the way forward.   We’ve appointed Luca Emiliano Sorbara as Head of Italy, responsible for operations and continuing to grow and enhance our portfolio in the Italian market – the fourth largest in the Group by value.   Luca has been SEGRO’s Co-head of Italy since April 2023 during which time he has overseen the full integration of Vailog into SEGRO following our acquisition of the final 5% of shares in April 2023, as well as a number of strategic acquisitions and disposals. His appointment coincides with the end of the integration period and the formal dissolution of Vailog S.r.l which has become SEGRO Italy S.r.l.   Click here for more information:

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SEGRO Italy, immagine

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    #Intermodality represents the sustainable future of commercial transports.   We are particularly proud of this project, carried out in collaboration with Castel San Giovanni Municipality, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. and Engineering 2K S.p.A., which is making SEGRO Logistics Park Castel San Giovanni even more sustainable.   Introducing commercial freight in our Logistics Parks is a good example of how we carry out the #ResponsibelSEGRO strategies of Championing low carbon growth and Investing in our local communities and the environment.   SEGRO plc

    Primo treno al polo logistico di Castello: inaugurato il raccordo ferroviario

    Primo treno al polo logistico di Castello: inaugurato il raccordo ferroviario

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SEGRO Italy, immagine

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    We have completed a new 17,000 sqm logistics facility within Interporto Sud Europa.    The building “SEGRO Logistics Park Naples 3” is fully let to SDA Poste Italiane and it follows the 35,000 sqm already developed within the park.   Designed as a cross-docking facility, SEGRO Logistics Park Naples 3 will serve as a sorting centre, enabling our client to benefit from a highly technological and efficient structure capable of ensuring a fully automated distribution chain for the receipt, sorting and shipping of goods. The facility is designed to offer an optimal working environment, featuring various usable outdoor areas and a modern, bright office space where the choice of materials and the use of large windows are aimed at ensuring workers’ wellbeing. In line with our #ResponsibleSEGRO strategy of Investing in our local communities and the environment, the building has been built according to the “BREEAM Excellent” standards and is provided with outdoor green spaces focused on biodiversity protection and the preservation of the typical local flora, which are complemented by a lemon grove with 100 lemon trees planted in the areas surrounding the new development. SEGRO plc

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SEGRO Italy, immagine

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    Sustainability, Technology, High Quality are the keywords that best describe Tannico warehouse at SEGRO Logistics Park Castel San Giovanni.   Watch the video to discover how these keywords become reality in technologically advanced day-to-day logistics operations.   SEGRO plc #ResponsibleSEGRO

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Tannico, immagine

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    Giornata Mondiale dell'Ambiente 2024: Il nostro impegno per un futuro sostenibile Oggi, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell'Ambiente, vogliamo raccontarvi il nostro impegno verso un futuro più verde e condividere con voi come abbiamo implementato soluzioni all'avanguardia per garantire una gestione sostenibile e rispettosa delle risorse naturali. a) Warehouse: Il nostro magazzino di Castel San Giovanni (PC) è un esempio di innovazione sostenibile. La copertura sul tetto di 300 kW di pannelli solari ci consente di sostenere il fabbisogno energetico che serve a conservare oltre 500.000 bottiglie stoccate a temperatura controllata b) Packaging: nel corso degli anni abbiamo migliorato le nostre confezioni.  I nostri imballi sono fatti interamente da cartone FSC, di cui il 70% è di carta riciclata e ora utilizziamo il 39% in meno di materiale rispetto ai modelli precedenti. Inoltre tutto l’imballo può essere riciclabile una volta arrivato alla sua destinazione. c) Partner: collaboriamo con partner attenti all’ambiente e alla sostenibilità e crediamo che scegliere un vino possa essere un’azione fatta nel rispetto della natura. Dai biologici ai naturali, fino ai biodinamici scopri le cantine che hanno a cuore il benessere del pianeta Il nostro obiettivo è fornire un servizio eccellente, innovativo e rispettoso dell’ambiente e per farlo ci impegneremo ancora di più nello studio di ottimizzazione di tutte le nostre pratiche, dal magazzino agli uffici. #Tannico #ForTheLoveofWine #worldenvironmentday

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SEGRO Italy, immagine

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    At Vailog SEGRO we are recognised for developing next-generation warehouses with a strong focus on the environmental benefits and the wellbeing of workers.   We are also committed to investing in the communities where we operate: this is one of the main drivers of #ResponsibleSEGRO, our Group ESG Strategy.   The latest example of our commitment is the donation to the local Municipality of a 39,000 sqm wooded area in Casirate (BG), called “Bosco Tondo”, with the scope of being converted into a WWF protected area and opened to the community.   Since 2018, year of acquisition of Bosco Tondo, we have strived to preserve this area and its biodiversity. We are pleased that thanks to WWF ITALIA this commitment to preservation we started will be continued for many years to come.   Read here the full article:  

    Vailog SEGRO devolve a WWF Italia un’area boschiva

    Vailog SEGRO devolve a WWF Italia un’area boschiva

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SEGRO Italy, immagine

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    We are delighted to be meeting our stakeholders at the Global Summit Logistics & Supply Chain on May 22nd and 23rd in Lazise (Lake Garda). It will be an opportunity for us to share new projects and opportunities for collaboration.   Our Co-Head Luca Emiliano Sorbara said: “The logistics sector is going through an important transition phase, driven by the emergence of new requirements, innovative trends and challenges dictated by the current macro-economic environment. Through our presence at the event, we want to put our deep expertise and knowledge of market dynamics at the disposal of companies facing these challenges, and we look forward to meeting and networking with a wider range of stakeholders”.   Stay tuned for more updates on the event!   Read the full press release here:   SEGRO plc

    Vailog SEGRO partner del GLSummit 2024 - Global Summit Logistics & Supply Chain

    Vailog SEGRO partner del GLSummit 2024 - Global Summit Logistics & Supply Chain

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SEGRO Italy, immagine

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    In a recent interview with Gabriella Grillo for Il Giornale della Logistica, GIULIO FRANCESCO DELLA TORRE, the co-head of our business in Italy, discussed Vailog SEGRO’s developments and projects, focusing on our ESG objectives and strategy.   Giulio explained how our #ResponsibleSEGRO framework, which is how SEGRO delivers its ESG strategy, is driving us to reach the highest innovation and sustainability standards.   By committing to it, we have been building modern warehouses with a strong focus on sustainability, wellbeing, energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions.   Read the full article here:   SEGRO plc #SEGRO

    Vailog SEGRO: la migliore soluzione possibile

    Vailog SEGRO: la migliore soluzione possibile

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