Save the date. Today, February 18, Torneria Tortona, 11:30 am
#staytuned - A Sneak Peek into our February upcoming events: February 18 - 11:30 pm Giovanni Giacobone, Managing Partner at Sportium participates at the launch of the new swimming pool #CITY designed for Piscine Laghetto by Sportium and Progetto CMR in collaboration with Granitech and Iris Ceramica February 18 - 11:30 pm For the 'XL Corso di Alta Formazione Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia in Rome, Massimo Roj, Founding partner e CEO at Progetto CMR will participate to the Round Table "Sicurezza e Comunita - Diritto e responsabilita collettiva nelle strategie per costruire una cultura della sicurezza condivisa" and will be main speaker at the Panel "Gestione del territorio, riqualificazione delle aree urbane ed azioni a prevenzione e contrasto del crimine". Auditorium "Prefetto Carlo Mosca", Rome February 20 - 11:00 pm For the live broadcast organized by the il Quotidiano Immobiliare: "Real Estate: la filiera fa la forza", Massimo Roj, Founding partner e CEO at Progetto CMR, will speak on the occasion of the speech "L’integrazione tra real estate e industria manifatturiera" on the role of the architect in these two areas. February 20 - 17:30 pm Massimo Roj, Founding partner e CEO at Progetto CMR is invited to Medelhan Hospitality Club in Milan to talk about "Vantaggi e Impatti della Progettazione Integrata per l’Ospitalità". A networking opportunity to explore the future of the hospitality industry, with a focus on key intersections between investment, technology, design, sustainability and business.